Shared Flashcard Set


Interior CI Credits

Additional Architecture Flashcards





How many points may be earned under SS Credit 1, Site Selection?

A. 1/2 points

B. 1 point

C. 2 points

D. 3 points

E. Nome of the above

D is correct

In which of the 5 main selections of the LEED-CI Rating System can a project for a bilding that has on-site renewable energy?

A. Sutainable Site

B. Water Efficiency

C. Energy and Atomsphere

D. Materials and Resources

E. indoor Environmental Quality 

A is correct

A building that reduces that use of municipally provided potable water for a building sewage conveying by over 50% would achive how many points for this strategy under SS Credit 1 option1?

A. 1

B. 1/2

C. 1

D. 2

E. 3

B is correct

Which of the following tasks specifically relate to Fundamental Commissionaing? (choode 2)

A. Complete a summary Commissioning reprt

B. Verify that the requirements for training are compleated

C. Conduct comissioning design review prior to mid-construction documents

D.Verify that installation and preformance of the comissioned system

E. Develpo a system manual for the commissioned system

A and D are correct
What are the 4 Comissioned Systems?

1. HVAC and refrigeration

2. Lighting controles including day lighting

3. Domestic hot water system

4. Renewable energy


What are the 6 rewuirements to fundamental commissioning-Prerequisite 1?

1. Deignate an individual as Commissioning Athority

2. Document the Owners needsand requirements

3.Develop and incorporate the the commissioned rewuirements to the construction documents

4. Develop ans utilize a commissioning plan

5. Verify that the intallation and preformance of the energy consuming systems meet the owners needs

6. Compleate a commissiong report


What is the intent of the EA Fundimental Commissining-prerequisite 1?
To verify that the projects energy related systems are installed , calibrated and preform as installed
What should the commissing report include?

Description of the owners project rewuirements

Description of the project specifications

Verificationof installation

Function preformance testing results and forms

O & M documentation evaluation

Training program evalation

Value of commissioning process

Contract and plan for resolution, 8 to 10 months after final acceptance


A legal firm will renovate 90% of the building they occupy and plans to attempt EA Credit 3, Measurements & pryments accountability. In orderto meet the requiredments of this credit, continous metering equipment must be provided for which of the following?

a. building-related process

b. outdoor irrigation system

c. constant moter loads

d.all of the above

d is correct

Under Option A of the EA credit 1.3, OptimizationEnergy Preformance, HVAC, tenant fit out must be zoned to meet with of the following requirements? (choose 3)

a. interior spaces must be separately zoned

b. every solor exposure must have a separately zoned control provided by on-side renewable sources must serve at least 75% of the regularly occupied zoned space

d.provate offices must have active controles capable of sensing use

e. if agjacent spaces are not considered reguarly occupied, they share the same zoning controles.

a, b, d is correct

Which of the following is an exemplary preformance threshold that will earn projects one innivation in design credit? (choose 2)

a. a project team that has two LEED APs on the project

b. projects that use materials with recycled content such that the sum of the post-consumer recycled content plus one-half of the pre-consumer contentes at least 33% of the total material cost.

c. projects that use FSC-certified wood products for 91% of the total wood products for the prject

d.projects that areable to divert 77% of the total construction wast debris from the lanfill

e. Projects that use renewable materials constituting 11% of the total materials value for the project

b, e is correct

A project team has chosen to convert an old brewery into an adult education facility and plans to reuse the majority of the existing building. Which of the following elements do NOT apply to MR credit 1.2, building reuse, maintain 40% of the interior Non-structural Elements? (choose 3)

a. structural floor

b. roof decking

c. floor converings

d. exterior framing

e. interior non-load bering walls

a,b,d is correct

Which of the following constetues pre-consumer (post industrial) recycled content?

a. a ceramic tile facility that reuses shreds of tile broken during the manufacturing process to make ceramic tile

b. a steel manufacturing facility that uses recycled steel melted down from old cars

c. a stell manufacturing facility that recucles rebar from old construction projects that make steel beams

d. a clothing company that uses material from recycled plastic bottles to make fleece jackets

e. non of the above

e is correct
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