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Infographic Diseases
Diseases from the infographics
Undergraduate 2

Additional Pathology Flashcards






·      Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)





o   Definition: Loss of ability to move arms and legs or weakens breathing and swallowing.


o   S/S: Muscle weakness, difficulty with speech and swallowing


o   Age Group: Adults 40-60


o   Risk Factors: More common in women, family history


o   Prognosis: progressive paralysis and death


o   Tests: Electomyogram, nerve conduction study, MRI, spinal tap, muscle biopsy





·      Alzheimer’s Disease



o   Definition: Form of dementia caused by a progressive brain disorder the damages and destroys brain cells. Brain shrinks and ventricles get larger.  Caused by plaques (deposits of protein fragments that build up in spaces between nerve cells and block normal nerve conduction) and tangles (dead tissues due to mis-folding of nerve cells).


o   S/S: Loss of short term memory, mood/behavior changes, confusion, suspicion, difficulty speaking and swallowing, difficulty with ADLs.


o   Age group: >65 (risk doubles every 5 years)


o   Risk Factors: Family history, lifestyle (smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, lack of sleep)


o   Prognosis: Leads to immobility and eventually death


o   Tests: neurological exam, mental status testing, neuropsychological testing, MRI, CT



·      Anaphylactic Shock



o   Definition: extreme allergic reaction (type 1)


o   S/S: hives, redness, swelling of tongue, lips, back of throat, SOB, chest pain, passing out, weak blood flow, dizziness


o   Age Group: children and adults


o   Risk factors: parents with allergies


o   Prognosis: death likely if not treated in a timely manner


o   Tests: allergy evaluation



·      Asthma



o   Definition: Chronic lung disorder marked by recurring episodes of airway obstruction triggered by hyperreactivity to stimuli


o   S/S: tachycardia, wheezing, chest tightness, rapid breathing, SOB, coughing


o   Age Group: children (child-onset) and adults (adult-onset)


o   Risk factors: women or boys, obesity, stress, smoking during pregnancy, family history


o   Prognosis: lifelong for some, sometimes subsides with age


o   Tests: spirometry, allergy testing




·      Cardiomyopathy




o   Definition: disease of the heart muscle


§  Dilated cardiomyopathy:enlargement of the left ventricle compartment due to blood back-up as a result of inadequate pumping which initially resulted from weakend muscles on the left side of the heart.


S/S: fatigue, SOB, peripheral edema, distended veins


§  Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: heart muscle hypertrophies in response to increased resistance in the blood vessels (due to HTN or obesity). Over time the muscle gets very thick and the space inside the heart gets smaller. Can't pump as much blood. 


S/S: chest pain, low SpO2, dizziness, SOB, fainting


o   Restrictive cardiomyopathy: Stiffening of the heart muscle. Heart can't adequately relax after each contraction so the preload decreases.


S/S: fatigue, SOB, weight gain, fluttering in the chest, nausea, edema. 


§  Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia: Scar tissue replaces heart muscle (dysplasia). The scar tissue can keep the proper rhythm.


S/S: arrhythmias, fainting, cyanosis


o   Age Group: ??


o   Risk Factors: diabetes, obesity, HTN, drug and alcohol use, heart damage from previous MI, thyroid disease, some cancer treatments, pregnancy, family history, obesity


o   Prognosis: no cure, can be managed with medications and lifestyle changes. Can lead to heart failure or MI


o   Tests: echocardiogram, x-ray, electrocardiogram, cardiac cath, MRI, blood tests



·      Chlamydia



o   Definition: STI caused by bacteria.


o   S/S: asymptomatic, mucus-like discharge, burning while peeing, back pain, stomach pain, itchiness around genitals


o   Age Group: sexually active individuals


o   Risk factors: sexual activity, unprotected sex


o   Prognosis: treatable, but can cause infertility if left untreated


o   Tests: STI test



·      Crohn’s disease



o   Definition: Autoimmune disease affecting the ileum and colon. Directly linked to chronic inflammation.


o   S/S: abdominal pain, blood in stool, diarrhea, fever, fatigue, arthrisis, mouth sores, skin disorders, eye inflammation


o   Age Group: 15-35


o   Risk factors: family history


o   Prognosis: lifelong disease, can be managed but not cured


o   Tests: colonoscopy, MRI, fecal blood test



·      Cushing’s syndrome



o   Definition: Group of symptoms that occur when body is exposed to too much cortisol for a long period of time


o   S/S: trunkal obesity, moon face, buffalo hump, striae, hyperglycemia, fatigue, abnormal hair growth in women, poor wound healing, thin extremities


o   Age Group: 20-50


o   Risk factors: Female, taking steroidal drugs for a long time, obesity, type II diabetes, hyperglycemia, HTN, family history


o   Prognosis: if caused by medications it is usually curable, if caused by tumor surgery may be required

Tests: 24 hour urine culture, DST, CRH, MRI or CT scan (tumors)


·      Cerebral vascular accident (Stroke)



o   Definition: interruption in blood flow to the brain which leads to brain cell damage or death. Hemorrhagic stroke= aneurysm: blood vessel in brain bursts. Ischemic= either embolic stroke (blood clot travels from outside the brain to the brain) or thrombotic stroke (blood clot in brain).


o   S/S: FAST- F: Face (drooping on one side of face), A: Arms (arms do not raise to equal level), S: Speech (speech irregular or slurred), T: Time (call 9-1-1 immediately)


o   Age Group: >55


o   Risk factors: female, HTN, family history, smoking, alcohol, obesity, poor diet, physical inactivity, heart disease


o   Prognosis: Depends on the area and size; can be fatal if not treated quickly enough


o   Tests: MRI



·      Cystic Fibrosis



o   Definition: autosomal recessive disease that causes buildup of sticky thick mucus in the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.


o   S/S: productive cough, green phlegm, wheezing, SOB, difficulty with digestion, fatty foul smelling feces, salty tasting skin


o   Age Group: children are born with it


o   Risk factors: family history


o   Prognosis: expected lifespan to 35 yr old


o   Tests: sweat test



·      Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)



o   Definition: body makes unnecessary blood clots and there are no clotting factors available for regular clotting; acute and chronic


o   S/S: uncontrolled bleeding, petechiae (small red dots), purpura (bruises), blood in urine, gangrene, tachycardia, low BP, altered mental state, chest pain


o   Age Group: not age or gender dependent


o   Risk factors: bacterial infection (most common), recent surgery, trauma, pregnancy complications, blood transfusion rxn, cancer


o   Prognosis: multiple organ failure and death likely if not treated quickly


o   Tests:  platelet count, plasma fibrinogen level, prothrombin time



·      Diverticulitis



o   Definition: formation of small sac-like swellings on the wall of the large intestine that become inflamed


o   S/S: abdominal pain, fever, nausea, diarrhea, blood in the stool


o   Age Group: >40


o   Risk factors: low fiber diet, weak intestinal muscles, smoking, lack of exercise, obesity, family history


o   Prognosis: Can be managed


o   Tests: abdominal assessment, WBC count, CT scan



·      Emphysema



o   Definition: a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that causes damage to the respiratory system due to air trapping in the aveoli. Blocks the absorption of oxygen in alveoli. 2 types: acquired or genetic (rare).


o   S/S: coughing, SOB, wheezing, mucus production, grunting during exhalation, barrel chest


o   Age Group: 40-60


o   Risk factors: smoking


o   Prognosis: can result in collapsed lungs, weakened heart, pneumonia


o   Tests: spirometry



·      Epilepsy



o   Definition: brain disorder that causes repeated seizures


o   S/S: temporary confusion, staring, jerking movements, loss of consciousness, warning signs such as an aura. Rapid firing in the brain


o   Age Group: early childhood or >60


o   Risk factors: family history, head injuries, vascular diseases (such as stroke), dementia, more common in women


o   Prognosis: generally can be controlled


o   Tests: neuro exam, EEG



·      Esophageal Varices



o   Definition: swelling of blood vessels that surround the esophagus


o   S/S: blood in stool (“hematochezia”), bloody sputum, anemia, dizziness, asymptomatic


o   Age Group:


o   Risk factors: alcoholism, cirrhosis, portal vein hypertension, HTN, bacterial infection


o   Prognosis: if rupture occurs it can lead to MI, stroke, or death


o   Tests: endoscope exam, CT, MRI



·      Fibromyalgia



o   Definition: pain and tenderness longer than three months in a person’s muscles or joints.


o   S/S: bilateral muscle and joint pain, fatigue, headaches, morning stiffness, “fibro-fog”, trouble sleeping, menstrual pain


o   Age Group: 30-50


o   Risk factors: women, idiopathic, sometimes triggered by stress


o   Prognosis: chronic, can be managed


o   Tests: Assessment



·      Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease



o   Definition: digestive disease that occurs when stomach acid or bile flows back up through the esophagus due to inadequate closing of the lower esophageal sphincter after eating.


o   S/S: chronic heartburn, pain associated with swallowing, sore throat, dry cough, nausea and vomiting


o   Age Group:


o   Risk factors: obesity, pregnancy, smoking, alcohol, diabetes, hiatal hernia, genetics


o   Prognosis: can be managed with lifestyle changes and medications; untreated can increase risk of esophageal cancer


o   Tests: upper endoscopy, esophageal pH monitoring, X-ray with barium ingestion



·      Gout



o   Definition: uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints


o   S/S: extreme pain at the affected joint, more frequent at night, swelling, tenderness, and redness at joint


o   Age Group: >45


o   Risk factors: men, obesity, family history, alcohol, food high in purines, high fructose corn syrup


o   Prognosis: can cause tophi (white bumps caused by urate crystals under the skin), kidney stones, kidney disease, long-term damage to joints


o   Tests: joint fluid tests, blood test



·      Hemophilia



o   Definition: X-linked recessive bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot properly. Type A (lack of clotting factor VIII), type B (lack clotting factor IX), type C (lack clotting factor XI), von Willebrand disease (lack clotting factor VIII), acquired (autoimmune).


o   S/S: blood in urine or stool, unexplained bruising, swelling of joints and muscles, headaches, seizures, vomiting, random nose bleeds, excessive bleeding from minor injuries, delayed healing time


o   Age Group: born with it


o   Risk factors: male, family history


o   Prognosis: anemia, harm to muscles and joints, increased risk of blood infection

Tests: blood tests for clotting factor amounts


·      Huntington’s Disease



o   Definition: genetic brain disorder that leads to decline of physical and mental abilities. HD gene located on chromosome 4.


o   S/S: involuntary movements (chorea), sustained contracture of muscles (dystonia), difficulty swallowing and talking, memory loss, loss of impulse control


o   Age Group: most commonly shows up age 30-50, but can show symptoms in childhood


o   Risk factors: family history


o   Prognosis: death occurs 15-25 years after symptoms arise


o   Tests: genetic testing



·      Hyperparathyroidism



o   Definition: disorder in which parathyroid glands produce too much parathyroid hormone. Primary caused by tumor in parathyroid gland which leads to overproduction of PTH and hypercalcemia. Secondary caused by an underlying disease and leads to hypocalcemia (or normal) and high PTH levels.


o   S/S: osteoporosis, kidney stones, excessive urination, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting or lack of appetite.


o   Age Group: 50-75


o   Risk factors: women after menopause, chronic calcium or vitamin D deficiency


o   Prognosis: long term complications include osteoporosis, organ damage, kidney stones, bone and joint pain


o   Tests: blood test for PTH and calcium, UA, bone mineral density


• Hypertension

o   Definition: chronic elevation of blood pressure (systoic >140, diastolic >90).


o   S/S: asymptomatic, headaches, dizziness


o   Age Group: M>45, F>65


o   Risk factors: males, diet, genetics, diabetes, alcohol, smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, black ethnicity, stress


o   Prognosis: increases risk of stroke, MI, heart failure, kidney damage


o   Tests: blood pressure



·      Kidney stones



o   Definition: small hard deposits formed from crystals inside the kidneys.  Calcium, uric acid, struvite, cystine


o   S/S: pain on side and back, nausea, painful urination, cloudy or foul smelling urine, vomiting, pink/red/brown urine, constant urge to urinate


o   Age Group: >40


o   Risk factors: males, dehydration, high sodium and protein diet, inactive lifestyle, obesity, past kidney stones


o   Prognosis: UTIs, scarring, kidney damage


o   Tests: filtered UA, stone ID



·      Lupus



o   Definition: chronic autoimmune immune complex disorder (type III) causing inflammation. Idiopathic cause


o   S/S: butterfly rash, joint pain, stiffness, swelling, fatigue, fever, skin lesions that worsen with sun exposure, Raynaud’s, SOB, chest pain, dry eyes, headaches, memory loss


o   Age Group: 15-40


o   Risk factors: women, African American, Hispanic, or asian


o   Prognosis: lifelong, symptoms can be managed with treatment; can cause long-term damage to organs


o   Tests: blood counts, erythrocyte sedimentation rates, UA, imaging tests



·      Melanoma



o   Definition: malignant tumor of the skin that arises from melanocytes.


o   S/S: ABCDE- A: Asymmetry/shape, B: Border uneven, C: Color variation, D: diameter/bigger than a pencil eraser, E: evolving/change in size, shape, or color.


o   Age Group: >40


o   Risk factors: light skin, >50 moles, history of sunburn, family history, weakened immune system


o   Prognosis: can lead to death if late stage


o   Tests: skin biopsy, shave biopsy, punch biopsy



·      Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome



o   Definition: Mitral valve does not fully close causing regurgitation


o   S/S: mumur, arrhythmia, SOB, orthopnea, fatigue, chest pain


o   Age Group: >50


o   Risk factors: male, family history, linked to: Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Ebstein’s anomaly, muscular dystrophy, grave’s disease, scoliosis


o   Prognosis: may increase risk of stroke, endocarditis, MI


o   Tests:


o   Echocardiogram, MRI, CT, X-ray, cardiac cath



·      Multiple Sclerosis



o   Definition: autoimmune disease that attacks the myelin sheaths of the nerves


o   S/S: fatigue, numbness, vision problems, difficulty with motor control, problems with cognition


o   Age Group: 20-40


o   Risk Factors: female, family history, certain infections (Epstein-Barr virus), Northern European ancestry


o   Prognosis: potentially can lead to paralysis


o   Tests: MRI, visual evoked potential testing, protein tests



·      Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome



o   Definition: condition in which air flow decreases during breathing while sleeping because the airway is blocked, narrowed, or floppy.


o   S/S: loud snoring, breathing stops during sleep, irritability, restless sleep, nocturia, low libido, tiredness during the day


o   Age Group: 18-60


o   Risk Factors: males, obesity, large tonsils, narrow throat, smoking, large neck


o   Prognosis:


o   Tests: manageable



·      Osteoporosis



o   Definition: skeletal disease caused by density loss and weakening in bones.


o   S/S: stooped posture, fractures


o   Age Group: >50


o   Risk Factors: women, low calcium diet, lack of exercise, excessive caffeine, smoking, family history, decreased ability to absorb calcium


o   Prognosis: can’t be cured, but can be slowed down


o   Tests:  bone mineral density testing, blood calcium levels, PTH levels, decreased Vit D levels



·      Ovarian Cancer



o   Definition: cancer that starts in the ovaries


o   S/S: abdominal pain, bloating, abnormal periods, changes in toileting habits, back pain, changes in eating habits


o   Age Group: >60


o   Risk Factors: women, Caucasian,


o   Prognosis: often diagnosed in late stage so has a poor survival rate


o   Tests: tumor marker tests (CA 125 and HE4)



·      Prostate Cancer



o   Definition: cancer that starts in the prostate, can be benign or malignant. Testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and estrogen play important roles


o   S/S: asymptomatic, problems with urination, incontinence, weakness and numbness, pain in bones


o   Age Group: >65


o   Risk Factors: family history, black, obesity


o   Prognosis: very good survival, most common male cancer in US


o   Tests: digital rectal exam, prostate specific antigen test, ultrasound, biopsy



·      Psoraisis



o   Definition: autoimmune, chronic, inflammatory disorder that involves the skin, scalp, and nails. Skin grows thicker than normal and form plaques which are red, scaly, flaky patches


o   S/S: itching, redness, pain, flakes


o   Age Group: <20, but lasts their whole life


o   Risk Factors: family history, stress, obesity, smoking, recurring infections


o   Prognosis: can be managed, but not cured


o   Tests: physical exam, biopsy



·      Pyelonephritis



o   Definition: UTI that affects the kidneys. Often caused by E-coli


o   S/S: nausea, vomiting, fever, shaking and chills, back pain, groin pain, constant voiding, burning sensation with urination, blood/pus in urine


o   Age Group: ?sexually active?


o   Risk Factors: females, kidney stones, lack of bladder control, catheters, antibiotic use, pregnancy, sexually active, diabetes, immunocompromised


o   Prognosis: can lead to permanent kidney damage if left untreated, sepsis, risk of preterm birth if it occurs during pregnancy


o   Tests: UA, ultrasound or CT, digital rectal exam (men)



·      Rheumatoid Arthritis



o   Definition: Autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and thickening of the synovial membrane which leads to stiffness and pain in joints (usually fingers and wrists). 


o   S/S: unnatural finger bending towards the pinky finger, swollen joints, warmth and reddness at joints.


o   Age Group: 40-60


o   Risk Factors: women, family history, smoking, joint injuries


o   Prognosis: increased risk of developing osteoporosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, cardiac damage and lung damage


o   Tests: erythrocyte sedimentation tests, X-ray



·      Shingles



o   Definition: iral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus which causes a painful rash. After initially being exposed to the virus, it lies inactive in the nerve tissue near the CNS and reactivates later in life as Shingles. 


o   S/S: painful rash in meridians on one side of the body, fever, fatigue, fluid-filled bumps


o   Age Group: >50


o   Risk Factors: Previous history of chicken pox, stress


o   Prognosis: postherpetic neuralgia- pain in nerves that were affected by shingles infection, blindness


o   Tests: inspection, tissue scraping



·      Sickle Cell Anemia



o   Definition: inherited RBC disorder which causes the production of misshapen RBCs (crescent shape) which have a reduced oxygen carrying capacity and get stuck in the vessels


o   S/S: anemia, pain due to ischemia, swollen hands and feet, recurring infections, delayed growth, vision problems


o   Age Group: usually present shortly after birth


o   Risk Factors: family history, African decent


o   Prognosis: chronic, spleen damage, stroke, organ damage, blood clots, anemia


o   Tests: hemoglobin, blood smear, hematocrit, high-performance liquid chromatography



·      Tetralogy of Fallot



o   Definition: A combination of 4 heart defects. Characterized by “tet spells”- cyanosis due to activity (i.e. crying)


1. Pulmonary valve stenosis- reduced flow of blood through pulmonary valve due to valve deformity


2. Ventricular septal defect- hole between the two ventricles


3. Right ventricular hypertrophy


4. Overriding aorta- aorta located above the ventricular septal defect, therefore the aorta receives some deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle


o   S/S: cyanosis, poor development and weight gain, difficulty feeding


o   Age Group: present at birth


o   Risk Factors: untreated diabetes during pregnancy, phenylketonuria, high intake of retinoic acid, extra copies of chromosome 21, 18, or 13, or microdeletion of chromosome 22


o   Prognosis: can heal on its own, may require surgery, increases risk of


o   Tests: echocardiogram



·      Tuberculosis



o   Definition: infection disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that attacks the lungs and can also attack the brain, kidneys, and liver. 


Latent: Person has bacteria in their body, but the bacteria are not dividing. Therefore the bacteria can not be spread during this stage and the person may not have S/S


Active: Bacteria is actively growing and dividing inside the body. Person displays S/S and is infective. Will have a positive chest X-ray


o   S/S: cough lasting 2-3 weeks or longer, weakness, fevers, chest pain, weight loss, no appetite, night sweats.


o   Age Group: very young or very old


o   Risk Factors: weakened immune system (i.e. elderly), pre-existing health problems (diabetes, kidney disease, cancer), alcoholism or intravenous drug abuse, people who have had TB in the past.


o   Prognosis: if untreated can be fatal, joint destruction, meningitis, liver and kidney damage, cardiac damage (cardiac tamponade), disseminated TB- bacteria are spreading throughout the body


o   Tests: skin test and chest x-ray



·      Ventricular Septal Defect



o   Definition: A hole that connects the left and right ventricles.


o   S/S: Cyanosis, fatigue, low appetite, slow growth, swelling, abnormal breathing


o   Age Group: present at birth


o   Risk Factors: rubella infection during pregnancy, diabetes in the mother, drug or alcohol use during pregnancy


o   Prognosis: pulmonary hypertension, heart failure, endocarditis, stroke


o   Tests:  X-ray, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, cardiac cath, pulse oximetry



·      Neonatal Jaundice



o   Definition: condition found in newborns that results in yellow appearance of the skin, eyes, and inside of mouth


o   S/S: yellow skin, muscus membranes, and eyes, difficulty waking, poor feeding, failure to gain weight, irritability, chalky stools and/or dark urine


o   Age Group: present at or shortly after birth


o   Risk factors: premature birth, difficulty feeding, liver disease, mother/baby incompatible blood types, sibling who had neonatal jaundice, east asian or Mediterranean decent


o   Prognosis: physiological usually resolves on its own, pathological can lead to kernicterus


o   Tests: transcutaneous bilirubinometer, blood tests for bilirubin levels, physical exam






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