Shared Flashcard Set


Marriage and Family
Exam 2
Religious Studies
Undergraduate 3

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards




President Kimball referred to divorce as “an ugly dragon.” Yet, divorce itself, he said, does not constitute the entire evil. What else did he say is a serious sin of this generation?
The acceptance of divorce as a cure for marital problems.
President Kimball taught a never-failing formula for successful marriage which begins with a proper approach to marriage that includes what two things?
Selecting a spouse that comes as close to the pinnacle of perfection. Married at the altar of the temple.
Besides a proper approach to marriage, there were three other ingredients in President Kimball’s formula? Name them.
1. Great unselfishness
2. Continued Courting
3. Living the Commandments
Every divorce, President Kimball said, is the result of what?
Selfishness from one or both parties.
President Kimball counseled us to plan our lives carefully to ensure there are no impediments to proper and successful marriage. Great happiness will come if couples are willing to do what?
Love the Lord and the other more than their own lives.
President Hinckley said the remedy for most of the stress and difficulty that comes in marriage is _______.
Marriage is beautiful, said President Hinckley, when beauty is looked for, when husband and wife work together to invite the Spirit into the home and when they remember each is a child of God. What other three things did President Hinckley say couples should be willing to do to make marriage beautiful?
1. Hold one's tongue
2. Overlook small faults, forgive, and forget
3. Self-Discipline and Constraint

Love and Peace, discipline and honesty, concern and unselfishness
Elder Oaks said, “The old-fashioned date was a wonderful way to get acquainted with a member of the opposite sex.” He then spoke of three benefits that dating has over hanging out. Name them.
1. It encourages conversation
2. Allows you to see treatment you give and receive in a one-on-one situation
3. Gives opportunities to learn how to initiate and sustain a mature relationship
What are the “3 p’s” of dating?
1. planned ahead
2. paid for
3. paired off
To persuade young men to ask for dates more frequently, what did Elder Oaks counsel young women to do?
1. Resist hanging out
2. encourage simple, inexpensive dates
3. don't make it so serious
4. be kind in turning down guys
5. avoid guys whose primary interaction is hanging out
Elder Wickman identified three reasons why so many put off and fear marriage. Name those reasons.
1. Ease of Hanging out
2. Fear of making a mistake
3. Adolescent recoiling from responsibility (selfishness)
Elder Wickman noted that even if fear doesn’t result in avoiding or postponing marriage, it often leads to two other common mistakes. What are they?
1. They treat the decision as an entirely spiritual one
2. They wait for someone else to tell them what is right
Elder Wickman warned against the danger of “superficial ticket punching.” What did he mean by that?
Basing decisions solely on whether the person served a mission or has a particular calling.
President Monson said the moral compass of the masses has gradually shifted to an “almost anything goes” position, creating a wide chasm between the standards of the world and the standards of the Church. In the next two paragraphs, he identified five categories of things priesthood holders (and all members) should particularly avoid. Name them.
1. Innuendo and outright filth in movies and TV
2. Lyrics of music
3. Using profane language
4. Pornography
5. Addictive Substances
President Monson identified three common reasons why many priesthood holders hesitate to get married: concern over being able to provide financially for a wife and family; fear of making a mistake; and an unwillingness to leave behind a carefree life of fun and pleasure with friends. What solution did he offer for each of these three concerns?
1. No shame in scrimping and saving
2. Exercise Faith, find someone compatible
3. Nothing will bring you greater happiness
What was the priceless advice President Monson read on a plaque that hung in the home of an uncle and aunt?
Choose your love; love your choice
President Hinckley said the most important decision of your life will be the individual you choose to marry. What counsel did he give regarding that decision?
1. Married in the temple
2. Someone of your faith
3. Be worthy of them
4. Right Person, Right Place, Right time
Elder Bruce R. McConkie suggested the right person is one who is living so that he or she can go to the temple. He also said the right person is someone for whom the ____________ that should exist between two people does exist.
Wholesome and Natural affection
Elder Scott suggested three things men should consider to be essential priorities in a prospective wife. Name them.
1. Sacred qualities to excel as as mother and wife
2. Desire to care for children more than professional pursuits
3. Acquiring an education for the demands of motherhood
Regarding a prospective husband, Elder Scott counseled women to look for a prospective husband who is doing two things? Name them.
1. Honors the Priesthood and uses it to serve others
2. Accepts his role as the provider
What yardstick did President Benson give single men in determining whether a girl is the right one or not?
Do you have your best thoughts, do your wish to be better than you are, do you aspire to your greatest deeds?
President Hinckley said the girl you marry can expect you to come to the marriage altar absolutely clean from the stains of the world. No girl in her right mind would want to marry someone who struggles with any one of 3 things? Name them.
1. Pornography (videos, internet, phone)
2. Sleazy talk
3. Sultry Jokes
President Hinckley promised there would be great happiness in marriage if there was a constant effort to do what?
Look for virtues and not vices.
6. Elder Scott gave 11 suggestions on how we can gain more benefit from temple attendance. Which ones would help you? Be prepared to name several.
Understand the doctrine related to temple ordinances, especially the significance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

· While participating in temple ordinances, consider your relationship to Jesus Christ and His relationship to our Heavenly Father. This simple act will lead to greater understanding of the supernal nature of the temple ordinances.

· Always prayerfully express gratitude for the incomparable blessings that flow from temple ordinances. Live each day so as to give evidence to Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son of how very much those blessings mean to you.

· Schedule regular visits to the temple.

· Leave sufficient time to be unhurried within the temple walls.

· Rotate activities so that you can participate in all of the ordinances of the temple.

· Remove your watch when you enter a house of the Lord.

· Listen carefully to the presentation of each element of the ordinance with an open mind and heart.

· Be mindful of the individual for whom you are performing the vicarious ordinance. At times pray that he or she will recognize the vital importance of the ordinances and be worthy or prepare to be worthy to benefit from them.

· Recognize that much of the majesty of the sealing ordinance cannot be understood and remembered with one live experience. Substantial subsequent vicarious work permits one to understand much more of what is communicated in the live ordinances.

· Realize that a sealing ordinance is not enduring until after it is sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. Both individuals must be worthy and want the sealing to be eternal.
7. Elder Scott said no matter what happens to us in mortality, we have no reason to worry or feel despondent if what?
We keep the covenants we have made and live righteously to receive their blessings.
Elder Asay compared the temple garment to the armor of God and the armor of righteousness spoken of in the scriptures. He suggested the garment serves three important purposes. Name them.
1. Reminder of our Covenants
2. Protective covering for our bodies
3. Symbol of modesty in dress and living
Elder Asay taught that both how an individual feels about the Church and everything that relates to it as well as the measure of one’s worthiness and devotion to the gospel could all be seen by what one thing?
The proper wearing of the temple garment
Elder Packer said there are 3 things that will happen to us if we go to the temple in the proper spirit and remember the teaching is symbolic? Name them.
1. Extended vision
2. Feeling a little more exalted
3. Increased knowledge of spiritual things
In the United States and Canada, what are you required by law to take with you to the temple?
A legal marriage license.
Neither curiosity nor deep interest in what goes on in the temple constitutes adequate preparation for the temple. A person must have a foundation of faith, repentance, baptism and confirmation. Then two other preparations should be added. Name them.
1. Worthiness
2. A maturity and dignity worthy of one invited to the house of the Lord
Marriage is by nature a covenant, not just a private contract one may cancel at will. Yet many couples, even those who have been married in the temple, approach marriage like a contract. When troubles come in marriage, what is different about the response of contract vs. covenant couples?
Contract - seek happiness by walking away when the benefits are gone
Covenant - seek to work through difficulties
What did Elder Hafen say a contract companion gives in comparison to a covenant companion?
Contract=50% Covenant=100%
Name the 3 “wolves” Elder Hafen said that test every marriage?
1. Natural Adversity
2. Personal Imperfections
3. Excessive Individualism
In times of distress, what did Elder Christofferson say we should do?
Let your covenants be paramount and your obedience exact.
What is the new and everlasting covenant?
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Elder Christofferson spoke of three things that come to us if we make and keep sacred covenants. Name them.
1. Gifts and Blessing
2. Increased Faith
3. The Power of Godliness
When, did Elder Holland say, much of the opposition we will face in mortality will come?
Before and after great moments, especially spiritual moments of decision.
Revelation, Elder Holland said, usually comes in response to ___________.
a question.
Elder Holland spoke of three lessons we learn about God and revelation from the story of the ancient Israelites crossing the Red Sea. What were the three lessons?
1. It comes in response to a question
2. Go forward
3. God will provide a way if He gives the revelation
Elder Scott said faith must be founded on what three things?
1. Faith in His love for us
2. Faith in His Plan
3. Faith in Christ to fulfill His promises
Name the 5 principles Elder Scott said would strengthen our faith.
1. Trust in God and His ability to help us, even in difficult circumstances
2. Keep His commandments and live to show Him that He can trust you
3. Be sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit
4. Act courageously on promptings
5. Be patient and understanding when God lets you struggle to grow and answers come a piece at a time
What did Elder Scott say is necessary to increase our confidence and ability to employ the power of faith?
The constant, willing exercise of faith
Faith, Elder Scott said, will forge _______ which will then enable us in times of trial and testing to _______.
Strength of character, challenge or temptation
Elder Holland quoted President Hinckley in saying that most problems in love and marriage ultimately start with what?
When, did Elder Holland say, true love blooms?
When we care more about another person than we care about ourselves.
What is at least one difference between a tolerable marriage and a great one, according to Elder Holland?
The ability to allow some things to pass without comment or response.
What did Elder Holland say will surely put any dating relationship in peril?
Separating it from Discipleship
What capacity did Elder Jensen suggest makes us most lovable to others?
Our capacity to give love
What did Elder Jensen say is the only way we will ever be capable of offering pure, Christlike love to our companions for all eternity?
When we love God more than anything else.
One of the most important keys to being filled with the capacity to love others, as Alma taught Shiblon in the Book of Mormon, is to do what?
Bridle passions
What did Elder McConkie say are the two most important things that any Latter-day Saint ever does in this world?
1. Get married to the right person, in the right place, at the right time
2. Live the terms and conditions of the covenant so that it is binding and efficacious now and forever.
Elder McConkie referred to the experience of Oliver Cowdery trying to translate the Book of Mormon. He explained that Oliver failed because he did not understand what the Lord meant by asking in faith. What did that counsel imply, according to Elder McConkie?
That he do everything in his power to attain what he sought.
When seeking confirmation about whom to marry, how did Elder McConkie say you should feel if it is right and how will you feel if it is wrong?
Right: Calm and sweet
Wrong: Anxiety and uncertainty
Inspiration does not and perhaps cannot come to us unless we do what?
All that we can.
The Holy Ghost speaks with a voice that you _____ more than you _____.
Feel, hear
What did Elder Packer say is far more destructive and dangerous than many young people realize?
What will happen to us if we become critical or harbor negative feelings?
the spirit withdraws
The Spirit, said Elder Packer, does not get our attention by shouting or shaking us with a heavy hand. Rather it whispers. It caresses so gently that we may not feel it at all if we are _____.
We cannot force spiritual things. We can only create a climate that will invite the Spirit into our lives and then must patiently wait for the Lord to choose the time and the place of revelation. While we wait, what did Elder Packer say the Lord expects us to do?
Use our resources, the light and knowledge, that the Lord has already given us.
Elder Oaks said revelation can come through face to face communication with God and angels, or through dreams and visions. However, in its more familiar forms, revelation generally comes in what four ways?
1. Words or thoughts communicated to the mind
2. Sudden Enlightenment
3. Positive or negative thoughts about our course of action
4. Inspiring performances
Name and be able to describe the eight purposes of revelation.
1. Testimony
2. Prophecy
3. Comfort
4. Uplift
5. Inform
6. Restrain
7. Confirm
8. Impel
What is the principle of “responsibility or stewardship” in revelation?
Only can receive for those under your stewardship.
Elder Oaks said we do not receive revelation for all decisions, even for all important decisions. What is the Lord’s purpose in that?
So we can have experience making decisions and seeing the consequences so we become self-reliant and gain faith.
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