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Intergration Theories
International Organization
International Studies
Undergraduate 1

Additional International Studies Flashcards




Founded by David Mitrany  instionalism or liberalism
=The growth of IO is a consquence of the autnomy of industrialized societies, and can only be solced by supranational state cooepration.
= they relive states of their power without incorperating them in to a supranational enity.
= interdependency makes war inpossible.
= normative dimension satate should happen to get desired effect
= Bottum up with a spill over effect, starts with functinal spillover that get function wna will genrate inceitives for further cooperation. that creates bais fo political cooperation.
functions follows form
NEO functionalism

Fromulated by HAs  it was an reaction to the ECSC. and he talks about funcinal and political spillover,
Functional part< what and hwy it happens and it can demand in other fiels and political part that actos of society will be lobbying at European level.
= They think that EU can help them with their demands= substates -entities play a role
THere will be elte socialisation they will overcome national issues and look at interests fo teh group pre ueopea and focus will be at inrests of Europe;
= IT will be a tow down , froms follows the function. and leaner prgression predets deepr and depper spillover, itis the logic of integration.

In 70s crisis were in this theroy but was brought back in +90s



Deatuch 92 he talks about compatiblity of core values , the transnational communication and tarsnactions, it s is bottum intesnest transnational interaction whould lead to a secirty community-
An IO supports interaction between goverments witout respting to violence.
- it shares the idea with democratic peace theory.
- same values matter , and US ca be sen as itnense secuirty community .
Regime Theory
Was founded in teh 70s and 80s by A.o Krasner m KEOhance and RIttenberger
= but also many more, ti starts with main issue how to overcome anarchy of the international system.
= it goes back to realism and talks about anarchial system but goes o nwith cooepration, cooertaions are costly but the solution is to set up interntinoaal regime.
= set up explicit rules of interaction that has framework for negotiation and will improve the information exhange and link them to other issues and further cooepration. called #shadow of the future#
has 2 sorts
normative idealsim
= social constructivism
Normative Idealism
Kant peace 1795- focues on people and their desire for peace, it is about sharing core values and goverment has an necessity to reflect on it and also IOs are result of pacifists values and are there to promote shared values
Idealist social constructivism
= logic of that we do things because it is rightr goes over logid of consquences, thus IOs are consquence of shared valued , states that are the same waqnt to cooperate togeather.
Realist school
Realism< states are untary actors they struggles for power and want to achieve to vuntion or maximise ast he interntational system is anarchial they rely on self-help.
= and do not trust another states, cooeration it can lead to losing out and is just good in case of absolute means,
Neo realism vs realism in IO cotnext
Realism as by hoobes tates that human nature leads to power struggle, neo realism syas that is the nature of the sytem that leads to power struggle it is thus not aobut the nature fo the human being but of the international system it is based on states.
= IO is hard to ahvive, absolute means taht evey has to vwin is more about the quiestion who gains mroe thwihc is the fouc of neo realism, if IO is founded it by hegemonic stability.
Hoffman 60s logic of integration, Morasvisk in the 90s is more about liberal intergovermentalism.
it has three dimensions.
1( for mation of states prefrences
2( interstate bargaining ,
3( choice of international instuions
= focues on big deals and is
intergovermtnalism dimension
1( creation of state prefrence< liberal domenstion , states prefrences are formin in multi=actor arena of democratic domestic policie.
2( interstate bargaining< they agree on what to do in terms of integration and the reuslt will be like the sates with power want.
3( instional choice or how to integrate. what keeps actional vetos polling of svereignty, they are defined through treaties, is thera strong omitment there a need} eU ppolin has aphend in every issue areas/
5 examples of intergovermentalism
ECSC to EEC< the transfomration of the Common market to a general common market m, shows changes of prefrences, success of domestic intersts groups that lobbied their govermetns for further market ingegration in the treaty of rome./
 MS prefrences converge on montary discipline and on lockin in fixed exchange rates, the substantial outcoem reflects teh bargaining power. Germany has lot of power makign the montary policu and is the only one to lose.
Schimmelfennign article on enalrgement

he exminates the integratin of CEE he checks

liberal intergovermtnalism why eu states ws teh ouceome did they have to share valeus ad norms m rational outcome basedn oegositic communities.?? 

and social constructiveism.
Rehtoruical action, way of use norm based arguments.

state prefrences according to intergovermtnalism in Schimenafenning 
1( state prfrences
they wanted to enalarge and selectd CEE states, that were limted to quall for all. the geograpohsical postiion dirves against barkements noprth against the south.
= Reulsted in increased trade for cossboder and interdpences.
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