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Iridology terms

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The eyes are the window to the soul

The science and practice that reveals inflammation, where located and in what stage it is manifesting.  The Iris reveals body constitution, inherent weakness, levels of health and the transitions that take place in a person's body according to the way he lives.

Greek meaning is Rainbow.  In Greek mythology Iris was the Goddess of the rainbow and the messenger to the Gods just as the Iris itself is the messenger to the soul
Who is often referred to as the Father of Iridology?  How did his studies begin?

Dr Igantz von Peczely (1822-1911) is often referred to as the father of Iridology.  When he was a young boy of 11, he made his first observation of the iris markings.  While trying to free a panicked owl trapped in his garden he accidentally broke its leg.  He noticed a dark stripe in the lower part of the bird's eye appear shortly afterwards. 

After nursing the owl back to health Peczely noticed the beginnings of a white zigzag line in the area of the iris where the dark mark had been.  

Who could we consider to be the father of Iridology here in the US?
Dr Bernard Jensen (1908-2001)

There are two main schools of Iridology.  What are they?

How do the differ?



The two schools of Iridology would be American and European.

European Iridology talks of lacuna or lacunae (cluster of lesions) rather than lesions and specifies 12 types of fiber defects, while Amercian Iridology uses one.  

The signs of the Iris are meticulously differentiated in the European school and the marks as distinguished between wisps, clouds, streaks and lines.  American Iridologists most blotches and discolorations are seen as general irritations, and their analysis depends more on where they are found in the eye and their color rather than their shape.  

The European Iris map is divided into 5 radial zones and 6 circular zones while the Amercian follows Jenzen's map which has 7 circular zones and specific locations for all major organs.

European names specific diseases while American emphasizes it cannot detect  specific diseases, only tissues conditions such as inflammatio and congeston.


Old and New Terminology

New terms are being used everyday to help us stay on the same page with those in the scientific field.  Please fill in the blanks for the corresponding terms

      Former                                   New

  1. Autonomic Nerve Wreath 
  2.                                            Lacuna
  3. Nerve/Stress Rings
  4. Cholesterol Ring
  5.                                           CirculatoryRing
  6.                                           Radial Furrows
  7. Psora
  8.                                           Surf Rim
  9. Rheumatic Eye
  10.                                           Mixed Biliary
  11. Weak Constitution
  12.                                           Neurogenic sub
  13. Bowel pockets
  1. Autonomic Nerve Wreath   Collarette
  2. Lesion                            Lacuna
  3. Nerve/Stress Ring            Contraction Furrows
  4. Cholesterol Ring              Corneal Arcus
  5. Venous Congestion         Circulatory ring
  6. Radii Solaris                  Radial Furrows
  7. Psora                          Pigment
  8. Scurf Rim                   Scurf Rim
  9. Rheumatic Eye          Febrile/Rheumatic Eye
  10. Murky Eye                 Mixed Biliary
  11. Weak Constitution     Connective Tissue Sub
  12. Strong Constitution     Neurogenic Subtype
  13. Bowel Pockets            Collarette Crypts
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