Shared Flashcard Set


Marine Corps Recruiters School
BRC 17 - Determine Dependant Status
Not Applicable

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What is the purpose of screening for dependents?
To eliminate those who cannot balance family and service
What are the four definitions of a dependent for enlistment purposes?

1) spouse (includes common law spouse)

2) natural child (legit, unlegit) custody or not, under 18 not married

3) stepchild who resides with applicant if under 18

4) anyone who is dependent on app. for more than 1/2 of their support

What are the 8 dependent categories that require a wavier for enlistment?

1) married app. who have minor dependents

2) unmarried or divorced who have joint legal custody and/or % of physical custody for visitation rights

3) legally separated who have minor dep. but no custody

4) unmarried app. who have relinquished perm. legal+phys custody for children by court order. in affect for more than 1 year

5) divorced app. who've relinquished custody to other parent in court agreement and NOT required to provide child support

6) divorced app. who've relinquished custody to other parent in court agreement and ARE required to provide child support

7) unmarried app. who is parent of illegitimate child with no custody or required child support

8) applicants who have a non-minor dep. in addition to or other than a spouse 

What are the five dependent categories that are ineligible for enlistment?

1) unmarried, legally sep, or divorced app. who are in sole custody of minor dependent

2) unmarried or divorced app. who have relinquished custody of dep. children without court order

3) app. who are in the middle of a divorce unless legally separated arent eligible until resolved

4) app. with 3 or more illegitimate children

5) app. with 3 or more dep. not eligible for active duty. SMCR requires region waiver. 4 or more dep. ineligible for enlistment into any component of MC  

What are the dependency restrictions for prior service applicants?

1) app eligible for enl. as E-1-3 is spouse only

2) e-4 is 2 dep. one must be spouse

3) e-5 and above, no restrictions

What are the 3 actions required by recruiter when interviewing app. with dependents?

1) determine if app. is handling personal and fin. affairs in mature, competent, and responsible manner

2) can they meet current and expected expenses with service pay

3) counsel app. on potential problems related to financial matters and possible dependent restricted tours

What are the forms used for app. with dependents?

1) SOU - explain limits on entitlements, transportation and the shipment of HHE at gov. expense. also explain limits of gov. housing and likelihood of overseas and unaccompanied assignments

2) enlistee financial statement - will provide insight to if they can meet current and expected resp. with service pay

What are the required documents for an app. with dependents?

1) marriage cert (original or cert. copy)

2) divorce or separation papers (O or CC)

3) birth certs and SSN cards

4) court orders (O or CC)

5) adoption papers (O or CC)

6) affidavits stating that requirements of state law have been met(common law spouse)

7) notarized child dependency affidavits showing that app. provides no less than 30% of child support

8) affidavits establishing dependency for parents or relatives

9) notarized statement from spouse with prior marital status and proof of each

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