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Literary Devices-Super Kraker
Super Kraken
12th Grade

Additional English Flashcards





Anastrophe is a form of literary device wherein the order of the noun and the adjective in the sentence is exchanged. In standard parlance and writing the adjective comes before the noun but when one is employing an anastrophe the noun is followed by the adjective. This reversed order creates a dramatic impact and lends weight to the description offered by the adjective.



He spoke of times past and future, and dreamt of things to be.


An aphorism is a concise statement that is made in a matter of fact tone to state a principle or an opinion that is generally understood to be a universal truth. Aphorisms are often adages, wise sayings and maxims aimed at imparting sense and wisdom. It is to be noted that aphorisms are usually witty and curt and often have an underlying tone of authority to them.




Upon seeing the shoddy work done by the employee the boss told him to either shape up or ship out.


An aphorism is a concise statement that is made in a matter of fact tone to state a principle or an opinion that is generally understood to be a universal truth. Aphorisms are often adages, wise sayings and maxims aimed at imparting sense and wisdom. It is to be noted that aphorisms are usually witty and curt and often have an underlying tone of authority to them.



Upon seeing the shoddy work done by the employee the boss told him to either shape up or ship out.


An aphorism is a concise statement that is made in a matter of fact tone to state a principle or an opinion that is generally understood to be a universal truth. Aphorisms are often adages, wise sayings and maxims aimed at imparting sense and wisdom. It is to be noted that aphorisms are usually witty and curt and often have an underlying tone of authority to them.




Upon seeing the shoddy work done by the employee the boss told him to either shape up or ship out.


This literary device involves creating a fracture of sorts within a sentence where the two separate parts are distinguishable from one another yet intrinsically linked to one another. The purpose of using a caesura is to create a dramatic pause, which has a strong impact. The pause helps to add an emotional, often theatrical touch to the sentence and conveys a depth of sentiment in a short phrase.



Mozart- oh how your music makes me soar!


A chiasmus is a literary tool where a rhetoric figure of speech is utilized. The uniqueness of a chiasmus arises from the fact that it has two fractions in the whole phrase/ prose/ paragraph and these two fractions are in sync with one another. The second fraction is arranged in a syntactically tuned form with respect to the first.



You can take the patriot out of the country but you cannot take the country out of the patriot.


Circumlocution is a form of writing where the writer uses exaggeratedly long and complex sentences in order to convey a meaning that could have otherwise been conveyed through a shorter, much simpler sentence. Circumlocution involves stating an idea or a view in an indirect manner that leaves the reader guessing and grasping at the actual meaning.



Instead of writing he arrived for dinner at 8 pm the author writes, 8 pm was when he reached the dinner party."


Deus ex Machina


Deus ex Machina is a rather debatable and often criticized form of literary device. It refers to the incidence where an implausible concept or character is brought into the story in order to make the conflict in the story resolve and to bring about a pleasing solution. The use of Deus ex Machina is not recommended as it is seen to be the mark of a poor plot that the writer needs to resort to random, insupportable and unbelievable twists and turns to reach the end of the story.



If in a suspense novel the protagonist suddenly finds a solution to his dilemmas because of divine intervention.


Ekphrastic refers to a form of writing, mostly poetry, wherein the author describes another work of art, usually visual. It is used to convey the deeper symbolism of the corporeal art form by means of a separate medium. It has often been found that ekphrastic writing is rhetorical in nature and symbolic of a greater meaning.



A photograph of an empty landscape can convey desolation, abandon and loss. Similarly, one can convey the same sentiments and concepts by using phrases such as an empty doorwayor a childless nursery.


The literary device euphony refers to the use of phrases and words that are noted for possessing an extensive degree of notable loveliness or melody in the sound they create. The use of euphony is predominant in literary prose and poetry, where poetic devices such as alliterations, rhymes and assonance are used to create pleasant sounds. Euphony is the opposite of cacophony, which refers to the creation of unpleasant and harsh sounds by using certain words/ phrases together. This literary devices is based on the use and manipulation of phonetics in literature.



It has been said that the phrase cellar door is reportedly the most pleasant sounding phrase in the English language. The phrase is said to depict the highest degree of euphony, and is said to be especially notable when spoken in the British accent.

Faulty Parallelism

In literature, the term parallelismis used to refer to the practice placing together similarly structure related phrases, words or clauses. Parallelism involves placing sentence items in a parallel grammatical format wherein nouns are listed together, specific verb forms are listed together and the suchlike. When one fails to follow this parallel structure, it results in faulty parallelism. The failure to maintain a balance in grammatical forms is known as faulty parallelism wherein similar grammatical forms receive dissimilar/unequal weight.



On the TV show The Simpsons, lead character Bart Simpson says, they are laughing, not with me.


Malapropism in literature refers to the practice of misusing words by substituting words with similar sounding words that have different, often unconnected meanings, and thus creating a situation of confusion, misunderstanding and amusement. Malapropism is used to convey that the speaker/character is flustered, bothered, unaware or confused and as a result cannot employ proper diction. A trick to using malapropism is to ensure that the two words (the original and the substitute) sound similar enough for the reader to catch onto the intended switch and find humor in the result.



In the play Much Ado About Nothing, noted playwright William Shakespeares character Dogberry says, "Our watch, sir, have indeed comprehended two auspicious persons." Instead, what the character means to say is "Our watch, sir, have indeed apprehended two suspicious persons."


Metonymy in literature refers to the practice of not using the formal word for an object/subject and instead referring to it by using another word that is intricately linked to the formal name/word. It is the practice of substituting the main word with a word that is closely linked to it.



When we use the name Washington D.C we are talking about the U.Spolitical hot seat by referring to the political capital of the United States because all the significant political institutions such as the White House, Supreme Court, the U.S. Capitol and many more are located her. The phrase Washington D.C. is metonymy for the government of the U.S. in this case.

Negative Capability

The use of negative capability in literature is a concept promoted by poet John Keats, who was of the opinion that literary achievers, especially poets, should be able to come to terms with the fact that some matters might have to be left unsolved and uncertain. Keats was of the opinion that some certainties were best left open to imagination and that the element of doubt and ambiguity added romanticism and specialty to a concept.



The best references of the use of negative capability in literature would be of Keatsown works, especially poems such as Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to a Nightingale.


The term onomatopoeiarefers to words whose very sound is very close to the sound they are meant to depict. In other words, it refers to sound words whose pronunciation to the actual sound/noise they represent.



Words such as grunt, huff, buzz and snap are words whose pronunciation sounds very similar to the actual sounds these words represent. In literature such words are useful in creating a stronger mental image. For instance, sentences such as the whispering of the forest trees or the hum of a thousand bees or the click of the door in the nighttime create vivid mental images.

Pathetic Fallacy

Pathetic fallacy is a type of literary device whereby the author ascribes the human feelings of one or more of his/her characters to non-human objects or nature or phenomena. It is a type of personification, and is known to occur more by accident and less on purpose.



The softly whistling teapot informed him it was time for breakfast.

Periodic Structure

In literature, the concept of a periodic structure refers to a particular placement of sentence elements such as the main clause of the sentence and/or its predicate are purposely held off and placed at the end instead of at the beginning or their conventional positions. In such placements, the crux of the sentences meaning does not become clear to the reader until they reach the last part. While undeniably confusing at first, a periodic structure lends a flair of drama and romanticism to a sentence and is greatly used in poetry.



Instead of writing, brokenhearted and forlorn she waited till the end of her days for his return one may write, for his return, brokenhearted and forlorn, waited she till the end of her days.


The term periphrasisrefers to the use of excessive language and surplus words to convey a meaning that could otherwise be conveyed with fewer words and in more direct a manner. The use of this literary device can be to embellish a sentence, to create a grander effect, to beat around the bush and to draw attention away from the crux of the message being conveyed.



Instead of simply saying I am displeased with your behavior, one can say, the manner in which you have conducted yourself in my presence of late has caused me to feel uncomfortable and has resulted in my feeling disgruntled and disappointed with you.




In literature, this device refers to the practice of joining together two or more words in order to create an entirely new word. This is often done in order to create a name or word for something by combining the individual characteristics of 2 or more other words.



1. The word smog is a portmanteau that was built combining fog and smoke and smog has the properties of both fog and smoke.


2. Liger= Lion + Tiger= A hybrid of the two feline species, possessing characteristics of both.


In literature, this device refers to the practice of joining together two or more words in order to create an entirely new word. This is often done in order to create a name or word for something by combining the individual characteristics of 2 or more other words.



1. The word smog is a portmanteau that was built combining fog and smoke and smog has the properties of both fog and smoke.


2. Liger= Lion + Tiger= A hybrid of the two feline species, possessing characteristics of both.




A synecdoche is a literary devices that uses a part of something to refer to the whole. It is somewhat rhetorical in nature, where the entire object is represented by way of a faction of it or a faction of the object is symbolized by the full.



Weary feet in the walk of life, does not refer to the feet actually being tired or painful; it is symbolic of a long, hard struggle through the journey of life and feeling low, tired, unoptimistic and the walk of lifedoes not represent an actual path or distance covered, instead refers to the entire sequence of life events that has made the person tired.

While the term synesthesia literally refers to a medical condition wherein one or many of the sensory modalities become joint to one another, in literature it refers to the depiction of a strong connection, link or bond between the different senses. Characters in literature are sometimes described to be experiences synesthesia. Synesthesia is the conflation of the senses.

The Sound of Blue by Hollu Payne which portrays synesthesia with respect to the Romantic ideal.
Verisimilitude is an interesting literary device wherein the quality of seeming truthfulness or verity is ascribed to a person, notion, concept, statement or event. The quality of the stated seeming to be true and correct and accurate is referred to as verisimilitude.

The bestseller Diary of Anne Frank lent verisimilitude to the suffering of the Jewish people during the Holocaust.
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