Shared Flashcard Set


NBCOT Study Cards
**Cardiopulmonary Rehab (OT interventions)

Additional Other Flashcards




Phase 1: program focus
inpatient rehab (5 to 14 days)

focus on:
1. patient ed re: disease process and recovery
* increase knowledge of energy conservation and work simplification principles and techniques
* increase knowledge of approximate metabolic cost of activities (METs)
2. improve ability to carry out self-care and low level fxal activities
3. decrease anxiety
4. support smoking cessation and dietary modification efforts if warranted
5. discharge to home
Phase 1: evaluation and intervention
inpatient rehab (5 to 14 days)

initiated at bedside with monitored, functional assessment of self-care and mobility

if pain free, exhibits no arrhythmia and has regular pulse of 100 or less = ax program initiated

intense monitoring during axs

beginning activities at MET Level - 1 to 2
1. bed mobility, static standing
2. transfer from bed to chair/bedside commode
3. bed bath, feeding, grooming at sink in sitting
4. AROM/warm-up exercises
5. wheelchair mobility/ambulation in room
Phase 1: breathing exercises
abdominal diaphragmatic breathing:
strengthens diaphragm, decreases need to use neck and shoulder muscles, decreases energy required for activity

pursed lip breathing: controls respiratory rate; decreases rate of breathing, helps remove trapped air from lungs

techniques are done during all exercises and axs
Phase 2: program focus
outpatient rehab (varies, usually 6 mo)

edu patient on importance of continued exercise
build up activity tolerance
improve ability to perform work activities
improve ability to carry out IADLs and community tasks
support person's efforts in smoking cessation and lifestyle changes as warranted
Phase 2: evaluation and intervention
outpatient (varies, typically 6 months)

begin with 4 to 5 MET axs gradually increasing up to 7 MET axs

home evaluation
consumer and family education
graded exercise program with slow and gradual increase of weight
practice of functional activities in discharge environment
use of energy conservation techniques and compensatory strategies in daily tasks
community activities
work site evaluation if applicable
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