Shared Flashcard Set


Objective 2 Roles traits in situations
Undergraduate 1

Additional Psychology Flashcards




Trait View
We think and behave consistently across situations.
- Centre on notion of there being particular dimensions (traits) that to a certain degree characterize most or all individuals.
- An example of such a trait is that of “sensation seeking” (Zuckerman 1994)
- “Sensation seekers” characterized by susceptibility to boredom, tendency to be thrill- seekers, risk takers etc.
- Can use a trait to understand their personality, but not to explain and predict their behavior because its more than just a trait that can influence behavior
- We have more than one trait that, so other aspects of our traits have impact on our behaviors and decisions
- Might score highly on one trait but is influenced by other traits
Trait theorists all have the following ideas in common
1. We possess broad predispositions – traits.
2. High levels of a trait - tendencies to behave in certain ways.
3. Direct correspondence between performance on trait-related actions and possession of trait.
4. Human behaviour and personality organised into a hierarchy.
Trait view - Why would a person act out of character?
May occur because of different factors e.g. stress levels (situational or trait if person gets more stressed easily), social rules, alcohol or drug use (situational but interaction of trait if person is more likely to drink alcohol).
Situationist View
Our thoughts and behaviors change with the situation. Personality is usually different depending on the situation that you are in.
- Situation interacting with personality
- It has been argued that if much of our behaviour depends on the situation in which we find ourselves more than our personality
- Perhaps there aren't consistent personality traits at all.
- Studies have found consistency of personality traits in similar situations, but inconsistency in different situations. E.g. students more stressed and snappy before exams
- These findings led to the theory of situationism, a person’s behaviour is mostly governed by the particular situation, not by internal traits.
- Situationism recognizes that people create their own situations because we tend to chose our situations according to our personality.
Interactionist view
Both traits and situations affect thoughts and behavior.
- Interaction between the person and the situation.
- In situations that are psychologically similar, the person will behave in similar ways. This is called interactionism.
- Over long periods of time and over many similar situations, people are fairly consistent and personality traits become reliably evident.
- Sometimes we are better to look at the higher level trait in order to make a measurement according to different situations
- Several traits may interact, along with situational factor to influence the person's behaviour.
- Situations can influence the characteristic behaviours that people exhibit BUT personality also affects situations chosen
- Personality influences how people perceive, encode, remember, and respond in any given situation.
- People choose their situations,, friends, hobbies and people tend to choose environments that fit their personalities.
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