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NEU Organic Chem 1 Warner Fall 2010 Ch 8
These flashcards cover most lecture material from chapter 8
Organic Chemistry
Undergraduate 1

Additional Organic Chemistry Flashcards




What does the nucleophile act as when it attacks the hydrogen and carbon respectively?

When attacking hydrogen the nucleophile acts as a base. When attacking carbon it acts as the nucleophile

What process results when a nucleophile attacks a hydrogen? What about a carbon?

When the nucleophile attacks a hydrogen the result is elimination (having an R and an X each on their own carbon will result in R-double-bonded-C-chain + HNu + X-). When it attacks carbon the result is substitution (with the same initial substance you'll get a trans-R-Nu alkane chain + X-)

Why is substitution simpler than elimination?

Substitution is simpler because only 1 bond is broken and only 1 new bond is made whereas in elimation 2 bonds are broken and then made

What is the entropic tendency of substitution and what does substitution depend on?

Substitution is entropically neutral and depends on the relative strength of the C-X and C-Nu bonds as well as the stability of Nu- vs X-

What is meant by the associate mechanism for substitution and can carbon use this mechanism? Why or why not?

The associative mechanism means that in order to substitute Nu- for X- a bond with Nu- is made before the bond with X- is broken. Carbon can't use this mechanism as it can't expand its outer electron shell. Heavier elements like Si can use this but not carbon

What is meant by the dissociative mechanism of substitution and can carbon use this form? Why or why not?

In order to substitute Nu- for X- the bond between X- and the terminal carbon is broken before the bond between Nu- and the terminal carbon is formed. Carbon can use this mechanism as a positive carbon is better than a negatively charged one and there's no need to expand its valence shell

What is meant by the concerted mechanism of substitution and can carbon use this mechanism? Why or why not?

When trying to replace an X group on a terminal carbon with Nu- the bonds are broken and formed simultaneously. Carbon can use this mechanism as this doesn't require expansion of its valence shell and this results in no charge in the carbon

What are some important things to remember in regards to the concerted mechanism of substitution?

It is a one-step mechanism with one transition state, the rate law is k[alkyl halide][nucleophile] (which is second order) and therefore is a substitution, nucleophilic, 2nd order reaction (SN2 or SN2)

What are some factors which could affect the value of k (the rate constant) in the concerted mechanism rate law equation?

The nature of the leaving group, the structure of the substrate, the nature of the nucleophile and the solvent

Why is the ability of carbon to support any charge not a factor in the SN2 reaction?

Calculations indicate that there is no change in charge on C at the terminal state as compared to the starting state

What is meant by the the umbrella inversion and what does this mean for the SN2 reaction?
If a methyl group is attached to a halide, X, and HY is within bonding distance and X is a better leaving group than Y then the 3 hydrogen atoms will flip so that they go from tetrahedral relative to their original positive then to planar along the carbon and then continue to flip so that they are now opposite of the new bond to Y. This means the SN2 reactions should proceed with inversion of configuration and be kinetically sensitive to steric hinderance.
What is steric hindrance?

Steric hindrance means that atoms can't be brought too close together, otherwise the contained energy or reactivity might be affected. For the SN2 reaction this has to do with the umbrella inversion so that the previously established groups don't interfere with the new nucleophile

How does the simplicity of the alkyl halide affect how quickly the SN2 reaction takes place?
The simpler the alkyl halide the faster the reaction. A mol of bromomethane will react much faster than a molecule of 2-bromo-2-methylpropane
Why it is better for a nucleophile to "attack" carbon from the backside as opposed to the frontside?

The nucleophile will be exposed to the in-phase HOMO in comparison to its own MOs. In the frontside attack the HOMO of the nucleophile will be exposed to an in-phase MO of the halide but will be exposed to a repulsing (antibonding) MO on the carbon

What is the rule regarding the best leaving groups and in what order do the ions go?

The weakest bases make the best leaving groups. The comparison goes as follows: I-, Br-, Cl-, F-

What is the major role of the solvent in SN2 reactions and what does this do?

The role of the solvent is the solvate the nucleophile. Solvation of the nucleophile makes it less nucleophilic. In the absense of solvation, the strongest base is the best nucleophile

What happens to small ions in solvents? What is the comparison of some various ions?
Small ions are solvated better which makes them poorer nucleophiles. In regards to nucleophilicity toward MeI in MeOH the order goes like this: RS->I->-C--N>CH3O->Br->NH3>Cl->F->CH3OH
Give a summary of nucleophiles and how do OH-and N3- fare?

The best nucleophiles are soft (polarizable) and/or small (linear). OH- is decent but azide is one of the best

Why are SN2 reactions so fast in dipolar aprotic solvents and what is meant by a "naked" nucleophile?

Dipolar aprotic solvents have no protons on polar atoms so therefore they can't solvate anions. This means that the nucleophiles are unsolvated (naked) and are ready to react without desolvation

What is the synthetic advantage with the SN2 reaction?

Given a good nucleophile and a good electrophile (with a good leaving group) a variety of functional groups can be prepared

Given an alkyl halide what two functional groups can be produced by creating new C-C bonds?
Alkynes and nitriles (RBr + -C---CR will go to RC---CR + Br- and RI + -C---N will go to RC---N + I-)
What are some important things to note about the dissociative mechanism for substitution?

It's a 2 step mechanism with 2 transition states, the first step is rate determining. The rate law = k[alkyl halide] and therefore it is a substitution, nucleophilic, 1st order reaction (SN1).

What are some factors which could affect the value of k in the rate law equation for the dissociative mechanism of substitution?
The nature of the leaving group (the effects of which are much larger than SN2 reactions), the structure of the substrate and the solvent (ability to solvate C+)
What are some conditions regarding to the SN1 reaction?
SN1 reactions require the absence of strong nucleophiles. SN1 reactions usually occur in neutral solvents which will actually act as the nucleophile. The process of using a solvent as a nucleophile is known as solvolysis (as in hydrolysis and glycolysis)
How does alkyl halide complexity affect the relative rate at which the SN1 reaction proceeds?

The more complex the alkyl halide the more rapid the SN1 reaction

What will result when water attacks a debromonated 2-bromobutane molecule from the top and the bottom? What will happen if these occur at equal rates?

(R)-2-butanol will result from a top attack and (S)-2-butanol will result from a bottom attack. When these occur in the same ratio (when retention of the original configuration occurs along with the inverted configuration) it's called racemization

What does the more polar solvent do in regards to the SN1 reaction and what does it affect?

The more polar solvent will stabilize the more positive ionization transition state for the SN1 reaction of neutral reactants. This will affect the relative rates; the amount of free energy will be decreased with the more polar solvent

What is important to note about carbocation rearrangements in the SN1 reaction?

They're the same as CA rearrangements in electrophilic additions to alkenes

Does a nucleophile normally attack a sp2 or a sp3 carbon?

A nucleophile will mostly attack an sp2 carbon. Since a squared carbon is surrounded by less electrons it's easier for the typically electron-rich nucleophile to attack the squared carbon

Why can't a nucleophile attack a halide ion in a vinyl  atom such as chloroethene?

No known nucleophile can displace a halide ion. Also, pi electrons may interfere

Why can the chlorine ion not branch off when undergoing an SN1 reaction?

It has very low stability in SN1 reactions and none of these ion types are able to form

Why can't a nucleophile replace a halide in a compound such as chlorobenzene?

Only a front-side displacement can occur and this is too high in energy; the resulting products would actually have so much energy that they would likely fall back to the initial version very quickly

What is the only exception to the rule where a leaving group can't leave its associated benzene ring?

You would need an N2+ leaving group which is one of the very best

How does the energy for SN1 and SN2 reactions compare with each other and at about what stage is the energy equal?

For SN1 reactions tertiary reactions have the least change in energy and methyl groups have the most energy. In SN2 reactions this order is reversed and both peaks for the secondary alkyl halide are about the same as each other.

What reactions can methyl and primary alkyl halides undergo?

They can only undergo SN2 reactions

What reactions can vinylic and aryl halides undergo?

They can undergo neither SN1 nor SN2 reactions

What reactions can secondary alkyl halides undergo?

They can undergo either SN1 or SN2 reactions

What reactions can primary and secondary benzylic and allylic halides undergo?

They can undergo both SN1 and SN2 reactions

What kind of reactions can tertiary alkyl halides go through?

They can undergo SN1 reactions only

What reactions can tertiary benzylic and allylic halides undergo?

They can only undergo SN1 reactions

How do the steps compare between SN1 and SN2 reactions?

SN1 reactions are stepwise mechanisms with a carbocation intermediate whereas SN2 reactons are one-step mechanisms

How do the rate-determining steps compare between SN1 and SN2 reactions?

SN1 reactions have a unimolecular RD step whereas SN2 reactions have a bimolecular RD step

Are there carbocation rearrangements in either SN1 or SN2 reactions?

There is in SN1 reactions but not in SN2

How does the strength of the nucleophile affect the rates of SN1 and SN2 reactions?

The strength of the nucleophile doesn't affect SN1 reactions but it does affect SN2 reactions (remember the rate laws: k[alkyl halide] for SN1, k[nucleophile][alkyl halide] for SN2). In SN2 reactions the more nucleophilic the faster the reaction will proceed

How do the reactivity orders of SN1 and SN2 reactions compare?

In SN1 reactions tertiary then secondary alkyl halides react (but not primary or methyl groups). In SN2 reactions methyl the primary then secondary alkyl halides react

Is there any sort of racemazation or inversion in SN1 and SN2 reaction products?

SN1 products will have both the retained and the inverted configurations compared to the reactant whereas SN2 products will always have the inverted configuration compared to the reactant

How do the leaving groups compare between SN1 and SN2 reactions?

The leaving groups are exactly the same. The order goes like this: I->Br->Cl->F-

How many CH2 groups result in the quickest reaction rates for intramolecular SN2 reactions?

3 groups goes the fastest and a 5 membered ring is made. After that are groups amounts 4, 1, 5 and 2 (1 has the smallest entropy but it's sterically strained)

What is SAM and what effect does it have on norepinephrine?

SAM is a biological methylating agent. When a methyl group is taken off of the sulfur in SAM and added to norepinephrine the resulting products are a sulfide leaving group and epinephrine

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