Shared Flashcard Set


Lung Channel
Point questions regarding the Lung channel
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards





1. Where is Zhongfu (middle palace) located?


2. What is the insertion depth, and angle?


3. What are the cautions?




1.  Zhong Fu (Lung 1) is located Laterosuperior to the sternum, 1 cun below Yunmen (Lung 2), at the level of the first intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline.


2.  Cam insertion depth: 0.5-0.8, oblique towards the lateral aspect of the chest.


3.  Caution!  Deep perpendicular or oblique insertion carries a substantial risk of causing a pneumothorax!

What special point category is zhongfu (middle palace) in?
Zhongfu (Lung 1) is the front mu point of the Lung!
What channel does Zhongfu meet with?
This is where the Lung and Spleen channels meet!  Awww so sweet!

1.  What are Deadman's Actions for Zhongfu?



2.  What are CAM's Indications for Zhongfu?


1.  Deadman's actions for Zhongfu (Lung 1) are:

*  Disseminates and descends Lung qi and alleviates cough and wheeze

*Transforms phlegm, clears heat and regulates the water passages

*Descends Stomach Qi


2.  CAM's indications for Zhongfu include: cough, asthma, pain in the chest, shoulder and back, fullness of the chest.


1.  Where is Yunmen (Cloud Gate) located?


  2. What is the insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Yunmen (Lung 2) is located in the superior lateral part of the anterior thoracic wall, superior to the coracoid process of scapula, in the depression of the infraclavicular fossa, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline.


2.  Insertion depth is 0.5-0.8, puncture obliquely towards the lateral aspect of the chest.


3. Caution:  Deep perpendicular or oblique insertion carries a substantial risk of causing a pneumothorax!


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Yunmen (cloud gate)


2.  What are CAM's indications for Yunmen?


1.  Deadman's actions for Lung-2 Yunmen are: 

* Clears Lung heat and disseminates and descends Lung qi

* Dispels agitation and fullness


2.  CAM's indications for Lung-2 Yunmen are:  Cough, asthma, pain in the chest, shoulder, and arm, fullness in the chest.

Yunmen is special, because according to Essential questions, it is one of the 8 points for draining heat from extremities


1.  Where is Tianfu (Palace of Heaven) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Tianfu (Lung 3) is located on the medial aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun below the end of the axillary fold, on the radial side of m. biceps brachii.


2.  0.5-1 inch, Perpendicularly


3.  Nope!!! Yay!

What is the measurement in cun from the axillary fold to the elbow?
What special point category is Tianfu in?
Tianfu (Lung 3) is a Window of Heaven point.  It is grouped with other window of heaven points that have an effect on headache and dizziness and heat, redness or swelling of the face or eyes.  It particularly has an effect on DIZZINESS!!!

1.  What are Deadman's actions for Tianfu (Palace of Heaven)?


2.  What are CAM's actions for Tianfu?


1.  Deadman's actions for Tianfu - Lung 3:

*Clears Lung heat and descends Lung qi

*Cools blood and stops bleeding

* Calms the corporeal soul (po)


2.  CAM's indications:  Asthma, epistaxis, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm.


1.  Where is Xiabai (Clasping the White) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Xiabai (Lung 4) is located on the medial aspect of the upper arm, 4 cun below the anterior end of the axillary fold, or 5 cun above the cubital crease, on the radial side of m. biceps brachii.


2.  0.5-1 inch, perpendicularly


3.  NOPE!


1.  What are Deadman's indications for Xiabai (Clasping the White)?


2.  What are CAM's actions for Xiabai?


1.  Deadman's indications for Xiabai (Lung 4) include:

* Descends Lung qi

*Regulates the qi and blood in the chest


2.  Cough, fullness in the chest, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm.


1.  Where is Chize (Cubit Marsh) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Chize (Lung-5) is located on the cubital crease, in the depression of the radial side of the tendon of m. biceps brachii.  This point is located with the elbow slighlty flexed.


2.  0.5 - 1 inch, perpendicular


3.  NOPE!

What special point category is Chize (Cubit Marsh) in?
Chize (Lung 5) is the He-Sea and water point of the Lung channel

1.  What are Deadman's actions for Chize (cubit marsh)


2.  What are CAM's indications for Chize?


1.  Deadman's actions for Chize (Lung-5) include:

*Clears heat from the Lung and descends rebellious qi

*Regulates the water passages

*Activates the channel

*Relaxes the sinews and alleviates pain


2.  Cam's indications for Chize (Lung-5):  Cough, hemoptysis, afternoon fever, asthma, sore throat, fullness in the chest, infantile convulsions, spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm, mastitis.


1.  Where is Kongzui (Maximum Opening) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Kongzui (Lung 6) is located on the palmar aspect of the forearm, on the line joining Taiyyuan (Lung 9) and Chize (Lung 5), 7 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist. 


2.  0.5-1 inch, perpendicular


3.  Nope!


1.What special point category is Kongzui (Maximum Opening) in? 


2. What is special about this point category?


3. How does this differ between yin and yang channels?


1.  Kongzui (Lung 6) is the Xi-cleft point of the Lung channel.


2.  Xi-Cleft points treat acute conditions and pain.


3. Xi cleft points of yin meridians also treat disorders of blood.


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Kongzui (Maximum opening)


2. What are CAM's indications for Kongzui?


1.  Deadman's actions for Kongzui (Lung 6) include:

*Disseminates and descends Lung qi

*Clears heat and moistens the Lung

*Clears heat and stops bleeding

*Moderates acute conditions


2.  CAM's indications for Kongzui include:  Cough, pain in the chest, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm.

What is the measurement in cun from the crease of the elbow to the crease of the wrist?

1. Where is Lieque (Broken Sequence) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1.  Lieque (Lung 7)  is located superior to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist between the brachioradial muscle and the tendon of the long abductor muscle of the thumb. 


2.  0.3-0.5 inch, obliquely upward (against the flow of the channel)


3. Avoid the cephalic vein!


What special point categories is Lieque in?


i.e., why is Lung 7 such a rockstar????


Lieque (Lung 7) is in many point categories.

1.  It is the Luo-connecting point of the Lung channel (reminder, the Luo channel of the Lung separates from the Lung primary channel at Lieque, then follows the Lung channel into the palm and spreads through the thenar eminence, and connects with the LI channel.

2.  It is the confluent point of the Conception vessel (Ren Mai)

3.  Gao Wu command point for all disorders of the head and nape

4.  Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star point


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Lieque (Broken Sequence)


2.  What are CAM's indications for Lieque?


1.  Deadman's actions for Lieque (Lung 7) include:

*Release the exterior and expels wind

*Promotes descending function of the Lung

*Pacifies wind and phlegm

*Benefits the head and nape

*Opens and regulates the Conception vessel

*Regulates water passages

*Activates Channel and Alleviates Pain (ACAP)

2.  CAM's indications for Lieque include: Headache, migraine, neck rigidity, cough, asthma, sore throat, facial paralysis, toothache, pain, & weakness of wrist.


1.  Where is Jingqu (Channel Gutter) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Jingqu (Lung 8) is located 1 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist in the depression on the lateral side of the radial artery. 


2.  0.1-0.3 inch, perpendicularly


3.  Avoid puncturing the radial artery!

What special point category is Jingqu in?
Jingqu (Lung 8) is the Jing-River and Metal (horary) point of the Lung channel.

1.  What are Deadman's actions for Jingqu (channel gutter)?


2.  What are CAM's indications for Jingqu?


1.  Deadman's actions for Jingqu (Lung 8) include:

*Descends Lung qi and alleviates cough and wheezing.

(note: unusual indication for Lung 8 = pain in the region of Yongquan Kid 1)


2.  CAM's indications for Jingqu include: Cough, asthma, fever, pain in the chest, sore throat, pain in the wrist.


Note:  remember that jing-river points are indicated for cough and dypsnea, chills and fever :)


1.  Where is Taiyuan (Supreme Abyss) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Taiyuan (Lung 9) is located at the radial end of the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the lateral side of the radial artery.


2.  0.2-0.3 inch, perpendicularly


3.  Avoid the radial artery and vein! 

What are the special point categories of Taiyuan (Supreme Abyss)?

1.  Shu-Stream

2. Yuan-Source

3. Earth point of the Lung channel (ie, mother point!  In cases of deficiency, reinforce the mother)

4. Hui-Meeting point of the vessels (aka influential point of vessels)


1. What are Deadman's actions of Taiyuan (Supreme Abyss)?


2.  What are CAM's indications of Taiyuan?


1.  Deadman's actions of Taiyuan (Lung 9) include:

*Tonifies the Lung and transforms phlegm

*Promotes the descending function of the Lung

*Regulates and harmonizes the one hundred vessels



2. CAM's indications for Taiyuan include: Cough, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, palpitation, pain in the chest, wrist and arm.


1. Where is Yuji (Fish Border) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Yuji (Lung 10) is located on the radial aspect of the midpoint of the first metacarpal bone, on the junction of the red and white skin (i.e. the junction of the dorsum and palm of the hand)


2.  0.5-0.8 perpendicularly


3.  Nope!

What special point category is Yuji (Fish Border) in?
Yuji (Lung 10) is the Ying Spring and Fire point of the Lung channel

1. What are Deadman's actions for Yuji (Fish Border)?


2.  What are CAM's indications for Yuji?


1.  Deadman's actions for Yuji (Lung 10) include:

*Benefits the throat

*Clears Lung heat

*Descends rebellious qi

*Harmonizes the Stomach and Heart


2. CAM's indications for Yuji include: Cough, hemoptysis, sore throat, loss of voice, fever, feverish sensation in the palm.


1.  Where is Shaoshang (Lesser Shang) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Cautions?


1.  Shaoshang (Lesser Shang) is located on the radial side of the thumb, about 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail


2.  Puncture 0.1 inch, or prick the point to cause bleeding.


3.  NO, except that it hurts!!!


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Shaoshang (Lesser Shang)? 


2. What are CAM's indications for Shaoshang?


1.  Deadman's indications for Shaoshang include:

*Revives consciousness

*Clears heat and benefits the throat


2. CAM's indications for Shaoshang include:  Sore throat, cough, astham, epistaxis, fever, loss of consciousness, mania, spasmodic pain of the thumb

What are the special point categories for Shaoshang (lesser Shang)?

Shaoshang (Lung 11) is the Jing-Well and wood point of the Lung channel.


It is also known alternatively as Gui-xin (ghost faith) among Sun Si-miao's thirteen ghost points for the treatment of mania disorder and epilepsy.

Overview of Lung channel special point categories.

Jing-Well:  Shaoshang, LU 11  -wood

Ying-Spring:  Yuji, LU 10  -fire

Shu-Stream: Taiyuan, LU 9  -earth

Yuan-Source: Taiyuan, LU 9

Jing-River: Jingqu, LU 8 -metal

He-Sea: Chize, LU 5  -Water

Luo-Connecting: Lieque, LU 7

Xi-Cleft:  Kongzui, LU 6

Front-Mu: Zongfu, LU 1

Back-Shu: Feishu, UB 13

*Taiyuan, LU 9 is also the hui meeting point of vessels

*Lieque, LU 7 is also a command point for head and neck, confluent of Ren, and a heavenly star point.  * Tianfu Lu3 = window of heaven

Overview of point insertion depth and angles.

Lung 1 & 2 = oblique 0.5-0.8

Lung 3-6 = perpendicular 0.5-1.0

Lung 7 = oblique 0.3-.05

Lung 8 = perpendicular 0.1-0.3

Lung 9 = perpendicular 0.2-0.3

Lung 10= perpendicular 0.5-0.8

Lung 11 = 0.1 or prick to bleed

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