Shared Flashcard Set


Learner differences
concepts, disabilities, and disorders.
Not Applicable

Additional Education Flashcards




IDEIA - Individuals with disabilities education improvement act.
Defines disability as mental retardation, hearing, speech, or visual imparements, emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism, or brina injury. Requires that all children with disabilities between 3 and 21 recieve "a free and approprite public education" Requires that special education and related services be provided. IEP's will be designed and teachers must adhere to them.
Characteristics: master knowledge and skills quickly, process information efficiently, independant learners, high level of interest and intrinsic motivation
Strategies: Advanced instruction (accelerated), cross grade grouping (class specific advanced instruction), Use of enrichment activities, Account for interests and learning preference, Cirriculum compacting (streamlining material).
Intellectual disability
Characteristics: limitations in intellectual ability (IQ 70 or lower) and adaptive behavior, prior to age 19
Teach with direct instruction, practice or learn past the point of mastery, hands on learning, cooperative learning, foster generalization (immediate feedback, practice skills, reinforcement, reteaching, etc)
Learning diabilities
Characteristics: difficulty organizing remembering and expressing information, difficulties with: phoenetics, coordination, spelling and reading, planning, number sequences, impulsive behavior. Learning disabilities that are not intelectual disabiliities
Produce outlines, reduce course load,provide tools such as: photocopies of notes, chapter outlines, study guides, syllibi. Use clear instruction, written and oral assignments, recorded lesons, practice excercises, more time for homework, use chalkboard, mneunmonic devices, examples, step by step instruction, props, peer tutoring, review information with students.
characteristics:difficulties with word recognition, reading, writing, grammar, spoken language, organizing language, memorizing, reading comprehension, math problems, and difficulty with longer reading assignments.
Strategies:Structure practice, immediate corrective feedback, work closely with academic therapists if they have one, extra time for tasks, help with taking notes (perhaps another student), modified assignments and tests (audio), alternative means of assessment, books on tape and using computer programs.
characteristics: good linguistics but slow to develope basic counting and number identification skills, difficulties with computaion, organization (of numbers), time, estimating, strategy games, poor sense of direction, poor long term meory in regards to math operations, trouble with estimation, organization, measuring, and pattern recognition.
Strategies:Help students identify weaknesses, outside tutoring, repetition, organize ideas with graph paper, practice estimating, introduce skills with concrete examples, remove distractions.
Characterstics:Difficulty spelling, writing, or putting thoughts on paper. May overlap in other areas. Difficulties may include: awkward motor control while writing, illegible handwriting, avoiding writing or drawing, lack of energy while writing, incomplete sentennces or words, difficulty organizing thoughts on paper, syntax and grammatical errors, written ideas to not match those comminicated through verbal means.
Strategies: alternatives to written work, lower expectations on the quality of work, instruction in handwriting and writing skills. Within these categories are: suppliment note taking with recording devices, step by step tasks for writing assignments, use of heywords for writing assignments, clear and constructive feedback, voice recognition typring programs, etc. TEacher assitance in the planning, organizing, dratfing and editing proceses.
auditory processing disorder
Characteristics: Affects how auditory information is interpreted.Difficulties include: identification of individual sounds in a word, syllables, rhyming, identifying differnet sounds, distinguishing similar sounding words, auditory memory, sequencing of sounds (what order they are in a word or phrase), combingin sound to form words.
Strategies:suppliment oral lecture with written material, slow and simple verbal directions, rhyming and sorting games.
visual processing disorder
Characteristics: difficulty seeing differneces and similarities in colors, shapes and objects, distinguishing between shapes or symbols and their backgrounds, seeing the order and locations of characters or images, coordinating motor functions with visual cues, difficulty with long term and short term visual memory, recognition of objects when only parts are visible.
strategies: leave space between problems and images on pages, use highlighters, use index cards while reading, object finding games (where's waldo), color coding, combine reading with oral presentation, allow electronics (computers, recorders, etc.), note taking buddys, verbal assignments instead of written ones, clearly written handouts with oral instructions, jigsaw puzzles, practice estimting distance, etc.
nonverbal learning disabilities
Characteristics: Motor-lack of motor coordination,problems with dexterity, balance and equilibrium,; Visual, spacial, organizational - Difficulites include visual memory, visual coordination, perception, spatial relations, visual imagery, revisualization,often verbally label everything ; social - difficulties include social awareness and judgement, seen as annoying or attention getting, interpretation of social situations, conventions regarding proximity, vocal changes, and facial expressions, inability to pick up on non-verbal cues.
Strategies: Avoid labeling students, avoid having students copy material use aactive verbalization, simplify the physcial arrangement of assignments, use verbal practices rather than paper/pencil, additoinal time and lower expectations for written assignments, check for understanding often, direct and explicit instruction, cooperative learning, group them sith good role models, talk through everything.
ADHD (Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Characteristics: Inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, distractability, fidgeting, squirming, speaking out in class, difficulty waiting, miss details, fail to follow instructions, move from one uncompleted activity to another.
Strategies: Contingency management (consequences tied to behaviors such as positive reinforcement or use of a token economy or loss of privilages and verbal reprimands), cognitive behavior management (self monitoring and assessment through memorized instructions).
Characteristics:Impaired social interactions and communications skills, repetetive patterns of behavior, sensetivity to noise and touch.
Strategies: Role play models, consistent expectations, foreshadow changes, work loads which correspond to attention spans, alternatives to writing, teach social skills, prevent tantraums, down time, realistic expectations, successful experiences.
Asperger's Syndrome
Characteristics:Impairment of social interaction, imagination, communication. Also impairment of imaginative thought and flexible thinking.Difficulty processing incoming information especially auditory.
Strategies:Visual teaching methods, directly teach social skills (one on one), social scripts, teach narrative discourse skills, noverbal communications skills, etc.
Anxiety Disorder
Characteristics: worry about their competence, overly conforming, perfectionist, unsure of self, redo tasks due to excessive dissatisfaction, fear of catastrophies, violence, bullying, avoidence behaviors.
Strategies: systematic desensitization (relaxation training with gradual exposure to anxious situations), contingency management (token economy, etc.), cognitive behavior management.
Characteristics:pervasively sad, irritable, inability to concentrate, decline in school participation, inability to think clearly, loss of interest, drastic change in weight, appetite, sleeping or energy, prolonged crying, hopelessness, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, social withdrawal, thoughts about death or self destruction.
Strategies:systematic desensitization (relaxation training with gradual exposure to anxious situations), contingency management (token economy, etc.), cognitive behavior management.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Characteristics: More frequent negative, hostile, or angry behavior. Tantraums, placing blame, argumentative.
Strategies: consistent schedule, limit stimulation, adapt positive parenting techniques to the classroom environment.
Visual Impariment
Characteristics:Low vision or blind.
Strategies: Verbal cues: call student by name, speak when doing something or entering the room,all changes should be verbal along with any information which the student needs, use of magnifying devices or screen magnifiers.
Physical Impairment
Characteristics:Limited mobility or hand function, paralysis, missing limbs,impaired strength speed, endurance coordination, and dexterity.
Strategies: Allow them more time to get to class if needed, alloow note takers or tape recorders, assign the student a buddy for projects, oral or taped tests.
Hearing Imparment
Characteristics:Deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind.
Strategies:talk to student's face, use facial expressions, visual aids sequence content, repetition, written announcements, close captioning, use the board,use lights to get class attention rather than a bell.
Communication Disorders
Characteristics: stuttering, aphasa, voice disorders, cleft lip, articulation problems,delays.
Strategies: Offer help when students need it, foster an atmospher of good communicative interaction, model good speech, allow students to record lecture, use good wait time, give them the opportunity to speak a nd speak to them naturally.
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