Shared Flashcard Set


People and Places
Test 2 P&P
Undergraduate 2

Additional Geography Flashcards




Studying population geography

 Spatial and temporal patterns of pop. distribution
 mplications of pop. distribution
Reasons of pop. distribution

 Scales of analysis
 Description, assessment, explanation, prediction

 Other statistics, survey data, interview dada

 Geo-demographics and marketing


The study of the characteristics of human populations


Sources of Information
The count of the number of people in a country, region, or city

Vital Records
 Information about births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and the incidences of certain infectious diseases, labor, income, immigration, aboriginal people…


**Civil registration of births, marriages and deaths is a provincial responsibility

Spatial distribution of population

Population density
P.D. = total number of people divided by the
total land area (arithmetic density)

 Nutritional density: pop. v.s. the cultivated land
 Agricultural density:

Ecumene - habitable land area


  • 60% of people live below 200 meters (650 feet) in elevation.
  • 80% live below 500 meters (1,650 feet) 
  • 2/3 of population lives within 500 kilometers (300 miles) of an ocean, most inhabit alluvial lowlands and river valleys.


Effects of regional conditions
-Biophysical conditions
-Climatic, geomorphologic, vegetation, etc.
-Regional accessibility

- Level of economic development
-Social and economic infrastructure
-Distribution of urban centers

Population Structure and AGE-SEX pyramids

 Population Structure

-population composition: its significance

-age structure (ie. baby boomers)

-sex structure (ie. women of childbearing age)


Age-sex pyramids
 Cohort: individuals sharing a common temporal
demographic experience. e.g.age group, time of
marriage, etc.
Construction of population pyramid




Aspects of Germany’s Age-Sex Pyramid
�� WWI & WWII male deaths
�� Birth deficits of WWI & WWII
�� Excess females in the wake of war
�� Postwar baby boom
�� Baby bust in the rapidly developing, and
now defunct, country of West Germany




Dependency Ratio and Implications of Ageing



Dependency Ratio

-measuring effects on economically productive
members of population
-Young cohort (< age 15), middle cohort (age 15 –
64), and old cohort (>= age 65)
-Dependent age groups in relation to potential labour force participants
-Sensitive to age structure


Dependency Ratio = [(P0-14 + P65+)/P15-64]*100


Implications of Ageing

-Youth decline
-Impact on education system
 -Impact on housing, recreational properties
- Goods & services
-Old age cohorts
 -Health care


Policy and Age Structure

-“baby bonus” in Quebec in 1990s
-Productivity incentives
-Nontraditional countries
-Nontraditional regions

Population Dynamics and Processes

CBR - Crude Birth Rate

-Total number of live births in a year per 1000
Factors affecting level of CBR
-Level of economic development
-Education, cultural traditions and religious
-Population structure
-Availability of contraceptives
-Government policies on family planning


TFR -Total Fertility Rate

-average number of children a woman will have during her childbearing age (15-49)

*CBR is descriptive, TFR is predictive

-TFR slightly higher than 2 means stable population

IN CANADA: 1946-3.3/1986-1.67/2006-1.5

 -Niger is highest at 7.9


CDR - Crude Death Rate

-Total number of deaths per 1000 people

Factors affecting level of CDR
-Level of economic development and poverty
-Population structure
-Availability of health-care
-Social and occupation structure
-Government policies on family planning  


NGR -Natural Growth Rate

- Difference bet. CBR and CDR
-1.8 % means the population size will be doubled in
40 years


Life Expectancy

-average number of years an infant newborn can expect to live

-in canada, secular increase over time, and male/female gap grows over time


Infant Mortality Rate

-annual # infant deaths per 1000 live births-

-reduces life expectancy and population growth

-A sound indicator of health-care accessibility, maternity nutrition level, and general level of development

Demographic Transition

Demographic Transition Model

-The theory on the relationships among population
growth, industrialization, urbanization, and
Demographic transition Phases
�� Phase 1: stable pop. with high CBR and CDR
�� Phase 2: critical transitional phase, with high
CBR and declining CDR
�� Phase 3: moderate pop. Growth, with declining
CBR and low CDR
�� Phase 4: stable pop. with low CBR and CDR



-Historically verified generalization

- But is it a good guide to the future?
- Industrialization, urbanization, skills development & capital formation, universal education
- “The best contraceptive is development”
- “The best contraceptives are contraceptives!”



Population Movement and Migration

-ability to move, permanently or temporarily

-emigration – move from a location
-Immigration – move to another location
-International or internal


Gross migration:-total numbers of migrants move into and out of a place

Net migration:
-difference between in-migrant and out-migrants
in a place during a certain period


Push factors:
-impel individuals to move from a location
Pull factors:
-attracting individuals to a particular location


***both voluntary and forced migration exist***

 **Migration can exist internally** (ie. rural-urban migration)


Theory - 1798

-Geometric growth of population due to human sexual practices
-Arithmetic growth of food production due to limits of resources
-Over-population, negative checks, positive


-Industrialization & displacement of agricultural workers
-Urbanization & Poor Laws
-Phase 2 of demographic transition
-“power of the population is indefinitely greater
than the power of the earth to produce subsistence”


TWO Postulates:

1)Food is essential to human survival

2)Passion between the sexes is constant


Preventative check – “moral restraint”
Positive checks – Pestilence, war, famine & death

Population and Resources

Neo-malthusian perspectives
Threats to earth’s resources


Economic perspectives

 Technological development
Human ingenuity and creativity

Political-economy perspective

 Distribution of resources


Population- resource equation
-The social organization of resource scarcity
-Technical and cultural appraisal of nature
-The standard of living of the population
-The number of people

Over-population, underdevelopment, and
environmental degradation.


Targets of population policies
-Reducing fertility rate: pop growth

-Regulating population migration: pop distribution

Implementation programs
-Provision of contraceptives
-Education to women

Picturing future population

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