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How do I create flash cards?

To create flash cards, please follow these general instructions.

  1. Register to create an account. Be sure to follow the instructions and complete the verification process.
  2. Once you have an account, login to the site, you'll automatically be directed to the "My Sets" page, if not click on the "My Flashcards" link in the top navigation.
  3. Click "New Flashcard Set" button.
  4. On the next screen, enter general information about your flash card set.
    • The required fields are subject, grade level, and title.
  5. Click "Save Set Details".
  6. You will now find yourself on the "Manage Flashcard Set" screen.
  7. Use either the "Quick Editor" or the "Advanced Editor" to add or edit cards in your set.
  8. Once you have added cards to your set, click the "Start Study Session" button on the Manage Flashcard Set screen to study your cards.
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