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How Baking Works Chapter 1 - Introduction To Baking
Food Science - Science Olympiad
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One pint (or liter) of corn syrup weighs more than one pint (or liter) of water because
corn syrup is denser than water
Grams and kilograms are better to use than ounces and pounds because they are
always more accurate when weighing ingredients
If a scale reads 500g × 2g, it means that the largest amount the scale can weigh is
500 grams.
If a scale reads 500g × 2g, it means that the smallest amount the scale can accurately weigh (with less than 10 percent error) is
20 grams
True or False: If flour is to be weighed, it does not matter whether the flour is sifted first or not.
A formula calls for 8 ounces of cinnamon to be weighed. You decide to measure one cup of cinnamon, since there are 8 ounces in one cup. Which of the following statements is true?

a. This will work only if the density of cinnamon is similar to the density of water, where fluid ounces are equal to weight ounces.
b. This will work only if the measuring cup is for dry, not liquid, ingredients.
c. This will work only if the units are first converted to metric.
a. This will work only if the density of cinnamon is similar to the density of water, where fluid ounces are equal to weight ounces
A formula calls for 8 fluid ounces of orange liqueur. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Use a scale to weigh 8 ounces of orange liqueur, because weight measurements are always better than volumetric ones.
b. Use a measuring cup to measure 8 fluid ounces of orange liqueur. Do not use a scale unless you know the weight of 8 fluid ounces of orange liqueur.
c. Use either a scale or a measuring cup to measure 8 ounces of orange liqueur, because, like water, liqueurs are liquid.
b. Use a measuring cup to measure 8 fluid ounces of orange liqueur. Do not use a scale unless you know the weight of 8 fluid ounces of orange liqueur
A bread formula is written using baker’s percentages. This means that the percentages of all
flour ingredients will add up to 100 percent
Explain the main advantage of expressing formulas in percentages.
Formulas expressed in percentages are easier to compare to one another. For example, percentages make it easier to determine which of two formulas has more salt, or sugar, or fat
Explain the main advantage of baker’s percentages over percentages based on total batch size.
With baker’s percentages, if the amount of one ingredient is changed, the only math involved is with that ingredient. With percentages based on total batch size, however, a change to one ingredient means that the percentage of every other ingredient must also be recalculated
What will likely happen if cold egg yolks are added directly into hot milk? Explain how to avoid this problem.
If cold egg yolks are added directly to hot milk, the yolks will likely curdle from the heat. This can be avoided by tempering the yolks into the hot milk. To temper, stir a small amount of hot milk into the yolks. This dilutes the yolks so they can be safely exposed to the heat of the milk without curdling
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