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OB GYN drugs used
OB Drugs
Undergraduate 4

Additional Nursing Flashcards




Ampicillin (Unasyn)
Pharm class: Anti-infective
Normal Dose Range 1.5g-3g;
Route: IV/IM
Indication: Gynecological infections
Adverse Reactions: diarrhea; pruritis; elevated liver enzymes;blood sycrasiasis; anaphylaxis. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to penicillin.Infectious mono; nursing mothers. Nsg considerations: Assess vs,urine, stools, wound, obtain specimen for culture. Observe for allergic reactions; Teach to notify physician if symptoms doesn't improve.
Magnesium Sulfate
Pharm Class: Mineral
Normal Dose Range:4-5g
Route: IV,IM
Indications: To prevent seizures in preterm labor for women with eclampsia or preeclampsia.
Contraindications: increased Mg+ level, anuria, heart block, active labor within 2 hours of delivery, low Ca+ levels. Adverse Reactions: diarrhea, drowsiness, hypotension, sweating, hypothermia, bradycardia, decreased resp rate. Nsg considerations: Monitor neurologic status, check patellar reflex, check vs, EKG, monitor newborn for hypotension, and monitor I&O's.
Fentanyl (Sublimaze)
Pharm Class: Opiod agonists, opiod analgesic
Normal Dosage Range: 50mcg-100mcg
Route: Injection (epidural), IV
Indication: Aids in being a sedative/pain reliever during labor and delivery.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to fenanyl, CNS tumors.
Adverse Reactions: confusion, sedation, weakness, dizziness, decreased HR, brochoconstriction, sweating, dry mouth.
Nrsg Considerations: Teach patient to change position slowly to minimize orthohypostatic hypotension, nurse to assess vs, pain level, and do not administer to patients who have recieved MAO inhibitors within the last 14 days.
Pharm class: Oxytocic
Normal Dosage range: 0.5mu-2mu/min. Max given 20mu/min.
Route: IV,IM
Indications: Induction of labor at term, faciliate of uterine contractions, postpartum control of bleeding after expulsion of the placenta.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, anticipated non-vaginal delivery.
Adverse reactions: coma, fetal hypoxia, water intoxication, fetal intracranial hemorrhage, maternal hypotension. Nsg Considerations: Advise mother to expect contractions after administration.Assess character, frequency, and duration of contractions, resting uterine tone, monitor maternal BP, and monitor for adverse reactions.
Pharm class: epidural local anesthetic
Normal Dosage range: mod blockage 0.0625mg-0.125mg, mod-complete blockage 25mg-50mg, complete blockage 75mg-150mg.
Route: Epidural shot in the lower back.
Indication: Management of severe acute pain during labor and delivery.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to other amide local anesthetics. Liver disease, concurrent use of anticoagulant.
Adverse Reactions: urinary retention, pruritis, tinnitus, seizures, HA, acidosis, allergic reaction. Nsg considerations: Assess for systemic toxicity, orthostatic hypotension, sensory deficits. Teach patient to request assistance when ambulating.
Pharm class: Oxytocic
Nursing Dose Range: 250mcg
Route: IM
Indications: To treat severe bleeding after childbirth, and to produce an abortion by causing uterine contractions.
Contraindications: Acute PID, hypersensitivity to Hemabate, mothers with active cardiac, pulmonary, renal, or hepatic disease.
Adverse reactions: N/V/D,pain, breast tenderness, HA, transient pyrexia.
Nsg considerations: Monitor vs, monitor and medicate patient if N/V occurs, monitor for allergic reactions, check fundus, and cervix. Teach patient that this medication will cause abdominal cramping.
Methergine (methylergonovine maleate)
Pharm class: ergot alkaloid
Normal Dose range: 0.2mg
Route: IM
Indication: used for prevention and control of postpartum hemorrhage
Contraindication: Allery to ergonovine, mothers that have active preelampsia, eclampsia, HTN, kidney, heart, liver,and blood disease, smoker, and high cholesterol.
Adverse reactions: CVA, ventricular defib, atrioventricular block, chest pain, paresthesia. Nsg considerations: Assess vs, do not give IV, mothers should not be breastfeeding during treatment, advise mother that she could resume breastfeeding 12 hours after medication is administered.
Bethamethasone (Celestone)
Pharm class: corticosteroid
Normal dose Range: 12mg BID 24 hours apart
Route: IM
Indication: speeds up a preterm fetus's
lung development.
Contraindications: Allergy to corticosteroids,idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura. Adverse reactions: anaphylaxis, angioedema, hyperglycemia, HTN, fluid retention. Nsg Considerations: Monitor vs, blood glucose, explain to the mother why the medication is given, and monitor lab values.
Cleocin (Clindamycin)
Pharm class: Anti-infective
Normal dose range: 1 applicatorful HS for 7 days.
Route: Vaginal cream (topical)
Indication: Treatment of gynecological infections, bacterial vaginosis
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, lactation, and not aproved for systemic and topical for pregnancy.
Adverse reactions: dizziness, hypotension, N/V, pruritis. Nsg considerations: Assess mother for infection, obtain cultures, instruct mother of proper use, teach mother to abstain from vaginal sexual intercourse during treatment.
Cytotec (Misopristol)
Pham class: prostaglandin
Normal dose range:Pregnancy Termination- 400mcg, Induction of Labor-25mcg every 3-6 hours, postpartum hemorrhage-600mcg 1 min post-delivery and 800mcg to treat postpartum hemorrhage, treatment of incomplete abortion 600mcg.
Route: PO and intravaginally
Indication: Labor induction to cause uterine contrations and effacement of the cervix, and medical abortions,and used to prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to Misopristol and prostaglandins, pregnancy when used to reduce risk of NSAID-induced ulcers.
Adverse reactions: GI hemorrhage, chest pain, N/V/D, anaphylaxis, anemia, cardiac dysrhythmias, MI, hearing loss, and abdominal pain.
Nsg considerations: Avoid pregnancy 1 month or 1 menustration post administration of this medication, teach patient about the side effects of the medication and what it is used for, teach patient to take medication as directed for self-induced abortions. Nurse to monitor for allergic reactions
Nubain (Nalbuphine hydrochoride)
Pharm class: synthetic opiod agonist-antagonist.
Normal dose Range: max dose 20mg, max dose per day 160mg.
Route: IV, IM, SQ
Indications: obstetrical analgesia during labor and delivery.
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to nalbuphine hydrochloride.
Adverse reactions: fetal bradycardia, apnea, respiratory distress at birth, hypotonia, and cyanosis, sedation, restlessness, euphoria, depression, uriticaria,blurred vision,contipation and dyspnea. Nsg considerations: Monitor vs and lab values, monitor respiratory status, monitor fetus for respiratory depression, teach patient that they may become dizzy, drowsy, and fatigue.
Pharm class: Analgesic, antipyretic, NSAID.
Normal dose range: Pain-400mg every 4-6hours, Fever 200mg-400mg, max dose 1200mg daily.
Route: PO
Indication: for mild-moderate pain and reduces inflammation, decreases fever.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to NSAIDS, caution in mothers with HTN, impaired hepatic and renal function, history of GI ulceration.
Adverse reactions: HA, dizziness, depression, aplastic anemia, blurred vision, anaphylaxis, rectal itching and toxic hepatitis.
Nsg considerations: monitor therapeutic effectiveness, GI distress, s/s of bleeding, teach mother to take with food/milk, do not breastfeed while taking this medication,and to avoid alcohol.
Percocet (Oxycodone with Acetamenophen)
Pharm class: Narcotic analgesic
Normal dose range: Ocycodone Hydrochloride 5mg with Acetamenophen 325mg 1-2 tabs every 4 hrs prn
Route: PO
Indications: to control moderate to severe pain.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to oxycodone and Acetamenophen, Constipation related to slowed GI activity.
Adverse reactions: hepatotoxicity, HA, uriticaria, pruritis, apnea, respiratory depression, euphoria, constipation, urinary retention, urethral spasm and suppression of cough reflex.
Nsg considerations: Monitor for allergic reactions, monitor vs, s/s of respiratory depression, monitor bowel and urine elimination, monitor infant for sedation, GI effects and changes in eating pattern if breastfed, teach mother to refrain from drinking alcohol, teach patient s/s, expected effects of the drugs, possible adverse reactions, and no driving when taking medication.
Morphine Sulfate
Pharm class: opiate analgesic
Normal dose range: 10mg/70kg every 3-6 hours, max 20mg in one single dose, max daily dose 160mg.
Route: IM,IV, SQ
Indications: used to control severe pain.
Contraindications: use caution with labor, hypersensitivity with Morphine, do not use with other narcotics.
Adverse reactions: respiratory depression, prolongs labor, and consitpation.
Nsg considerations: Monitor bowel sounds, and bowel elimination, monitor respiratory status, monitor infant for sleepiness, monitor vs and pain relief, and teach patient to ask for assistance with ambulation.
RhoGAM (rho-D)
Pharm class: Immunoglobin
Normal dose Range: 1 vial within 72 hours of birth, or 28 weeks in RH-negavtive women after amniocentesis and spontaneous therapeutic abortion.
Route: IM
Indications: To prevent sensitization to the RH factor in RH negative women and to prevent hemolytic disease in the newborn in subsequent pregnancies
Contraindication: Patient Rho(D)positive patient, thrombocytopenia, and bleeding disorders. Cautious use in pregnancy. Hypersensitivity
Adverse reactions: soreness at injection site. Uriticaria, hematuria, jaundice, swelling, increased HR, sudden weight gain, jaundice, and SOB.
Nsg considerations: Confirm criteria for administration, use correct vial, and inject all of content of vial. Teach patient to report any N/V, rash or any changes in condition post administration of medication. Teach name of drug, the use, adverse effects and that patient should carry injection information at all times.
Narcan (Naxalone)
Pharm class: opiod anti-antagonist
Normal dose range: 0.4mg-2mg
Route: IV
Indications: reverses sedation from opiate overdose, increases resp rate and corrects BP.
Contraindications: respiratory depression, hypersensitivity, opiate dependent patient cardiovascular disorders.
Adverse reactions: N/V, tremors, hypotension, diaphoresis, increased HR, HTN and constipation.
Nsg considerations: monitor vs, monitor for reoccurrence of resp rate depression, assess for increased pain, and maintain clear airway.
Vitamin K(phyntonadione)
Pharm class: vitamin
Normal dose range: Prophylaxis 0.5mg-1mg within 1 hour after birth.
Route: IM
Indications: to prevent hemorrhage disease of the newborn.
Contraindications: severe liver disease, hypersensitivity to aquaMEPHYTON.
Adverse reactions: pain, tenderness, edema at injection site. Allergic reaction,and uriticaria.
Nsg considerations: observe newborn for generalized ecchymosis or bleeding from the umbilical cord, circumcision site, and GI track, observe for jaundice and kernicterus, protect medication from light, give before circumcision procedure, and observe for local inflammation.
E-Mycin (Erythromycin)
Pharm class: anti-infective.
Normal dose range: 0.5% topical
Route: inner canthus of the eyes
Indications: Given to newborns to prevent ophthalmic neonatal blindness(neonatorium).
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to erythromycin.
Adverse reactions: edema and inflammation and inability to focus that stays more than 48 hours.
Nsg considerations: Instill 1/4 along lower conjuntival surface of each eye starting at the inner canthus, wash hands, observe for local inflammation, may wipe excess away in 1 min. Teach mother that topical is effective against gonorrhea and chlamydial infections.
Ephedrine(Ephedrine sulfate)
Pharm class: Sympathomimetic
Normal dose range:25mg-50mg
Route: IM (spinal)
Indications: given during spinal anesthesia when mother is hypotensive, increases BP.
Contraindication: hypersensitivity to sympathomimetics.
Adverse reactions: N/V, sweating, nervousness, increased HR, palpitations, and insomnia.
Nsg considerations: monitor vs, I&O's, monitor for allergic reactions, teach patient about name of drug, use, and adverse reactions.
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