Shared Flashcard Set


Maternal Health-meds
Common Medications
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards




Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetominophen)
Pregnancy category "C" (for oxycodone)

Action: bind to opiate receptors in the CNS; alter the perception of and response to painful stimuli; CNS depression

Counterindicated: Chronic use in pregnancy or lactation; avoid alcohol

SE: confusion; sedation; respiratory depression; constipation

Nursing assesments: type; location and intensity of pain prior to and at 1h post administration (peak acting time); Assess RR. Do not give if <10/min; Assess bowel function

Motrin (Ibuprofen)
Pegnancy Category "B" first trimester

Action: inhibits prostaglandin synthesis; used to decrease pain and inflammation

CI: hypersensitivity; active GI bleed or ulcer disease.

SE: headche; constipation; dyspepsia; N/V; *Gi Bleeds; *renal failure

Nusing assessments: Assess pain prior to and 1-2 hours after administration; Watch BUN, K, Creat, ALP; LDH; AST and ALT.

Tylenol (Acetominophen)
Pregnancy Category "B"

Action: Inhibits the synthesis of prostiglandins that may serve as mediators of pain, esp in the CNS

CI: use carefully with renal/hepatic disease

SE:*hepatic failure; *hepatotoxicity; renal failure

Assess:overall status and ETOH use; pain prior to and 30-60 minutes after admin.

Nubain (nalbuphine)
Pregnancy Category "C"

Analgesia during labor

Action: binds to opiate receptors in CNS

CI: hypersensitivity

SE: dizziness, headache, sedation, dry mouth, N/V, sweating, clammy feeling

Asess: type location and intensity of pain before and 1 hour after IM or 30 minutes after IV administration; RR-hold if less than 10/min; BP/P;

Duramorph (morphine)
Pregnancy Category "C"

Action: binds opiate receptor in the CNS

CI: hypersensivity; ETOH use; pregnancy or lactiation--avoid chronic, but is used during labor but may cause respiratory depression in the newborn

SE: confusion, sedation, hypotension, constipation, *respiratory depression

Asess: RR-do not administer if less than 10/min; Type, location and intensity of pain prior to and 1 hour after PO, subc, IM or 20 minutes after IV administration; Assess bowels; BP/P; LOC;

Pitocin (oxytocin)
Pregnancy category X

Induction of labor at term; faciliaton of contractions at term; facilitaton of threatened aborition; postpartum control of bleeding after expulsion of the placenta; evaluation of fetal competence (fetal stress test)

Action: stimulates uterine smooth muscle producing uterine contraction similar to those in spontaneous labor;

CI: pregnancy

SE: maternal-*coma, seizures; increased uterine mobility; painful contractions; fetal-*intercranial hemorrhage, *asphyxia

Asess: fetal maturity, presentation and pelvic adequacy; character, frequency and duration of uterine contractions; fetal heart rate; resting uterine tone; maternal bp and pulse; watch for water intoxication (drowsiness, listlessness, confusion, headche, anuria)

Colace (docusate sodium)
Pregnancy category C

Action: promotes incorporation of water into stool resulting in softer fecal mass

CI: hypersenitivty; abdominal pain, N/V;

SE; no common; throat irritation, mild cramps, rashes

Asess: abdominal distention, bowel sounds, pattern of bowel function; color, consistency and amount of stool produced

bicitra (sodium citrate and citric acid)
Pregnancy category C

Action: Converted to bicarbonate in the body resulting in increased blood pH. (for managment of acidosis, prevention of aspiration pneumonitis during surgical procedures)

CI: use cautiously in pregnancy and lactation

SE: no common; diarrhea, fluid overload, hypernatrimia, hypocalcemia, metabolic alkalosis, tetany

Assess: signs of alkalosis (confusion, irritablity, paresthesia, tetany, altered breathing pattern) or hypernatremia (edema, weight gain, tachycardia, fever, flushed skin, mental irritablity); monitor for renal dysfunction.

Cytotec (misoprostol)
Pregnancy Category X

Prefention of mucosal injury from NSAIDS; with mifeprisotne for termination of pregnancy

Action: acts as a prostaglandin analogue, decreasing gastric acid secretion; causes uterine contractions;

CI: pregnancy or lactation (when used to preent NSAID-induced gastric injury)

SE: abdominal pain; diarrhea; miscarriage

Assess for epigastric or abdominal pain and for frank or occult blood in the stool, emesis, or gastric aspirate; Assess women of childbearing age for pregnancy.

When used for cervical ripening (unlabeled use) may cause uterine ruptures; risk factors ar late trimester, previous cesarian or uterine surgery or > or = 5 previous pregnancies.

methergine (methylergonovine)
Pregnancy Category C

Prevention and treatment of postpartum or post abortion hemorhhage caused by uterine atony or subinvolution

Action: Directly stimulates uterine and vasular smooth muscle; uterine contraction

CI: should not be used to induce labor

SE: *hypotension, N/V, cramps

Assess: monitor BP/HR/ and uterine response; asses for signs of ergotism (cold numb fingers and toes, chest pain, N/V, headche, muscle pain, weakness)

Terbutaline (brethaire, bricanyl)
Pregnancy Category B

Used for management of airway disease or COPD. Unlabeled use: management of preterm labor

Action: Bronchodilation by inhibiting the release of mediators from mast cells, increases cAMP at beta-adenergic receptors.

CI: hypersensitivity to adenergic amines or flurocarbons (inhalation)

SE:nervousness, restlessness, tremor

Assess: Bronchodilator--lung sounds, RR, P, BP, PFTs; Preterm labor--monitor maternal pulse and bp, frequency and duration of contractions and fetal bp. Assess for pulmonary edema; monitor mother and neonate for signs of hypoglycemia and mother for hypokalemia

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