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Key Concepts Test 1
european art history
Art History
Undergraduate 2

Additional Art History Flashcards




What was revolutionary about Giotto's approach to painting as it is exemplified in the panel entitled Lamentation in Padua?
Uses many revolutionary ideas. He was the pioneer of humanism.  The painting is a true fresco painting, and foreshortening with the angels above.  These were both hard things to master and made Giotto a pioneer of his time.
In what ways did the Italian Renaissance differ from the Renaissance in the North in the 15th Century? I.E how does holy trinity by Masaccio differ from The Merode Altarpiece by Robert Campin?

Holy Trinity uses perspective to create a three dimensional picture and realistic, the painting also is very straight forward and as told in the bible.  In the Merode Altarpiece the artist presented a biblical scene in the familiar setting of a flemish house as well as the great use of symbolism my Campin. 


What are the chief characteristics of early Renaissance architecture in Italy?
Developement of linear perspective, true fresco and tempera, this was also the era of humanism life like paintings  and sculpture.   
What new "humanist" attitudes are exhibited in the paintings and sculpture of the Italian and Northern Renaissance?
Artists of this period such as Campin and Rogier despict the naturalistic or "humanist" representations of often but not always traditional Christian subjects.  
What was "Neo-Platonism" and how was that philosophy manifested in Botticelli's THe Birth of Venus and Michelangelo's David?
"Neo-platonism" as a school of thought based on  Plato's idealist spiritual philosophy, experienced a new popularity.  It is shown in both works.
Why would the Tempietto by Bramante be considered an ideal example of High Renaissance architecture?
  High Renaissance because of characteristics such as simplicity, harmony, symmetry and classical antiquity found throughout the structur 
In painting, how does early Renaissance style compare and contrast with the High Renaissance style as in for example : the holy trinity vs. the last supper?

In early renaissance bodies were painted in more realistic postures and poses, and figures began to express real emotion. At the same time, great efforts were made to create realistic 'depth' in paintings, using scientific perspective.

High renaissance Peek of Renaissance art formed colors and proportions, light and shade effects, spatial harmony, composition, perspective, anatomy - all are handled with total control and a level of accomplishment for which there are no real precedents.

The movement known as "Mannerism" in the mid-16th century Italian art represents a sharp break with the ideals of the High Renaissance.  What particular characteristics of Mannerist painting exemplify this reversal of Renaissance form and style?  For example one may contrast the Madonna with the Long Neck to the earlier Madonna on the Rocks by Leonardo.
Mannerism displayed human form in exaggerated poses, and in unrealistic settings this is much different than the Renaissance form where this are in a realistic setting sometimes to ordinary and the people are shown in casual poses.  
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