Shared Flashcard Set


Health unit 1
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards






What do most people think when they are measuring Health


In other words people think health they think about the functioning of the body



What does Physical Wellness mean?




Other words a healthy body is on the is free of disease and sickness, at optimal weight, and able  to function as a person to fully in life this is rahter dated and limited view of health doesn't give the whole picture



Reasearch tells us that physical wellnes isn't the only factor in healthiness. Instead,a person's ________ ______ _______ ______-____ is just as important.


Reasearch tells us that physicl wellness isn't the only factor in healthiness, Instead, a person's overall sense of well-being is just as important



The health triangle has 3 sides it is just like______ with 3 sisde of whatdoes the three sides do?


The health triangle has 3 sidea it is just like a mathematical triangle. with which 3 sides. what does the three sides do? They balance out the 3 equally



What does each side of the health triangle represent?


What does each side of the Health triangle represent? Physical, Mental, and social health



What is physical health?


What is physical health? It's a healthy body free of disease, illness, resonable weight to be able to function in varity ways such at nutrtion, exercise, weight mangement, sleep pattern, and personal hygiene.



What are the empact on physical health?


What are the empact on physical health? alcohol, and drug abuse





What is mental health?


What is mental health?  It is a condition in which someone's emotional state and feelings



Wha can mental health incude?


What can mental health iclude?  mental illness or disoreders like aniexty and depression.



What is social health?


What is social health?  relationshops and interaction with other's such family, friends, peers, and general public.



Even phyically fit you  can have troubles. What can happen?



Even phically fit you can havcan happee trobles. What can happen? Gain weight, trouble with relationships, not able to interact with others, high blood pressure, poor eating habits, and low leavel of energy.



Social conatact can do what?




Social contact can do what? Relieve stress, engage i exercise, eat right,ane less sense of isolation.




What does an active role in life mean?


What does an active role in life mean? Inproving yourself in many ways, doing so reduces health issues, and overall sense of well-being



What three ways is good for physical health?


What three ways is good for physical health? Nutriion, exercise, and sleep.



What can nutrition do for you?




What can nutriton do for you? Feel better, reduces life-threating diseases(cancer, heart disease, and type-2 diabetes.




What is energy balance and what does it do?


What is energy balance and what does it do? Eating right helps balamce relationships, maintain weight. As well get your dad to day activetives done




What is postive energy balancee, and what does it help?


What is postive energy balance, and what does it help?  This is called taking more energy then putting out. Such as broken bones, flu, pregnant, with postive energy balance body is able to call on the stored energy supply as need it.



What also can happen with postive energy balance when you are an adult?


What also can happen with postive energy balance when you are an adult? body fat incresease,obesity, obesity-related diseases, such as diebetes.



What is neg energy balance and what happens?


What is neg energy balance and what happens? Take in less calories, may lose wight, feel tired, adn reduction in immunity.



What does an energy body do?


What does an energy body do? Rewards you with great performance



How do you acheive energy balance?



How do you acheive energy balance? Eat the right foods, fluids and exercise.



What does every person have differnt times of day?


What does every person have differnt times of day? Either neg or postive energy balance.




What happens after a good night's rest, and what do you need to do?





what happens after a good night's rest. and what do you need to do? You may be rested, but your body has low usable energy whic is neg energy and need to eat approiate meal.



 What happens if you sleep o late for breakfast?




What happens when you sleep to late for breakfast, get a headache, fatiqued, lacl of energy, and over eat.




What has maintaning a healthy weight become?. with n


What has maintaining a proper weight becaome? It has become a national issue. Overeating has  a lot of americans overwieght, obese, and the center of disease control between 2011- 2012 69% adults are overweight with 35% are obese





Other then adults who also can be overweight?

There are 3 factors of age group what are they?




Other then adults who also can be overweight? Kids


There are 3 factors of age group what are they?

  • 18.4% kids between the age 12 to 19 classfied obese
  • 18% kids between the age 6 to 10 classfied obese.
  • 12.1% kids between 2 ti 5 classfied obese.




What Does Body Mass index Mean?


What Does Body Mass Index Mean? If your normal weight, overweight,obese, or extreme obese.



Overweight people aren't necessary_____ _______.

What may they suffer from?




overweight people aren't necessary well-nourished.


What may they suffer from? Vit D and mineral deficiencies.



Just because a person eats a lot doesn't mean what?


Just becaue a person eats a lot doesn't mean what?  That the foods they ear are nutritous.



What can happen with weight gain or weight loss?


What can happen with weight gain or weight loss? It can be scary depending on the ciecumstance. Sudden weight loss is a sign of diebetes, canacer. Not eating a sufficiet  Numbers of calories. Sudden weight gain is a sign some heart disease or cancer from consuming to many calories.



Underweight people aren't always _______, wha
t can happen if the body is like this?


An underweight body must use _____ so it won't do what?




What is energy balance?


What are the calories to do certain things and what can happen?




What is energy balance? A simple equation.


What are the calories things,what can happen? I takes 3,500 calories to lose or gain 1  this means to lose a 1pond, must you need to cut o3ut 500 calories each day a week. To in 1 pound you need to eat 3,500 each day a week



Some people do what and not do what?

some people just look at it and what happens?




Some people do what and not do what? eat all the time without gaining weight


some just look at food what happens? they gain weight




Some  researchers consider it to be what?

Also some researchers say it can come from What?

some researhers also say there are other factors in obesity what are they?




Some researchers consider it to be what?  It to be unknown for obesity.

also some researchers say it can come from what? Herity, and the role genes predisposing certain people that are obeseity.

Some researchers also say there are other factors in obesity what are they?  Social influences can cause weight gain or loss considering the blood type the truth at this time obesity is dangerous.


Some researchers also say there are other factors in obeisty what are they? You can con, sider social influences how it can e





Maintaing a healthy weight is what?


What does fast weight programs do?




Maintaing a healthy weight is what? A life long commentment.

What does fast weight programs do? People restrict their calories for several weeks and lose weight, but once you end the diet the weight comes back on.




A lot of people overeat because they don't know how much is in soda,and food?

You would be surprised how much calories in what they eat and drink. Name all the items and the calories they have in them




A lot of people overeat because they don't know how is in the soda and food? How many carlies in certain foods, and drinks.

  • You would be surprised how much all the items, and the calories they have in them, Name all the items that are mention how many calories and fat sugar in them.


  • 16-ounce cola hass 200 carlies and 45 grams of fat of sugar.
  • It is 32-ounce "Supersize" of a soft drink has 400 carlories, and 95 grams of surger350
  • French fries 350 carlories, and 16 grams of sugar
  • Average fry has 600 calries and 30 grams fat


A lot of people overeat because they don't know how much is in soda,and food?

You would be surprised how much calories in what they eat and drink. Name all the items and the calories they have in them




A lot of people overeat because they don't know how is in the soda and food? How many carlies in certain foods, and drinks.

  • You would be surprised how much all the items, and the calories they have in them, Name all the items that are mention how many calories and fat sugar in them.


  • 16-ounce cola hass 200 carlies and 45 grams of fat of sugar.
  • It is 32-ounce "Supersize" of a soft drink has 400 carlories, and 95 grams of surger350
  • French fries 350 carlories, and 16 grams of sugar
  • Average fry has 600 calries and 30 grams fat


What do you start doing to stay healthy? What are all th changes and name each one of them?



What do you start doing to stay healthy?  what are all the changes and name each one of them?
    • Eating a nutrious breakfast is tne mmost important mea of the day.
    • Eating a good breakfast can result in better concentration, and lower cholesterol a healthy breakfast provides vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. it also offers energy that ca  be for physical activty.






    What are healthy breafast choices?


    What other importnt role can keep the body healthy?


    When you are in sports, physically exhausing activies what can happen and when that does happen?





    what are healthy breakfast choices? Eggs whites,oatmeal, Greek yougurt, and granola.


    What other important role can keep the body healthy? Need to drink the right amount of water.


    when you are in sports, and physically exhausting activiites, and don't get enough water ycan become dyhydrated. fatigued, and the bod can't finstion right.



    How much water a day is it for a male and female?

    Drinking the 8-ounces water per day and the 8 by 8 rule should do what?



    how much water a day is it for a male and female?

    According to IOM an average male should drink about 3 liters(about 13 cups) of water per day. A female on the other hand have A1 of 2.2 liters ( 9 cups) in one day.

    Drinking the 8-ounces water pere day and the "8 by 8" rule should be applied in the fluids consumed count towards daily water total.



    Other then eating potato chips,or fries there are other foods that are better for you what are they?


    Other then eating snack cakes or frosted cake here are some foods that are better for you, and what are they?

    Other then drinking soda or non-fruit drinks what else can you drink that is better for you what are they?

    , what

    Other than eating ice cream or ice cream beve What can you eat that's better for you what are they?

    Other than eatings cookies with filling, what else can be better for you?


    Other than eating chip and dips, what is better for you to eat, and what are they?




    Other than eating potato chips, or fries there are other foods taht are better for you, and what are they? Baked potato, pretzels, baked chips, and low-fat popcorn


    Other then eating snack cakes and frosted cakes here are some foods that are better for you, what are they? Angel food cake with raspberries or strawberries, with a small amount of chocolate syrup or maplnk that e syrup.

    Other then drinking sod or no-juice fruit drinks, what else can you drink that is better for  you, and what are they?Water, or flavored water, fruit juice. blended fruit smoothy. and ice tea.

    Other than eating ice cram and ice cream bevarge what can you eat that are better for you, and what are they? Non-fat or low-fat frozen ice milk or yogurt, sorbets, fruit ice, smoothies made with soy or rice milk, and nonfat dairy milk.

    Other then eating cookies with filling, what else what can be better for you and what are they? Graham crackers with a small amount of peanut butter, and fruit, ginger snaps, vanilla wafers, and marshmallows.

     other then eating chips an dip wha is better fou to eat, and what are  they? veggies sticks(carrots, hinicelery, broccli, cauliflower, jicama, radishes, zucchini) and hummus (dip orspread made from gar banzo), or dips made with mashed beans or low-fat yogurt






    Serving size can be tricky bcause is everything and  and individual's  perception what is it?

    There are problems estimating portion sizes to be comnation of what?




    Serving size csn be tricky because is everything and individula's perception what is it?  Perception works both ways. some have conditions like anorexia, nervos tend to overestimate the amount of food eating. Overweight people tend to underestimate their food intake.

    There are problems estmation p ortion sized to be combination of what? Social background, degree of hunger, time of day food PKG suggestions, and restaurant severing size's in result the serving size are the same. It makes it difficult for peopl to estamate how muh they are eating.




    What does food labels help you do?


    What is food labels are regulated by who there are four items to remeber when you are looking at a label what  are they




    What does food labels help you do? Helps makes a decisions which foods that healthy, good, and fresh food label can be tricky.


    What is food labels ar regulated by who there are four items to remeber when you are looking at a label what are they? Food labels by the U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA).FDA requries food label include the 4 requiremnets following information

    • Nam of the food and manufactior, with the contact information.
    • Net weight or quantity contained in the package.
    • Listining of all ingredients, the heaveiest ingredient is listed first,, with other ingredient listed in descending weight.
    • Serving size, as specified by the FDA


    There is other sections on the food label what are they and what are the 13 items on the labels what are they?

    What has to be listed when a manufacturer make's what?


    There is other sections on the food label what are thye and what ar the 13 items on the labels what are they? "nutrition Facts" and %Daily Values.

    • Total calories
    • Calories from fat
    • Total Fataturated fat
    • Choelesterol
    • Sodium
    • Total Carbohydrates
    • Diet fiber
    • Sugars
    • Protein
    • Vitamins A and C
    • Calcium
    • Iron

    What has to be listed when a  make's what? Nautritional claim, such as "fortified with potassium" %Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calories daily diet 30% calories come from fat 10% come from protein, and 60% come from make a good choice have to do division, mulitplication, depending nmber per calories per day






    What is my plate?


    What else is my plate also named?


    There  is a 5 groups are the bulding blocks for a healty diet what are they?






    What is my plate? It was called at one time the food pyramid in 2011 they replace it with MyPLate


    What else is MyPlate also named? The food Pyraid.


    There is a 5 groups are the buliding blocks for a healty diet what are they

    • Fruits
    • Veggies
    • Grains
    • Protein foods
    • Dairy


    Myplate also offers some additional suggetions there 7 healthy food choice what are they




    MyPlate also offers some additional suggestions there 7 healthy food choice what are they?

    • Enjoy your food, but eat less
    • Avoid oversized portions
    • Fill you plate half with fruit and half with veggies
    • Make at least half of your grains whole grains
    • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
    • Reduce sodium compare the amount in the
    • Drink water instead of suary drinks


    When you stick to a reglur exercise program what happens?

    With regular wigh-bearing exer-cise such as walking, running, and aerobics what does it do for your body?

    What happens when you beome larger,, and firmer with proper exercise?

    Along with a healthy lifestyes, exercise can help reduce what?

    Stress can take a enomous toll on you body. Exercise can  help reduce what?

    When endorphins and hormones that create feeling of happiness, well-being. Exercise regulary what becomes more efficient?

    what happens to people who exercise regulary say what can happen

    What can prolong stress do to your body?




    when you stick to a reglur exercise program what can happen? Regular exercise burns more calories.


    With regular weight-bearing exer-cise such as wlaking, running, and aerobices what does it  for the body.

    What happens when you becom larger, and firmer with proper exe Frcise? Fegular exercise strengthens muscles, and muscle tones also improve physical appearance.

    Along with a healthy lifesyles, exercise can help  reduce what? Regular exercise can reduce the risk of diease sunch diabetes, and heart disease, and can be chronic and deadly.

    Stress can take enomous toll on your body. Exercis can help reduce what? Regular exercise can help to alleiate the harmful of stress.

    When endophins  and hormones that feeling of happiness, well -being. Exercise regulart what becomes more effcient?  Exercise produces endorphins lungs become more efficient and are able to take in more oxygen.

    What happens to people who exercisee regulary say what can happen? Regular exercise improves the ab

    What happens to people who exercis regulary say what can happen. Regular exercise improves the ability to handle stres and tensionm, less tired,less anxious, less stressed, and makes it easier to to cope with the irritants.

    What can happern with prolong stress do to your body? Regular exercise rduces stress-related alliments such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol which can lead to heart disease if the stress is uncontrolled it can make damging problems with your body.




    There are both physical and mental benefits by performing physical exercis regulary what does both of these do?


    Ther are both physical and mental benefits by performing physical exercis regulary what do both these do? Reduces stress, harmful dieseases




    Aerobic Fitness can do what?


    What does Muscular Strenteh and Endurance?




    Aerobic Fitness can do what? It can better you cardiorespiratory endurance, measure the oxygen gets to the heart as well to you muscles, and helps the heart pump efficientyly.


    What does Muscular Strenth and Endrance do? There are differnt exercise to strengther diffeernt muscle groups buiding you body to be Musculare you can do these exercise, swimming, cycling and running it also helps contour muscles




    Physical Fiteness (Exercis), can do what?


    What is the beefit of pysical fitness and what are they?


    When doing regular exercise can lower your resting heart rate, what is the heart. what is the fitness terms and what can happen?


    What is the regular heart rate when you are resting and comparession to what?




    Physical Fitness (exercis), can do what? It's where it is important roll of physical health you use your muscles will keep you body physically fit, with a combined with nutriton, physical fit helps maitain  a good weight, and it decreases the risk of disease, and it also gives you more energy increases confidence and  self-esteem


    What is the benfit of physical fitness and what are they? your heart is a muscle and it gets strong and more effecient.


    What is the regular heart rate when you are resing and comparssion to what?  Average heart weight is 72 beats per min  in comparrion, marathon runners,and aerobically report that their heart rate can get as low at 40 beats.


    If you think of you body as smooth-running car describe what you do to the car to keepp it running smooth?

    What do you need to keep your body running smooth?


    If you think of your boday as a smooth-running car decribe what you do to the car to keep it running smooth? Kee properly tuned, burning gas efficiently make sure mechanical parts, so it can go greatest distance.

    What do you nee to keep your body running smooth? when your muscles including the heart, being healthy and srong will operate more efficiently with the least amout of work


    Regular exercise and healthy diet What can happen explain?

    A regular exercies Is good for what?


    Reguular exercis and healthy diet. what can happen and explain? It keeps the veins, and arteries elastic, and free from obstuction


    A regular exercis is good for what? Is good for the lungs, when you are exercising you need more oxygen also the more you use your lungs it will be easier obsorb oxygen and remove waist products




    What does flexibilty , and explain how it can help?



    What does  Body Composition? what can happen to the body by doing this?


    What is Core Conditioning? What can  happen to body?


    What is Aility,   What do you you need to do for your body get what done?


    What is balanc,  With balance you are able to do what?


    What is preventing injury, What do you need to do for preventing an injury




    What does flexibily, and explain how it can help? It's abilitly to move joints smoothly with complete rand of motion, it is also the key word. If you you don't exercise they become tight and short. When the muscles are stretched regurley they become flexible.


    What does Body Compoistion, what can happen to the body by doing this?  This refers to overall makup including the percentage of fat, the ratio of fat to muscle, level hydration, and body density.


    What is core Conditioning, what can happen to the body? Makes a whole person healthy,there are many exercise for core codition and these are stregthening  the muscles of the abdominals and torso. with the body moving produces stability that comes from the trunk and spine.

    What is Ailitye, wht do you need to do for you body to get what needs to done? This another important componenet of fitness, it is ability to move change direction quickly, without losing control of the body.

    What is Balance, with balance you are able to do what? Balance is anothe component allows you to take control the postion of the body. Like standing on one foot with out falling requries static balance as well skating and ice skating or inline skates requries balance.

    What is the preventing injury, what do you need to do for preventiong and injury? By doing exercise properly when doing the exercise's wrong  can lead to muscle strains, paind and muscle spasms. By selecting  proper footwear, useing the right equtiment also trianing in sensible locations lesson there is less chance injury.



    Wha can happen if you properly exercise?

    Sleep is another of important componets of what? There are 6 things, what are they?

    Failure to get eough sleep, can result in what?

    What is Basel sleep mean and what can happen?

    How much sleep do you need, sleep is amout of sleep your body needs on a regular basis.

    What is sleep debt refers to what?



    What can happen if you properly execise? It helps strengthen and improve many body parts as well reduce soreness during and after workout. Reduce  soreness during and after a workout. Proper execise, also if you move the body differet body part for maimu benifits and mimimum injur

    Sleep is another  of importand componets of wht There are 6 things for sleep what are they? Sleep another important compnent of good health, it can also be hard to funcition when you have not slept enough.

    • Lowers stress
    • improves moods
    • improve athietic perfomance and coordination
    • Helps maitain weight

    Improves ability to pay attention and learn


    failure to get enough sleep  can risk of develping a varity of problems like heart problem, diabeties, obesity, and depression also make it diffuclt to pay attention



    What is Basel sleep mean and what can happen? Refers to the amount of slelep you body needs Sleep debt refers amount of sleep loss accumulated by the number fators


    How muc sleep do you need sleep do you need sleep is amount of sleep you body on regular basis.

    • Newborns ( O-2months)-12 to 18 per day/night
    • Infants (3 to 11 months)- 14 to 15 houea per day/night
    • Todddlers (ages1 to 3)-12 to14 hours pwe day/night
    • Preschollers( 3 to% years)-11 to 13 hoursper day/night
    • School-age kids (5 to 10 years) -10 to 11 hours per night.
    • Adolescents (10 - to 17)-8.5 to 9.5 hours per day/night
    • Adults (8+)-7 to 9 hours per day/night


    What is Hands-on Activity, and what do you need to do there are 4 things that can help you what are they


    What is Hands_on Actibity, and what do you nee to do. the ar 4 things that can help you what they? Set goals to need to be set up based on the information you to achieve a health lifestyle. Create a doucument that outlines these goals.

    • Improve nutrtion
    • Create a week's worth of dinner menus using reommendation from MyPlate
    • In coporate regular physical exercise into your life
    • Establish a  regular sleep pattern.


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