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Latin American Politics
Political Studies
Undergraduate 4

Additional Political Studies Flashcards




What is the 2nd main note worthy points about failed presidencies? (3)
2. Latin American presidents "reign" not "rule"
A. Presidents struggle to generate legislative support
B. Opposition forces are a great threat to presidents
C. Presidents are tempted to attack congress and bypass it with decrees
What is the 1st main note worthy points about failed presidencies? (4)
1. Pressure from protest movements.

A. the head of government is seen, in Latin America, as the source of all power and final bearer of all responsibility

B. Problem: Unchecked demonstrations may rage beyond bounds, but force against them can backfire

C.Failures of government are seen as failure of the Chief Executive, not the party or movement

D. Many issues may become not a matter of redress or addressing the grievances, but deciding whether the president should leave office - government crisis can mount into full-blown constitutional crisis
The past 25 years
The past 25 yearsMost enduring time period for democracy in Latin America?
3 important failed presidencies
1. Aristide (Haiti)
2. Fujimori (Peru)
3. Balaguer (Dominican Republic)
Characteristics of Liberals (2)
1Favored Free Trade
2Positivist:Thought law could be used as a tool for social engineering
Characteristics of the two subgroups of liberals?
1Classical Liberal
•Emphasize individual rights
•Had Cadre Political Parties
o Small groups of intellectuals
2Radical Liberals
•Emphasized Equality
o Public Education and Universal Suffrage
•Had mass political Parties
Characteristics of Conservatives (7)
o Wanted to preserve the ways of the Spanish empire
o Institution oriented
Believed that the Church and Military were should be protected because they provided social mobility.
o Corporatism
It is a view of society as different organs.
State sponsored economy where social groups have more weight than individuals
o Paternalistic State
Thought the state should be depended on to maintain order.
o They were part of domestic industries
They wanted to protect their way of business
They were afraid that they would lose in a free market.
o On Suffrage
Thought that voting rights should only be given to people who:
•Had a stake in the country
•Could read
o Political Parties
They opposed the creation of political parties. They worried that joining factions would divide the society and take power from the institutions.
What is the significance of the treaty of Westphalia?
It ends the chance of resurrecting the Roman Empire by:
1Emphazing that people citizens are bound to the state sovereign instead of members of a global community.
2Emphasizing Positivism instead of Natural Law.
3 It forced each nation to find its own state, instead of the Empire style of having many nations under one state.
What marked the end of Latin America's membership to the Spanish Global community?
The void of power that occurred when Napoleon took over Spain.
While Bolivar's intention to fill the Latin American void with a Federation, but once the Spanish empire fell, they felt that they didn’t have a lot in common to bring them together anymore.
What was the major difference between English and Spanish Colonialism?
o The English in America encountered hunter gatherer tribes
o The Spanish encountered a huge civilization
Tell me about Caudillos. (4)
1 A Caudillo is someone who incarnates a program and vision.
2 A Caudillo has a personal leadership which transcends partisan lines that establish order.
3 A Caudillo possesses Auctoritas; his power derives from his own persona. it is not based i nan institution.
4 A Caudillo is related to the Latin American value of friendship and loyalty.
What was the significance of what the first president of Cuba said in his inaugural address? (2)
He said, “We have a republic. What we need now are citizens.”
1 Signified that being a republic/democracy is more than just a building, it is a culture.
2 Latin Americans had a problem with changing from the culture that lived under colonialism.
Tell me about the famous debate and its significance to Latin America.
1-The Debate between Las Casas and Sepulveda
2 They debated whether the Indians were animals or humans with rights.
Charles the 5th determined they were human and as such granted them all rights his citizens had.
3 This helps explain the racial integration of Latin America.
Types of Empires (2)
1Colonizing Empires
They get there and trade with the family back home.
They do not mix.

2Civilizing Empires
They get there and mix their culture with others.
A new identity emerges.
In short, what is the main problem with Presidentialsim in Latin America.
THE COMPLETION OF PRESIDENTIAL TERMS; people are not waiting for terms to end.
What is the common reason for ousting a president?
The economic situation.
What is the common reason for ousting a president
The economic situation.
Tell me about Populismo
o It is a unique Latin American ideology characterized by three things:
• 1Mass Based
o The more people the merrier
• 2Nationalistic
o About affirming who we are, and protecting our rights and our interests.
• 3Social Justice Program
o Creating a state where everyone has a decent standard of living
• A right to work
• Social Benefits
• The state makes sure that wealth comes back into the country
o Socialist influence
Tell me a about the Mexico's PRI (3)
1 An example of the Latin American Democratic Left created by the populismo ideology.
2 Their idea was that the Party, not the army would be creator of a republic by uniting people of different social classes.
3 Was the party hegemon in Mexico's Partidocracia.
Tell me about Christian Democratic Parties (2)
o Were reactions to the success of populismo.
o They wanted a closer relationship between the state and church.
Tell me about Partidocracia
1 It is a form of political corruption where a political party rotate power with meaningless parties to have a hegemony of the system.
2 It eventually resulted in less trust in political parties and the decentralization of power.
Tell me about Latin American Democratic Left Parties.
1The Latin American Democratic Left was a result of the ideology of Populismo.
2•Consisted of parties that combined social democracy and nationalism
2A o They wanted the state involved in the economy
2B o They still wanted capitalism
Tell me about the military in Latin America. (2)
1o The military often runs the Airports and Seaports where corruption helps gives them an additional source of funding.
2 They often felt justified in taking over because after they committed war crimes fighting the guerillas they felt it was the only way of avoiding persecution.
Uslaf Pietre wrote talked about three groups. Tell me who they were.
1 Visionarios: they envisioned a better world. MARTI BOLIVAR
2 Godos: Conservatives. They oppose independence. Akin to the Germanic tribes relation to ancient Rome, they tried to preserve a civilization they didn't really understand.
3 Insurrectos: Rebels. They have trouble with authority.
Tell me about Charles the 5th.
Charles the 5th was the grandson of the Catholic kings and the Hasburgs.
He is the closest the world has ever been to being controlled under one ruler.
Latin America is his child.
Why was Spain fit to resurrect the Holy Roman Empire?
1. Spain had a warrior class
which was created by the Reconquista which lasted 700 years.
2. Spain had strong values that had been tried and test in numerous wars.
Latin American Independence came from two things
1. A breakdown of the imperial order
• The poor rule of King Ferdinand the 7th, who promised to be a liberal king but did otherwise
2. The Liberals wanted to make a change
•They said since they couldn't get what they wanted form Spain, they'll make a government of their own.
Their efforts resulted in small republics
What are the 4 regions of Latin America?
Central America
South America
The Caribbean
Tell me about the two models of revolution that Latin America had to choose from. Why did one gain influence over the other?
oAmerican Revolution
•Led to Democracy

oFrench Revolution
•Led to Dictatorship
•BC the state was stronger
•Very ideological
oLatin Americans liked it more.
oBoliviar was studying in Europe when it broke out. So it influenced him heavily.
Tell me about Latin American trust for the state.
Many Latin Americans do not recognize the legitimacy of the state.
They do not believe in it.
They do not see government officials as public servants elected to work for society.
Why do Lat Americans adopt a viewpoint of conquered people.
Their culture is affected by the way the Spaniards exploited native labor and immediately began subjugating the natives to their customs.
What is an Encomienda? Tell me about what happened in Latin American Encomiendas.
Is a mission which allowed people to take conquered lands in return for converting the souls of the conquered.
In Latin America Lords of encomiendas took advantage of indians, making slaves of them.
What is the colonizing empire?
What is a civilizing empire?
Colonizing- They get there and trade with their families back home. They do not mix.
Civilizing- They get there and mix their culture with others and a new identity emerges.
Eleven Million. What does this number refer to?
It refers to how many Africans were subjugated and sent across the Atlantic to endure the horrors of slavery.
What birthed the Latin American Guerilla?
The Haitian slave revolt. This is because a small force with little military experience beat Napoleon's forces.
Tell me about Democratic Caesarism.
The beleif that Latin America could not succeed wit htis racial compostion. The only option for success was for those of European decent to ally with a dictator.
This is part of the origin of Caudillismo.
What does it mean to be Macho?
A womanizer.
Views women not as a companion, but as a possession.
Describe the economic malfunction in Latin America. (2)
1What malfunction in Latin America is not the market or competition, but their absence.
2This yields to corruption of businessmen and politicians.
Tell me about the school of Salamanca.
The school of Salamanca was an early expression of liberalism. In the 16th century it gave rise to the clearest manifistation of a "pro-market economic tendency."
Tell me about Mercantilism. (3)
1 It is the pervasive view of Latin America.
2 An economic theory thought to be a form of economic nationalism that holds the prosperity of a nation is dependent upon its supply of capital.
3 It is not an open system of competition.
What did the crown say about Latin America?
What ended up being the real purpose of colonies?
The Crown said that Latin America was part of a noble purpose, but the role of the Spanish colonies was to enrich the motherland.
Describe the economic legacy Spain gave to Latin America.
1 Despising commercial and industrial activities.
2 Inherited an older approach to financial management
What was the key to a successful national state?
What does it need?(3)
The key is the development of successful cities that can lead to progress.

Three things they need:
1 Agricultural center to provide food.
2 A concentrated economy.
3 A force that could protect it.
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