Shared Flashcard Set


HLA Flash Cards
Naveen's Flash Cards
9th Grade

Additional Other Flashcards





Pallet p.30[image]

"over his pallet was a window that looked out over the sea"

A standardized platform or open-ended box, usually made of wood, that allows mechanical handling of bulk goods during transport and storage

Scoff p.49          [image]

"Now it seemed to Ged, a mountain villager who had never been among the sons of rich merchants and noblemen, that this fellow was scoffing at him with his 'service' and his 'Sir' and his bowing and scraping." 

To express derision or scorn about somebody or something

[image]Lore p.67

"There were certain runes on certain pages of the Lore-Book that seemed familiar to him, though he did not remember in what book he had ever seen them before."

- Acquired knowledge or wisdom on a subject such as local traditions, handed down by word of mouth and usually in the form of stories or historical anecdotes

[image]  Vast p.48

"He was not laying a spell and yet there was a power in his voice that moved Ged's mind so that the boy was bewildered, and for an instant seemed to behold himself  standing in a strange vast desert place alone among shadows."

very great in number, size, amount, extent, or degree.

Fey p.69[image]

"He kept up his foolishness for the laughters sake, laughing with them, for after thoes two long nights of dance and moonlight and music and magery he was in a fey and wild mood, ready for whatever might come."

Having or displaying an otherworldly, magical, or fairy like aspect or quality: "She's got that fey look as though she's had breakfast with a leprechaun"

[image] Shrill p.68

"as the east grew light they came back up the beaches and the roads, thed drums silent and only the flutes playing soft and shrill"

High-pitched and piercing in tone or sound: "the shrill wail of a siren" Producing a sharp, high-pitched tone or sound: a shrill fife. Sharp or keen to the senses; harshly vivid: shrill colors

[image] "Intervene p.72

he tried to intervene again, but Jasper said "Come, keep out of this, Vetch"

To come, appear, or lie between two things.To come or occur between two periods or points of time: A year intervened between the two dynasties. 3. To occur as an extraneous or unplanned circumstance: "He would have his degree by now if his laziness hadn't intervened"


"following dim wavering shapes that fled just out of reach before them." 

To go back and forth between possibilities, or be indecisive in making a choice.

Sunder(ed) p.74[image]

"It sundered, and a pale spindle of light gleamed between his opened arms, a faint oval reaching from the gorund up to the height of his raised hands." 

To split apart (an organization, two people, etc.) especially in a violent way

Feathly [image]

"'I know what you did,' he said at last, 'but not what you are. I cannot accept your fealty"

loyalty to a person, group, etc. A feudal tenant's or vassal's sworn loyalty to a lord.
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