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Ms. H AP Human Test Prep Countries
Brinkley Cole's cards
9th Grade

Additional Geography Flashcards







Economical- Depends on natural resources. Main industries are agriculture, sugar, fisheries, textiles and tourism industries. Trade is very important; their main exports are garments and sugar 

Social- Primary education is free. Bau Fijian is their official language as well as English.  People are mostly a blend of Melanesians and Polynesians.  Their culture has an emphasis on family; music dance and food is the core of their culture and their traditional art form is Meke.

Political-Government type is parliamentary representative democratic republic.  Prime minister is the head of government who nominates the president which is the head of state who is elected by the parliament.

Environmental-  The terrain is mountainous that has mostly dormant volcanoes. They have good water sources a tropical marine climat. Main resources are timber,copper fish, and oil. Mostly hydropowered. Sugarcane the most important crop.





Solomon Islands


Economical- Civil unrest almost collapsed economy and earthquakes and tsunamis caused further setbacks. Service sector makes up the majority of workforce. Main exports are palm oil, copra and cacao.

Social- Education is not compulsory. Traditional cultural elements are practiced like dances and music regularly performed. The people are mostly Melanesian and Christian. The two official languages are Dijin and English.

Political- They have a constitutional monarchy government and is a member of Commonwealth 

Environmental- The islands are rugged. They have a tropicas oceanic climate. The islands experience cool winds, year round rainfall and is exploited for its resources like fish and timber. 





New Caldonia


Economical- Their economy depends heavily on service, mining, agriculture, forestry and fishing industrones. There is an unequal wealth distribution among Melanesian compared to Europeans. Their power comes from Hydropower and main exports are nickel and nickel ore.

Social- Their culture is very influenced by Europe, however there is still strong Melanesian customs and ceremonies practiced. Here the Lingua Franca is French and there is a dominance of Roman Catholics. The country suffers from high birth and infant mortality rates .  

Political- French government retains authority over defense security and other matters. School is free and compulsory and is taught in French 

Environmental-  The climate is subtropical. They experience year-round rain and sporadic typhoons. They lack surface water due to porous  nature of rock formation. There are lots of rugged mountain ranges and streams from mountains often cause floods.







Economical- This island has a good economy due to subsistence  agricultural base with an elaborate exchange network between islands. Main exports are kava, beef, copra, timber, and cocoa.  Because the island is vulnerable to weather, the government is working towards supplementing large scale agriculture with strong manufacturing and service industries.

Social- The islands people are mostly indigenous ni-Vanuatub or Melanlesian. Most of the people are Protestant and live in small rural villages and speak either Bislama, French or English (the three official languages).

 Political- The government type is republic with parliamentary. They have defense provided from a pact with Papa New Guinea so they lack a regualr military. Education is free and compulsory but attendance and the literacy rates are at the lowest of the region.

Environmental- The area was mostly forested until the 80s due to logging industry. The country's topography contains many different landforms such as mountains, high and low plateaus and hills. The country experiences two seasons: hot and wet and cooler and drier. Also dense  rain forest covers most of the island, as well as active volcanoes.





Papua New Guinea


Economical- Subsistence agricultural forms one third of the country's GDP and other important industries are fisheries logging and commercial crops. Main exports are coffee gold and timber.

Social- People are mostly Melanesian and Christian. The primary language is English. Schools are neither free nor compulkey. Traditional cultural life such as woodcarvings and rituals are common.Here population growth is high while life expectancy's are low. 

Political- The form of government is constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Crime rates are high due to police services are understaffed,under funded, and poorly trained. Also the island lacks Social Security.

Environmental- The forest has been exploited by logging. Thinly populated areas give way to Sage swamps. More elevated areas are away from rivers causing poor grasslands. Gold deposits are found here. They have a tropical climate.





Ivory Coast


Economical- The country is recovering from a recession in 1987 through 1993. Main exports are timber fish and rubber and cocoa is a cash crop. Natural resources are exploited. Agriculture makes up 1/2 of the workforce.

Social- The people are mostly Mande or Gur ethnicity groups. They have a traditional culture including masks, jewelry, sculptures and dances to drumbeats and they use music to tell their history. Alpha Blondy is a Music style influenced by reggae, unique to this region. Niger Congo language family are the languages spoken here. The religions are traditional religions or Islam.

Political- The government was a one party system. The Democratic Party of Côte d' Ivorie was the only authorized party for 30 years until the rally of Republicans became a party. Literally rates are low and education is free and compulsor. Freedom of press is restricted.

Environmental- The country is humid and has an equatorial and southern Savannah climate.  There are many different regions in the country such as the high savannas, mountain ranges,coastal fringes, equatorial forest zone and cultivated forest zone. The country mostly powered by hydropower.







Economic- Economy highly dependent on agriculture. France established a free-trade economy that was later replaced by socialist until the country went bankrupt and had to re-create their economy. So became a free market economy which is what the country still has today. The World Bank helped write off one half of the debt Madagascar owes. Rice is the largest share of total crop acreage. Exports include textile, clothing, vanilla, clove, fish and shellfish.

Social- 9 out of 10 of the people are Malagasy mostly Merina,people who live in plateaus. Malagasy is also the national language written with Latin alphabet. Religion is traditional/ ancestoral worship. Classes divisions from basis of social distinctions. Their culture is influenced by African cultures, practice weaving,music and dance. 

Political- When founded the government was socialist then in 1990s changed to democracy with a free market economy. 

Environmental- The fourth largest island in the world. Plateaus uplifted and worn down several times is now tilted to the west. The island is covered in cliffs, impassible escarpments,hills, mangroves, coral reefs and volcanic islands. Has two seasons hot and wet and cooler and dryer. Occurrences such as monsoon winds and cyclones and are common. Slash and burn agricultural techniques destroy land.








Economic- Industries are mostly subsistence agriculture,fisheries, and service industries (making up two thirds of the economy.) They are a large mineral producer, being the largest producer of phosphate. Main exports are peanuts, coffee, cocoa beans and cotton. They also have taxes on imports. 

Social- People experience a high standard of living. They are mostly Gur speaking people and the majority are indigenous Kula. The official language is French. They're mostly Christians. They live in small world villages and participate in sports like soccer and boxing. The country has a high growth rate.

Political- They have a multiparty republic system with national assembly. Also their education system is modeled after the French's.

Environmental- They use slash and burn agriculture techniques that cause deforestation. They have lots of low lying sandy beaches, lakes, hills, mountains, and savannas. They have a tropical climate. They have a heavy rainy season.


South Africa 


Economic- Their economy had problems because of apartheid policies and didn't immediately rebound. Economy is based on private enterprise and they're heavily incolved in agriculture. They're an important producer of oil and are the largest producer of gold,platinum and chronium. Exports are corn, wheat,sugar cane, citrus tobacco and dairy. They produce their own electricity.

Social- South Africa has the highest literary rates of all of Africa. It is conditioned by social class, ethnicity,religion and residency. It has a great mix of cultures. Art forms are are used as vehicles of ethnic identity. Rugby is a uniting sport. Main language is a Nguni language for blacks while whites speak Afrikaans or English. The majority of the people are Christians.

Political- They have a multiparty republic system with a president. Their government started as a parliamentary system shaped by colonial past and apartheid policies of white majority. After protests non-racial Constitution was adopted in 1993 but still gave blacks few political rights until 1996 when they adopted a constitution with polices of non-racist, nonsexist, the idea of total equality for all genders and races.

Environmental- They have a temperate zone next to subtropical high-pressure belts so the area is dry and humid. Plateaus and escarpments dominate the area.








 Economical: Colonial economy characterized by private monopolies, central planning and state marketing,designed to promote capital accumulation by state. Their economy change by nationalizing key properties such as promoting education. Agriculturel is the most widespread industry practiced in this country. However only 1/5 of their GDP comes from agriculture. They are a large producer of the tantalum, a mineral. A main export is crude oil.

Political: Under Portuguese rule, they had a people's distribution republic. Church provides free education that is taught in Portuguese. They currently have a multiparty republic system of government.

 Social: The people are ethnically diverse. Portuguese is the official language though the vast majority speak Bantu languages of the Niger Congo family. 2/5 are Christian and one half are traditional religions. They have a pride of African culture and create arts such as wood sculptures and masks. 

 Environmental: The country has high plains, mountains, highlands and plateaus. They have a tropical climate and suffers from monsoon winds. 




Economical: Agriculture is the main industry practiced. They get their energy from hydroelectricity. Their manufacturing is mostly of agricultural products. Exports include tea, coffee,tantalite, gold, tin and pyrethrum extract.

 Social: The main ethnic groups are Hutu and Tutsi. They have three official languages, which include Rwanda, English and French. Most people are Christians, specifically Roman Catholics. They have a very traditional cultural heritage and demonstrate that by their dances, praise songs, and poems. 

 Political: The government is a multiparty republic system. They have the worlds first female majority legislative body. Education is compulsory and 3/5 of the country is literate.

Environmental: The country includes rugged mountains and swampy valleys and has an overall mild climate.


South Sudan


 Economical: They are one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. Their main crop is sorghum and a cash crop is peanuts. Petroleum is an important natural resource for a country. Culture is the main area of employment.

 Social: Most people are Dinkas. The main religions are Christian and traditional. They mostly speak Nilo-Saharan languages. The population is young.  Forms of cultural expression include oral tradition,metalwork, weaving baskets, wrestling, and listening to their own music style, Sudanese.

Political: They have a transitional government and their defense is primarily a rebel army.

 Environmental: They have a tropical climate. They are home to one of the largest mammal migrations. Also has a topography of plains, plateaus and savannas.




Economical: Their economy is based on both privately owned and state run enterprises. Tourism and agriculture exports are the main source of foreign investment. Exports include corn and wheat.

 Social: Most of the people speak a Bantu language group. The ethnic group varies depending on the area. Most of the people are Christian.  Kenya National Theater is an important part of their culture.

Political: They have a multiparty republic system. The country decreased mortality rates by improving housing, education, sanitation and healthcare. And education is highly valued. 

Environmental: Hills, plateaus, valleys, highlands and arid areas dominate this country. Seasonal climate changes are controlled by large high-pressure systems. The country has normal rainy seasons




Economical: Agriculture makes up the majority of the economy. Cash crops include cotton and coffee. A main export is gold. They have a focus on eradicating poverty, expending resource exploit industries, and expanding the tourism industry.

Social: Most of the people are Bantu speaking, Ganda people. They have two official languages: English and Swahili even though most of the people speak Ganda.  The vast majority of the population are Christian. Theater educates and informs the people on different topics. Folk art is widely collected. Also they have the largest sports stadium in the country, where they focus on playing soccer. 

 Political: They have a multiparty republic system.

 Environmental: The area is dominated by mountains, valleys, volcanic mountains and plateaus. They have a tropical climate. They experience adequate rain and tropical thunderstorms. Half of the world's population of endangered gorillas can be found here. 




Economical: Liberailzation failed to produce positive results. 70% depends on agriculture. Exports are fish, cotton, palm oil, cocoa, and coffee. 

 Social: Fon is the main ethnic group. French is the official language ,but the most widely spoken languages are Fon and Gen. Christian or Roman Catholic is the most prominent role of religion. They have a mix of their own and French culture. Plastic art is the most prominent artform, others are wooden art, such as masks and bowls used in traditional ceremonies. 

 Political: They have a multiparty republic system of government. For 12 years it was unstable. They now have a French like school system that is taught in French. 

 Environmental: They have coastal low flat sandy marshes, fertile plateus, plains and mountains. The climate is equatorial and they have two wet and dry seasons.




Economical: They have a relance on private entereprise and free trade. Mismanagement and a drop in prices of the exports, cocoa,coffee, and oil meant a recession. The economy is dependment on cocoa and petroleum which is unpredictable.

 Social: The three groups of languages that are mostly spoken are Bantu, Semi Bantu and Sudmic. The main religion is Roman Catholic and they have rates lower then the region.  Forms of art are pottery, masks, music and jewelry.

Political: They have a multiparty republic system. They have the highest rates of school attendance of West Africa. Infant mortaility rates are low for Sub-Saharan Africa.

 Environmental: Half of the land is forested but only one third of it is exploited. The land is covered with savannas, plains and plateaus. They have a tropical climate. 




Economical: Economy centered around the cash crop, peanuts. Agriculture accounts for 2/3rd of the economy cause the climate is good for life stock. Poor economy because the value of import more than exports.

Social: Wolof is the majority that makes up 1/2 of the people. Their language is widely used. French is the offical language and the spoken languages are divided into two types, Alantic and Mande. The main religion is Islam. They have the most active national sports scene of West Africa. They spread their culture through oral tradition.

Political: They have a multiparty republic system. One of the lowest literacy rates in the world. The government has made efforts to increase enrollment.

Environmental: They have flat land, that has a tropical climate. The area is well forested and has dry monsoon winds.







Economical: They have a mix of private and public enterpris. Most exports are cash crops and minerals. Price of cocoa determines the economy. Fishery, forestry and agriculture employs 1/2 the population.

Social: Most of the people are Akan, english speaking (established to play down the ethnic difference) Christians. Cultural heritage is linked to their religion and they have strong links with their extended family.

Political: They have a unitary multiparty republic system. The government wants to improve health conditions. They have one of the most developed education systems of West Africa.

Environmental: They have a humid, maritime tropical climate. Land covered with hills, valleys, plains, and basins.








Economical: Agriculture is the most important industry. Salt mining is a traditional act. War damaged manufacturing sector, now processing agriculture goods. Exports are fish.

Social: There are verious ethnic groups and languages found here. Main languages are Arabic and Englis. They are mostly Christian. Culture is revolved around food such as coffee.

Political: They have a traditional regime. 3/5th of the country are literate. Schools are taught in their native languages.

Environmental: Variety of climate conditions sepending on elevation. They ecport minerals. Most of the land covered with plains, highlands, ambas and plateau.








Economical: Backbone of economy is agriculture. Most important export is tobacoo. Charcoal is the main energy source.

Social: Multiple ethnic groups in the region, no one dominate. Bantu is the main language. Chewa is the national language. Most of the people are Christians. Traditional cultural eleme like traditional song and dance, sculptures and history preservation.

Political: They have a multiparty republic system. Education is compulsory and primary school is free.

Environmental: Deforestation is effecting the area and they have a wet and dry season. Main landforms are valleys, highlands, mountains and plateaus.








Economical: They have a lower middle class economy. They have a shrinking productive sector, lack of capital stock, and severe world market issue. They supply 30% of the world's diamond output. Agriculture makes up the majority of the economy.

Social: 85% of the country is black and English is their national language. Ovambo languages are spoken. They are mostly Christian.

Political: Their government is a republic. 80% enrollment rate, very for Africa and has a 80% litreact rate which is also high for Sub-Saharan Africa. They also have a high poverty rate.

Environmental: Their climate is tropical and humid. They have abundant rainfall and river water.




Economical: They have one of the world's poorest economy's based on subsistence agriculture and small scale fishing.

Social: Main language spoken is Comorian related to Swahilli and written in Arabic. The state religion is Islam, mostly Sunni Muslims. Their culture is very centered around their religion. Here weddings are a big deal and they practice basketry, wood carvings, making elaborate clothings, music and soccer.

Political: Their government is a republic. They have both state run and Islamic schools.

Environmental: Even though there are 4 islands, the 4th is administered by the French. 1 island is volcanic. They have a tropical climate.

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