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History Midterm 1
2nd Grade

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Humans are born with the stain of sin. Everything human is base and sinful, especially the naked body


St. Augustine


Sig - Extremely conservative viewpoint, eventually opposed by the humanist/individualist movement.

"Man is rightly called and judged a great miracle and a wonderful creature indeed". Argued human beings are perfectable, challenged divinity

Pico della Mirandola


Sig - Important player in humanist movement. Challenged the ideas of St. Augustine and traditional religious figures, argued that humans weren't all sinful by nature, could improve themselves and should celebrate humanity

"It is much safer to be feared than loved", Human beings are by nature selfish, dishonest. Ends justify means

Niccolo Machiavelli


Sig - Challenged the thoughts of medieval philosophers, rejected principle that kings should adhere to Christian moral teachings and that power was derived from God, felt rulers had no obligation to God.

"Sola fide, sola scriptura". Encouraged people to read/interpret Bible for themselves

Martin Luther


Sig - Challenged clergy, argued that they didn't have the right to tell people how to interpret the word of God.

"The only way to erect a common power is to reduce all the wills of the people into one will"

Thomas Hobbes


Sig - saw humans as brutish and foolish by nature, undermined humanist thought. Argued that they must have a supreme sovereign to keep order and stability in society.

"Council of Trent prohibits interpreting Scripture against the common consensus of the Holy Fathers"

Cardinal Bellarmine

  • Strictly opposed Copernican theory, argued that it was too contradictory to Bible as written by the Holy Fathers.
"we ought to begin not from the authority of scriptural passages but from sense-experiences and necessary demonstrations"
Galileo Galilei
"I do not believe that God who has endowed us with senses has intended to forgo their use.."



Scripture has MULTIPLE interpretations

"Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much only as he has observed [of] Nature"

Francis Bacon, 1609


Moved to Enlightenment idea of individualism and movement away from derivation of knowledge via clergy and church. Man is subject to laws of nature, thus they should figure them out.

"Never accept anything as true unless you recognize it to be undoubtable, evidently such"

Descartes 1637

  • Primacy of reason - he felt there was something special about human reason
  • Nature is a book that can be read, interpreted, just like the Bible
"the true God is a living, intelligent, and powerful Being...he governs all things, and knows all things that are or can be done..he constitutes duration and space"

Isaac Newton 1687

  • Argued for a universal law for both Earth and Heavens
  • God exists BUT he doesn't involve himself in everyday activity, simply set the earth in motion.
  • SIG b/c eliminates Church from equation, Nature is rational, everything is governed by reason


"High standard of education to which I refer is only attained by one who has seen many things and read much...Poet, Orator, Historian, all must be studied, each must contribute a share."

Leonardo Bruni - 14th Century



"Royal throne is not a throne of man, but of God himself"

Bishop Bossuet

  • Supported idea of royal monarchy, divine right, etc.
"Much still prevents man from being placed in a use their own minds securely and well in matters of religion". "Have the courage to use your own intelligence!"

Immanuel Kant

  • Free and public use of reason. Enlightenment is slow, gradual process, hindered by guardians who make intellectual curiosity seem dangerous.
 "destruction of people's property by gov't leads to state of war against gov't" "sensation and reflection are the origins from which all our ideas take beginninng"  "

John Locke

  • tabula rasa, blank slate. humans are inherently good, gov't must respect human rights and if they don't, people have right to revolt
  • end measure of political power is preservation of all society, mankind in general"
"The more the Christian religion is divine, the less it pertains to man to require it. If God made it, God will sustain it without you"


  • Rejected Christian intolerance, superstition, oppression. Felt Christianity should be most tolerant and welcoming religion of all.
"My mind is my own church" "I refuse to believe in a religion which I have not been provided with ocular and manual demonstration of"

Thomas Paine

  • Focused on reason, thought. Desired a religion based on these principles, refused to follow others based on their word.
"Religion is a mere castle in the air. Theology is but the ignorance of natural causes reduced to a system"

Baron d'Holbach

  • Completely denounced religion, focused more on Enlightenment ideas such as individual thought and reason.
"Genius is common..many are called, but few are chosen."

Claude Helvetius

  • Reintroduced Humanist ideas, believed that education makes us what we are, called on the people to work for their genius rather than being complacent
"Each of us puts his power in common under the general will [and] we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole"

Jean Jacques Rousseau

  • All legitimate authority stems from human traditions.
  • Rejected Locke's idea of human independence, grants infinite power to the people as a whole, NOT monarchy
"Man is a sentient being, capable of reasoning and acquiring moral ideas" "nature has no set limit to the realization of our hopes"

Marquis de Condorcet

  • Belivieved that humans had inherent goodness and reason, was optimistic about humanity's future progress toward eventual golden age.
"The 3rd Estate contains within itself everything needful to constitute a complete nation"

Emmanuel Sieyes

  • A call to arms for the 3rd Estate. He argued that they were everything, power in numbers, national unity stands above estate/local interests.
"Thinkers of the Enlightenment agreed that it was expedient to substitute simple and elementary rules, deduced from reason and natural law, for the complicated traditional customs which governed [France] at the time"

Alexis de Tocqueville

  • Criticized the Old Regime in France, argued that Enlightenment philosophes set the Fr. Rev. in motion with their ideas of reason and intellect and humanism.
"If women are not prepared by education to become the companion of man, she will stop the progress of knowledge and virtue..truth must be common to all"

Mary Wollstonecraft

  • Argued society is best served by women who are allowed to express their desires and reason in the public sphere, rather than being held down by husbands


"In order to attain fully peaceful democracy, we must complete the war of liberty against tyranny and annihilate both the internal and external enemies of the republic"

Maxmillien Robespierre

  • Tried to justify oppression, censorship, terror, and massacre as necessary to the integral functioning of the state.
"There is nothing in the military profession I can't do for myself" "To honor and serve out emperor is then to honor and serve God himself"

Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Military domination, believed in divine right, sole emperor, he was God-like.
  • Also instituted reform, including freedom of religion and abolishing of serfdom, encouraged reason
"A temperate climate, railways, hardy race of men, abundance of natural resources, number of streams/canals makes England a front-runner in Ind. Rev"

Edward Baines

  • Detailed the attributes of England which made it able to lead the race to Industrial Development in Europe
"Every individual neither intends to promote public interest nor knows how much he is promoting it, gov't intervention retards the progress of society" "Sovereign only has 3 duties.."
Adam Smith
"The power of population is indefinitely greater that the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man" "The poor accuses so many others for his own poverty, but the poor are responsible for their own poverty"

Thomas Mathus

  • Population will eventually outgrow food
  • Poor are poor because of their own faults, it is no one's fault but theirs
"Absence of variety, dull routine of a ceaseless drudgery, slumbering intellect, smoke being inhaled by all the workers"

James Phillips Kay

  • Details the ills of the workers, argues that they have no room for intellectual growth, provides early explanations for workers' revolutions and demonstrations
"No laws can make the idle industrious or the drunken sober..such reforms can only be effected by means of individual action and economy" "Of all wretched men, surely the idle are the most so"

Samuel Smiles

  • Helped inspire people to change their own condition, also believed the poor were poor because of their own faults.
"Advantageous occupation must be found for the poor and unemployed working classes...poor are suffered to remain under their existing circumstances"

Robert Owen

  • Argued that poverty is caused by tradition and genes, passed down. Poor must be removed from this cycle in order to improve their condition.
  • Early form of socialism
"Up! Quit your books..let nature be your teacher!"

William Wordsworth

  • Romantic ideas, movement away from literature, math, etc., more toward idealized versions of reality and a focus on man's role in nature.
"The reasoning power in man is a scab over my immortal spirit"

William Blake

  • Distaste for the rationalist-scientific outlook of the Enlightenment
"When ancient opinions of life are taken away, the loss can't be estimated" "madmen are not our lawgivers"

Edmund Burke, Conservative

  • All gov't must be rooted in tradition, experience, land and property have sanctity
  • Society must evolve from its ancestry
"the revolution was already completed in the palaces of Kings.... French philosophes are responsible for the insurrection of revolutionaries in France.

Klemens von Metternich

  • Austrian nobleman, led Congress of Vienna. Denounced French philosophes and revolutionary/liberalist ideas
"Constitutional Law is and can only be the development or sanction of a pre-existing and unwritten law" "Religion alone civilizes nations" "Let us not be brutalized by science"

Joseph de Maistre

  • Conservative values, rooted in traditional Church values, denounced Liberalism yadda yadda
"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any memeber of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others."

John Stuart Mill

  • Believed that opposing and unconventional viewpoints were essential in the development of society, encouraged government to avoid interfering with development of new ideas.
"All differences of position, class, and age were forgotten...the one great feeling for the Fatherland caused all other considerations to be forgotten" "No longer Catholics and Protestants, Prussians and Germans, be one, will to be one"

Ernst Arndt

  • Fervent nationalist, appealed for German unity
"I believe in the mission intrusted by God to Italy, and the duty of every Italian to strive to attempt its fulfillment"

Giuseppe Mazzini

  • Devoted his life to the creation of a unified and republican Italy, believed that a free and democratic Italy would serve as a model to the other nations of Europe
"Workers, your condition in present-day society is miserable and distressing..I propose a general union between working men and working women"

Flora Tristan

  • Call to arms for the working class, urged them to strengthen their cause by uniting in a national Workers' Union.

"See what is passing in the breast of the working classes...they are disturbed by political passion"



Alexis de Tocqueville

  • Warned of the imminent rebellion by the poor working class. Also described the June Days of 1848 following the closing of the work organizations in France.
"Coketown is characterized as an unnatural family, shouldering, and trampling, and pressing one another to death...unnatural red and black like the face of a savage"

Charles Dickens

  • Hard Times - described the terrible conditions of the working class during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Monotony of industrial life, drudgery of labor, hypocrisy of society all foster class tensions.
"I have been living here like a poor woman..existing merely to perform tricks for you. It is your fault that I have made nothing of my life"

Henrik Ibsen

  • Depicted the grim reality of marriage, women were not as satisfied with their position as people thought.
"Man, with his god-like intellect which has penetrated into the movements and constitution of the solar system - with all these exalted powers - still bears the indelible stamp of his lowly origin"
Charles Darwin
"The bourgeoise has left remaining no other link between men than naked self-interest, than callous 'cash payment'" "The proletariat becomes an appendage of the machine, is without property, and will use its political supremacy to centralize power in the State"

Karl Marx & Freidrich Engels

  • Free trade has brought GREED
  • Positive view of humanity, gives hope for proletariat
"Increasing power of a growing administrative organization is accompanied by decreasing power of the rest of the society to resist its further growth and control"

Herbert Spencer

  • Liberalist - Argued that increased government intervention in society would lead to socialism and slavery
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