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JWST 106 Test 3
Religious Studies
Undergraduate 3

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards




the word Josephus used to refer to the schools of thought that came about during the Hasmonean period. They arose because they felt alienated, they believed that the traditional values of society had become corrupted, and that only then knew the will of God
(Onias IV and his descendants), established temple at Leontopolis, temple was not seen as schematic in any way, part of the zadokite family tree
Valued the oral tradition as well as written law. Issues of purity and impurity were very important to them and they believed that man had free will and responsibility but God also possessed omnipotence. Referred to themselves as friend (chaver) or rabbi, and modern Rabbinic Judaism stems from this group. Comprised of mainly the middle class.
descendants of the Zadokite priestly line they were the priests and aristocracy in Jerusalem. Believed in complete free will and rejected the doctrine of reincarnation.
came to be in the mid-second century BC and originated as a branch of the Oniad family, the community of Qumran essene is never mentioned in the dead sea scrolls. Extended ritual purity laws to everyday life outside the temple, they lived like this because they were apocalyptic, believed in predeterminism (no free will), This word comes from outside historical sources, specifically: Flavius Josephus, Philo Judaeus, andPliny the Elder
– denotes someone who has zeal for the honor and glory of God. First appeared around 67 BC and consisted mainly of lower class peasants.
an ancient community located on the West Bank of the Dead Sea slightly south of Jericho in modern day Jordan. The people living at Qumran were most likely Essenes, and the community was eventually destroyed by the Romans. The library of this community was stored in the nearby caves and is now known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Cave 1
The cave where the first Dead Sea Scrolls were found. A Bedouin boy wandered into the cave and found them in clay jars. Because they were enclosed these scrolls were practically complete and were published quickly.
the modern local people living in the area of the ancient community of Qumran and the neighboring desert. A Bedouin boy was the first person to find any of the scrolls and his tribe, not knowing what they were, sold the animal hides as leather to a shoe maker.
Zadokite priests
the priestly line whose decendants became the Sadducees and the Essenes. A group of Essenes founded the community at Qumran where all full members lived their lives according to the purity standards established for priests. This family lost control of the office of High Priest to the Hasmoneans, and were never to gain it back again.
Ritual purity
has nothing to do with sin, cleanliness, or logic. Once pure, cannot come into contact with anything of lesser purity. It is about coming into contact with the devine, sets people apart. One part of purification is the ritual bath (mikveh). Essenes kept ritual purity at all times, to the highest standard
Doctrine of free will
The Sadducees believed in complete free will. The Pharisees emphasized both divine omnipotence and human freedom and responsibility. The Essenes believed there is no free will at all; everything is preordained by God.
Halaktic letter
oral law According to the Pharisees the impurity cannot travel upstream and make the pitcher and the water in the pitcher impure. The Sadducees says the impurity does travel to the pitcher. (This is could be the essenes or the Sadducees)The essenes extended the purity laws to everyday life beyond the temple. Jesus’ position was to restrict the observance to the temple cult proper rather than beyond the temple, he followed the purity laws when going into the temple, etc The essenes only lived like this because they believed the end of days was eminent
Hebrew Bible
the oldest copy of the Hebrew bible was found in the caves at Qumran. This copy was from the 1st to 3rd centuries BC and the previously oldest texts were from the Middle Ages.
first Greek translation of the Hebrew bible supposedly translated by around 70 men for inclusion in the library at Alexandria. The Letter of Aristeas tells the story of the translation.
early Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Bible
Pesher (pl.: pesharim)
commentary on or interpretation of a book of the Hebrew bible. These commentaries are distinguished because they would take a section of the text and then interpreted it in light of current events so that they would understand the text according to the events of the time
religious texts characterized by their belief in a better world to come and the use of certain techniques such as pseudonymity, number symbolism and the presence of angels. Copies of Tobit were found at Qumran.
books where an author has clamed the name of someone famous from history such as Solomon or Enoch which gives the work added significance and credibility.
Sectarian works
describe the works and beliefs of the people who lived in the community at Qumran, they include:
• Damascus Document
• War Scroll
• The community rule (also called the manual of discipline)
Figures mentioned in the sectarian scrolls
names which represent real people though the names of real people are almost never mentioned in the scrolls instead they are given titles. Often Hebrew puns were used to create descriptive names for these people. They include:
• Teacher of Righteousness – one of the founding priests
• Wicked Priest
• Lion of Wrath
• Man of Lies
Flavius Josephus
Pharisaic writer and historian who is the main source for information on second temple Judaism. He wrote about four sects including the Essenes, Sadducees and the Pharisees. wrote for a non-jewish audience with a goal to glorify Judaism and show that whatever Greeks have done in philosophy the Jews did it first and better
Philo Judaeus
Jewish writer living in Alexandria in the first century CE. He composed extensive works, many of which were preserved by early Christians. Many of his works were devoted to interpreting the Pentateuch. He led the delegation of Jews to the emperor Gaius Caligula in 40 CE to complain about persecution resulting from the Jews refusing to participate in imperial worship. He combines the teachings founding various Greek philosophical systems and Jewish Law. One of his most famous concepts concerns the “Logos of God” as the creator and sustainer of the natural world. Used allegory to provide representation of Jewish law and communicate the fact that there are more and bigger things behind the laws.
Pliny the Elder
A Roman geographer who describes a group of Essenes living in the location of the Qumran community and the area surrounding the Dead Sea in his book Natural History. This was is some of the evidence used to support the idea that the group who wrote and stored the Dead Sea Scrolls was a group of Essenes.
John Hyrcanus
expanded the Hasmonean kingdom and forcibly convereted the non Jewish populations.
Aristobulus I
son of John Hyrcanus. He had his mother and brothers imprisoned where his mother died and he had one of this brothers put to death. He was the first Of the Hasmoneans to call himself King and was a big Hellenizer. He reigned for only 1 year.
Salome Alexandra
the widow of Aristobulus I and mother of Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II. After her husbands death she freed and married his brother Alexander Jannaeus who was the next in like to the throne. This was with very little concern for the Jewish Law that prohibits priests to marry widows. She succeeded her second husband to be queen (76-67 BC)
Alexander Jannaeus
His disregard for Jewish Law aroused opposition and he seemed only concerned with military conquest. One year during Sukkot he poured holy water on the ground, was pelted by citrons and then flew into a rage killing around 6000 Jews. Was ousted by the Seleucid king Demetrius III and then the Jews changed their minds and helped Alexander force out Demetrius.
Pesher Nahum
Alludes to the event Josephus wrote about when Alexander Janneaus was ousted from power. The writer uses a pun and calls the Pharisees the “seekers of smooth things” then they themselves believe they are seekers of the law.
Demetrius III
Seleucid king brought in by the Jews to help overthrow Alexander Jannaeus and is then pushed out when the Jews change their minds.
Hyrcanus II
oldest son of Salome Alexandra who she appointed as High Priest. He was supported by the Pharisees. Gets help from the Nabateans the fight the war, which results in a stalemate and they both turned to Rome. Eventually was appointed High Priest by Pompey and then “Ethnarch of the Jews” by Julius Caesar after supporting him in Egypt. Eventually captured by Antigonus and has his ear bitten off.
Aristobulus II
younger son of Salome Alexandra who was very ambitious and when his brother succeeded his mother to the thrown civil war broke out. He was supported by the Sadducees. He is eventually defeated by his brother and Pompey a roman general and his taken away to Rome along with his sons in captivity.
an Idumean who had been forcibly converted to Judaism with the expansion of the Hasmoneans under John Hyranus I. Grandfather of Herod the Great.
Meddles in the civil war and supports Hyrcanus II against his brother Aristobulus II. This was because he wanted control over events in Judea and realized he would have more influence with a weaker ruler. Suggests to Hyrcanus II that he get help from the Nabateans (a non-Jewish, Semitic population). Was made Procurator by Julius Caesar after supporting him in Egypt.
capital of the Nabateans. Much of the city and the palace are built completely into the rock. Petra comes from the Greek word for rock. Hyrcanus II received help from this group when he was fighting his brother Aristobulus II
powerful general in Rome at the time of the civil war between Aristobulus II and Hyrcanus II. He intervenes in the struggle and in 63 BC besieged Jerusalem and takes over the Hasmonean Kingdom with the help of Hyrcanus II who he then makes High Priest. This leads to the dismemberment of the Hasmonean Kingdom and the formation of the Decapolis.
a league of the most Hellenized cities which became the ten cities of the New Testament. They included Beth-Shean, Pella and Abila. Formed by Pompey.
older son of Aristobulus II who had been taken in captivity to Rome who eventually escaped with this father with the help of Caesar and given two legions against Pompey’s supporters in Syria. He was then imprisoned by some of Pompey’s patrons and was tried in Antioch by Scipio (Pompey’s father in law) and beheaded.
Matthathias Antigonus
younger son of Aristobulus II who came back with the Parthians when they invaded Syria and Palestine in 40 BC. Jews believed this to be the removal of Rome and the return of the Hasmoneans. Captures and bites off the ear of Hyrcanus II so he can never be high priest. Drives Herod out but is eventually ousted by Herod and Mark Antony and becomes the first sitting roman king to be beheaded.
overran Syria and Palestine in 40 BC
Brother of Herod the Great, captured by Matthathias Antigonus and commits suicide.
Herod the Great
half Jewish half Idumean, his grandfather was forcibly converted. He was roman king of the Jews who was famous for his brutal tactics as well as his many great building projects in Judea and throughout the Roman world. His reign was usually separated into three parts: the early part characterized by difficulties in solidifying his rule as well as a threat posed by Cleopatra, the middle part which was a time of prosperity by with major domestic problems, and the latter part characterized by domestic turmoil and international tensions.
Hasmonean wife of Herod the Great, and a granddaughter of Hyrcanus II. She was his favorite wife and very beautiful. When Herod went to meet with Octavian after the Battle of Actium he locks her in a fortress, but on his return hears a rumor that he had an affair with her guard and he orders both of them to be killed.
Mother of Mariamne. Wanted to regain control for her family, the Hasmoneans. After Herod was mourning Mariamne she moved to gain control of the Jerusalem garrison and Herod had her executed.
Aristobulus III
Herod had appointed a foreigner, Hananel, to the office of high priest to keep the office weak but Alexandra steps in and gets Mark Antony to pressure Herod to put Aristobulus III into office. He was very well liked and a Hasmonean. He was very young and Herod invited him to a party and then had him drowned in a pool.
Octavian (augustus)
part of the Triumvirate that formed after the assassination of Julius Caesar. Defeated Cassius and Brutus in 42 BC and the lands of Rome are split. He takes control of the western half of the empire. Octavian eventually defeats Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium (31 BC) and becomes the next ruler of Rome Caesar Augustus. In order to get in his favor, Herod pled to him to see his loyalty.
Mark Antony
part of the Triumvirate that formed after the assassination of Julius Caesar. After Cassius and Brutus were defeated he became in control of the eastern half of the Roman Empire which included Judea. Married Cleopatra and refused to oust Herod from power despite many complaints from the Jews until he gives much of Herod’s territories to Cleopatra.
Last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt who has affairs with both Julius Caesar and then Mark Antony. She has many attempts to gain control of Herod’s territories, and eventually receives many of them after marrying Mark Antony, but because Mark Antony was already married to Octavian’s sister this plunges the Roman world into civil war and she ends up loosing her life and all of her kingdom.
Caesarea Maritima (formerly Straton’s Tower) and Sabaste (formerly Samaria) –
two of the great renovations completed by Herod.
Alexander and Aristobulus IV
Herod’s Hasmonean sons by Mariamne. He sent them to Rome to be educated and when they returned he arranged marriages for them. Herod then executed them after hearing rumors started by his son Antipater (son of Doris) that they were conspiring to kill him. Herod then killed Antipater.
Herod Archelaus
(4 BC to 6 AD) oldest son of a Samaritan wife ,Malthace, of Herods. Received Judea, Samaria and Idumaea, all of the areas with major Jewish populations. He was so cruel that Augustus removed him in 6 AD and banished him to Gaul. The territory was placed under the administration of a procurator, subordinate to the legate in Syria.
Herod Antipas
(4 BC to 39 AD) Herod’s youngest son of Malthace. Received Galilee and Peraea, and was best known for his building projects. He was married to the daughter of a Nabataean king but fell in love with Herodias the wife of his half brother Herod Philip, and they broke Jewish law by leaving their spouses and marrying each other. He executed John the Baptist. Herodias pushed Antipas to ask Caligula for the title of king, Agrippa convinced Caligula that Antipas was involved in a conspiracy and Caligula had him exiled.
Herod Philip
(4 BC to 34 AD) Son of Cleopatra of Jerusalem and Herod the Great. Only son to rule until his death, and he died with no children. Received Gaulanitis, Trachonitis, Bathanea and Panias a territory of mainly Gentiles.
Caesarea and Sebaste
Pagan cities where Herod Agrippa I had statues of his daughters erected. Despite ancient Jewish sources speaking in glowing terms of his devotion to his people and the Law, Agrippa I was not an observant Jew and also minted most of his coins with human images.
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