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Warm Herbs that transform cold phlegm
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards




Warm herbs that transform cold phlegm description
The herbs in this section are mostly warm in nature and are used for treating disorders of cold-phlegm or phlegm-dampness. They tend to be rather strong, and can be toxic. Care is thus required to ensure that they are properly prepared
Zhi Ban Xia
Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparata
Acrid, Warm, Toxic
Lung, Spleen, Stomach
1. Dries dampness, transforms phlegm, and causes rebellious qi to descend: cough with copious sputum, as in cold phlegm in the Lungs. Especially effective for transforming phlegm due to dampness of the Spleen.
2. Directs rebellious qi downward and stops vomiting: Nausea and vomiting due to many causes including cold, thin mucus, Stomach deficiency, Stomach heat, or pregnancy
3. Dissipates nodules and reduces clumps: Nodules, pressure, distention, or pain due to phlegm lingering in the chest, phlegm nodules in the neck (such as goiter and scrofula), or obstruction caused by phlegm anywhere in the body. Also for focal distention in the cheswt and epigastrium.
Zhi Tian Nan Xing
Arisaematis Rhizoma preparatum
Bitter, Acrid, Warm, Toxic
Liver, Spleen, Lung
1. Dries dampness and expels phlegm: cough and a stifling and distended sensation in the chest due to stubborn phlegm. This herb is extremely drying in nature.
2. Disperses wind-phlegm and stops spasms: Obstruction due to wind-phlegm, usually in the channels, with dizziness, vertigo, numbness in the limbs, facial paralysis, spasms in the hands or feet, opisthonos, stroke, seizures, or lockjaw.
3. Reduces swelling and alleviates pain (topical): topically for such problems as deep-rooted sores, ulcers, and carbuncles. Also for swelling due to traumatic injury and joint pain secondary to phlegm. For this purpose, the herb is used in its unprepared form. Recently used topically for cervical cancer.
Zhi Bai Fu Zi
Typhonii Rhizoma Preparatum
Acridd, Sweet, Warm, Toxic
Liver, Spleen, Stomach
1. Dries dampness, transforms phlegm, expels wind, stops spasms: Wind-phlegm affecting the head resulting in wind-stroke, facial paralysis, hemiplegia, or migraine headaches.
2. Resolves toxicity and dissipates nodules: Snakebite, scrofula, or other nodules due to phlegm and toxicity. For these problems, it is generally used topically and in its fresh form.
3. Dries dampness and stops pain and itching: wind-cold-damp painful obstruction as well as damp skin problems such as eczema. for the latter problem, it can be powdered and applied topically.
Bai Jie Zi
Sinapsis Semen
Acrid, Warm
1. Warms the Lungs, regulates qi, and expels phlegm: coughing of copious and thin sputum, chest distention, and pain due to the accumulation of cold-phlegm, especially in chronic disorders.
2. Promotes movement of qi, disperses clumps, unblocks collaterals, stops pain: phlegm-dampness obstructing the channels and collaterals, yin flat absecesses and spreading sores, and phlegm nodules such as scrofula.
Zao Jiao Ci
Gleditsiae Spina
Acrid, Warm
Lung, Stomach Liver (LIVER STUNG)
1. Draws out toxicity, discharges pus, invigorates the blood, reduces swelling: Frequently used during the early stages of swollen sores to encourage supporation, or to induce those alreaddy formed to burst.
2. Expels wind and kills parasites: tinea and leprosy.
Jie Geng
Platycodi Radix
Acrid, Bitter, Neutral
1. Opens up and disseminates the Lung qi, dispels phlegm, and benefits the throat: cough or wheezing with profuse sputum, throat pain, and loss of voice. Can be used for cough with profuse sputum from either cold or heat.
2. Pushes out pus: for expelling pus associated with Lung abscess or throat abscess. The traditional disease of Lung abscess is marked by fevers, chest pain, coughiing of yellow sputum with a fishy smell, along with coughing up of blood and pus.
3. Opens up and raises the Lung qi while also directing the actions of other herbs to the upper regions of the body (GUIDING HERB!!!!!!): reinforces the actions of other herbs that clear and drain the upper burner, and also whenever the actions of a formula should be focused on the upper regions of the body.
Xuan Fu Hua
Inulae Flos
Bitter, Acrid, Salty, Warm
Liver, Lung, Spleen, Stomach
1. Reduces phlegm and promotes the dissipation of pathogenic water: phlegm and fluids clogging up the Lungs or problems due to accumulation of phlegm and thin mucus. While most appropriate for cold disorders, when combined with the proper herbs it can be used for hot disorders.
2. Redirects the qi downward and stops vomiting: vomiting, hiccough, and belching.
Bai Qian
Cynanchi Stautonii Rhizoma
Acrid, Sweet, Slightly Warm
1. Redirects the Qi downward, dispels phlegm, stops cough: cough with copious sputum and gurgling in the throat. This is a very important herb for Lung qi blockage and stagnation. It is used for disorders of excess with copious sputum that is difficult to expectorate, as well as wheezing. Although slightly warm, it is not drying.
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