Shared Flashcard Set


Organize Math Class
Undergraduate 1

Additional Communication Flashcards




Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication
p. 60

Students gain insights into their thinking when they present their methods for solving problems, when they justify their reasoning to a » classmate or teacher, or when they formulate a question about something that is puzzling to them. Communication can support students' learning of new mathematical concepts as they act out a situation, draw, use objects, give verbal accounts and explanations, use diagrams, write, and use mathematical symbols. Misconceptions can be identified and addressed. A side benefit is that it reminds students that they share responsibility with the teacher for the learning that occurs in the lesson (Silver, Kilpatrick, and Schlesinger 1990).
Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and othersIn order for a mathematical result to be recognized as correct, the proposed proof must be accepted by the community of professional mathematicians. Students need opportunities to test their ideas on the basis of shared knowledge in the mathematical community of the classroom to see whether they can be understood and if they are sufficiently convincing. When such ideas are worked out in public, students can profit from being part of the discussion, and the teacher can monitor their learning (Lampert 1990) Build a community in which students feel free to express their ideas. This effectively supports discourse. Students in the lower grades need help from teachers in order to share mathematical ideas with one another in ways that are clear enough for other students to understand. In these grades, learning to see things from other people's perspectives is a challenge for students. Starting in grades 3–5, students should gradually take more responsibility for participating in whole-class discussions and responding to one another directly. They should become better at listening, paraphrasing, questioning, and interpreting others' ideas. For some students, participation in class discussions is a challenge. For example, students in the middle grades are often reluctant to stand out in any way during group interactions. Despite this fact, teachers can succeed in creating communication-rich environments in middle-grades mathematics classrooms. By the time students graduate from high school, they should have internalized standards of dialogue and argument so that they always aim to present clear and complete arguments and work to clarify and complete them » when they fall short. Modeling and carefully posed questions can help clarify age-appropriate expectations for student work.
Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely

As students articulate their mathematical understanding in the lower grades, they begin by using everyday, familiar language. This provides a base on which to build a connection to formal mathematical language. Teachers can help students see that some words that are used in everyday language, such as similar, factor, area, or function, are used in mathematics with different or more-precise meanings. This observation is the foundation for understanding the concept of mathematical definitions. It is important to give students experiences that help them appreciate the power and precision of mathematical language. Beginning in the middle grades, students should understand the role of mathematical definitions and should use them in mathematical work. Doing so should become pervasive in high school. However, it is important to avoid a premature rush to impose formal mathematical language; students need to develop an appreciation of the need for precise definitions and for the communicative power of conventional mathematical terms by first communicating in their own words. Allowing students to grapple with their ideas and develop their own informal means of expressing them can be an effective way to foster engagement and ownership.
Technology affords other opportunities and challenges for the development and analysis of language. The symbols used in a spreadsheet may be related to, but are not the same as, the algebraic symbols used generally by mathematicians. Students will profit from experiences that require comparisons of standard mathematical expressions with those used with popular tools like spreadsheets or calculators.
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