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Kin 346 Chapter 20 Study Questions
For Final
Undergraduate 3

Additional Physiology Flashcards




How active are adult Americans today?
Today's living has led to the average American being increasingly sedentary. Fewer than 20% of adult Americans were exercising at levels that would maintain or increase their aerobic fitness and strength in the 70's and 80's,.
Discuss the concepts of sensitivity and specificity of exercise testing and the predictive values of an abnormal test. Of what value is this information in the establishment of policy mandating who should be exercise tested?
Sensitivity refers to an exercise test's ability to correctly identify people who have a disease that they're being tested for. Specificity is the test's ability to identify people who do not have the disease. Predictive values of an abnormal test reflects the accuracy of which the abnormal results reflect presence of the disease. This information is of little value beecause the results tend to be low for those without symptoms of CAD, which leads to it having limited value in screening young and health people. It's only recommended that individuals that are at-risk of having CAD should take the test, but most facilities are ill equipped for such a test, and running the test itself is expensive.
How can we get our population to be more active? What levels of exercise do we need to promote to help people gain the health-related benefits associated with exercise?
We can get the population to be more active by informing them of the benefits of being non-sedentary, the health risks associated with a lack of exercise, assigning them an exercise prescription consisting of activities they find enjoyable and keeping it consistent so it becomes routine. Health related benefits can be achieved with as little as two minute activity breaks throughout a sedentary day, but the minimum suggested amount of exercise for cardiovascular improvement is suggested to be a minimum of 5-10 minutes, with 20-30 minutes being optimal.
What six factors must be considered in the exercise prescription? Which of these is the most important?
The six factors of exercise prescription are the mode or type of exercise, frequency of participation, duration of each exercise bout, intensity of the exercise bout, weekly volume of the exercise prescription and breaks in prolonged sitting. The most important factor for developing cardiorespiratory endurance is exercise intensity, altough some people training at lower intensities could lead to health benefits as well.
Discuss the concept of a minimal threshold for initiating physiological changes with exercise training as it relates to the exercise prescription.
Research suggests that breaks in prolonged sitting that last as little as two minutes with low-intensity can positively affect physiological variables. Periodic movement in between sedentary periods can make a big physiological difference.
Discuss the various ways of monitoring exercise intensity, and give the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Exercise intensity can be monitored with the training heart rate, (THR), the Karvonen Method, the training heart rate range, the VO2 Reserve Method, the metabolic equivalent (MET), and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE.) THR establishes a clear linear relationship betweeen heart rate and oxygen consumption corresponding to 75% of the VO2max, but can show substantial differences between them at low intensities. The Karvonen Method is a way to measure THR. The training heart rate range
Describe the components of a good exercise program and their importance in the total program.
The components of a good exercise program are warming up, endurance training, cooling down, flexibility training, resistance training, neuromotor exercise and recreational activities. These all lead to overall health improvements while using enjoyable activities. While they can be relaxing, these activities will improve one's functional ability, cardiovascular endurance and balance.
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