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Health Science 390
Human Pathophysiology- Unit 1
Health Care
Undergraduate 3

Additional Health Care Flashcards




What are the five reasons why disease occurs?

1. Adaptation

2. Injury

3. Cell Death

4. Aging

5. Neoplasia

What is the concept behind cell adaptation?
Adaptation is the cellular reaction in response to an injurious agent. The types of adaptation are atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and metaplasia.
What is adaptational atrophy?
The decrease in cellular size and therefore a decrease in the functional components of the cell caused by the cellular reaction to an injurious agent.
What are the five causes of adaptational atrophy?

1. Disuse- atrophy due to a decreased workload "use it or lose it" economy of biology. An example of this is an atrophied skeletal muscle of a broken arm that has been in a cast for awhile.

2. Blood Supply Decrease- atrophy due to no longer getting adequate blood supply to the area, causing your cells to adapt. An example is the thinning of skin and loss of hair growth in the foot resulting from poor blood circulation consequent of chronic heart failure.

3. Inadequate Nutrition- atrophy due to not having the essential nutrients to create proteins and fule the body and cells. An example of this would be the atrophy of the kidneys due to atherosclerosis.

4. Change in Hormonal Stimulation- atrophy due to some sort of change in hormones. This occurs through a negative feedback loop and an example of this is pregnancy and the use of anabolic steriods.

5. Loss of Innervation- atrophy due to the loss of innervation, which subsequently leads to the muscle cells going away with the nerve cells. An example of this would be atrophy of the muscle cells in a denervated leg muscle after a spinal cord injury

Describe the appearance of cells in an atrophic state:

These cells would have an increased presence and size of lysosomes (autophagic vacules filled with lytic enzymes that break up molecules and connect with macrophages to get rid of garbage in the cells). These cells would also have shrunken functional components, and there would also be accumulations of unremovable byproducts (products that cannot be broken down by macrophages) such as:

  • Lipofuscin, an oily remnant of fat breakdown that is pinkishy/yellow and found in some cells that are post-mitotic (why a 100 year old heart may look yellow)
  • Myelin Figures- organelle membranes that resemble an onion and are partially digested proteins that just can't be broken down further
  • Hemosiderin- observabe on the gross examination and the byproduct of etrythocyte turnover that results in a reddish-brown stain on the skin.
What is the meaning of intracellular accumulations and what are at least four different types

Intracellular accumulations are the response to atrophy that results in the production and accumulation of unremovable byproducts of the cell. These unremovable byproducts cannot be broken down by macrophages. Four different types of accumulations are:

1. Lipofuscin

2. Myelin Figures

3. Hemosiderin 

What is the difference between hypertrophy and hyperplasia?

Hypertrophy is the increase in the functional components of the cell, but is not cellular swelling. The most common example of this is in skeletal muscles where, when lifting weights, your muscles begin to make more functional components causing your muscles to get larger. Hypertrophy is the increase in the size of the tissues or organs due to an enlargment of individual cells. Hypertrophy is also rarely pathologic, and actually thought to be a trait of normal physiology.

Hyperplasia, on the otherhand, is the increased size of tissues and organs caused by an increase in the number of cells (NOT AN INCREASE IN THEIR SIZE, LIKE HYPERTROPHY). Hyperplasia essentially means that cells are dividing faster than they are dying, leading to increased size of the organ or thickening of the tissue.

List and explain the four different forms of hyperplasia:

The four different types of hyperplasia are:

1. Compensatory Hyperplasia- hyperplasia in response to some sort of stimulation that causes the cell to divide. There are two types of compensatory hyperplasia- regenerative, which is the adaptive mechanism to a stimulus (think of alcoholics enlarged livers caused by the increased need for the liver to take care of the ETOH) and mechanical,  which is hyperplasia caused by continual mechanical stimulation resulting in the proliferation of cells (callous').

2. Hormonal-caused Hyperplasia- An increase in the number of cells caused by a hormone. An example of this is the hyperplasia of breast tissue and uterine tissue due to the hormones released by the pituitary.

3. Pathologic Hyperplasia- The abnormal proliferation (hyperplasia) of normal cells. This hyperlasia is different from a tumor because it involves normal cells. An example of this is a hemangioma, or the proliferation of capillaries near the skin surface resulting in a large red colored spot on the skin.

4. Atypical Hyperplasia- also known as dysplasia, the proliferation of abnormal cells, size, shape, organization of mature cells. Not quite an adaptive change, but not cancer either. An example of this would be found during a Pap smear or cervical scrap (dx with atypical dysplasia).

What is metaplasia and what are some clinical examples?
Metaplasia is the reversible replacement of one normal tissue form with another normal tissue form caused by a stimulus, more specifically, an irritant. A clinical example of metaplasia can be found in a smoker. In this case, the smoke would serve as the irritant. This irritant causes the replacement of ciliated columnar epithelium cells in the bronchial mucosa to change/be replaced with stratified squamous epithelium. If the individual quits smoking, this process can be reversed and the cells of the bronchial mucosa will revert back to ciliated columnar epithelium. If the individual does not stop smoking, the squamous metaplasia my proceed into dysplasia. Dysplasia can sometimes be reversed, but more often than not, progresses into neoplasia.
What is meant by Cell injury?
Cell injury occurs when adaptation fails due to the introduction of an injurious stimuli and there is an imbalance between material going into the cell and material coming out of the cell. It is the lack of maintenance of this balance, leading to a malfunction, that causes cell injury.
What is hypoxia and what are the cellular events that occur during hypoxia?
Hypoxia refers to the reduced availability of oxygen, and (along with anoxia) are the most common causes of cell injury. Hypoxia occurs because oxygen is essential for cellular respiration to occur (is the fuel for cellular respiration), and when you lack oxygen, you can no longer produce energy. When the cell is no longer producing as much energy as it was before, the pumping of ions out of the cell begins to decrease, though the pumping of ions into the cell does not. This therefore leads to an accumulation of ions in the intracellular fluid, creating an increase in the osmotic pressure, which pulls H2O into the cell, resulting in cellular swelling. This cellular swelling puts pressure on the functional components of the cell. This process can be reversible to a degree, though reoxygenating tissue that suffers anoxia may results in oxygen toxicity caused by free radicals.
What is the role of toxins in cell injury and what are some examples?
Toxins work to cause cellular injury by either directly inactivating the functions of functional components of the cells (blocking the cellular machinery), or by indirectly affecting the cell this way through it's metabolism. An example of a directly toxic substance is mercury, which inactivated cytoplasmic enzymes. An example of an indirectly toxic substance is carbon tetrachloride, which is  metabolized to Carbon trichloride, which acts as a free radical and damages the cell membrane.
What are three mechanisms through which infectious agents cause cell injury?

The three mechanisms through which infectious agents cause cell injury are:

1. Direct Destruction- The infectious agent directly destroys the cell/parts of the cell. An example of this is with a strept infection, which invades the epithelium of the pharynx, turning it to mush.

2. Release of Toxins- The infectious agent causes toxins to be released when they are in the right conditions. An example of this would be clostridium tetani, which releases a neurotoxin when in the right concentration of oxygen, and stimulates the neurotransmitter- ACH- to be released resulting in uncontrolled muscle contractions

3. Hypersensitivity to Invader- cellular injury occurs when the infectious agent causes the immune system to go into overdrive trying to protect the body, which in turn damages the cells. An example of this is tuberculosis, which the bacterium isn't so bad, but the hypersensitivity of your body to it causes a reaction which damages the cells. 

What are the types of injurious stimuli we discussed that can cause cellular injury?

1. Hypoxia

2. Chemicals/Toxins

3. Infectious Agents

4. Immune Response

5. Nutritional Imbalances

6. Physical Agents

What are the reasons why you get an infection?

You have an overwhelming dose

The virus is particularly virulent

You have decreased defenses

Describe the immunologic response of cells to injury:
In response to either a hypersensitive reaction or an inadequate immune system, the immune system can begin to attach itself (autoimmunity). Some of the cells that can do so are lymphokines, cytokines, or complement proteins.
What are the different physical agents that can damage cells?

1. Temperature Extremes

2. Pressure changes

3. Ionizing Radiation

4. Mechanical Factors

How can elevated temperatures injure cells?
Abnormally high temperatures denature the proteins. This is because the cells and extracellular fluid have tons of protein, and when you apply high heat, you cause the proteins to curl up and stick together.
How can abnormally low temperatures injure cells?
When a cell encounters abnormally cold temperatures, ice ctrystals begin to form and lead to the contraction/shrinkage of the cells. Then, eventual expansion occurs causing damage.
What is a fever actually?
It does not mean you have an infection, it just means you have an inflammation. Your thermostat gets reset so you need to raise the setting of the thermostat... which your body tries to do by shivering. When you reach that temperature, you eventually start sweating. Temperature is a measure of molecular motion and our normal body temperature is 98.6.
Explain the dynamics of pressure changes and its effects on cells and resulting injury:

When explosions occur, we are introduced to a wave of high pressure followed by a wave of low pressure. This rapid compression to expansion causes tissue tearing. Since we're mostly liquid, we don't worry too much since the water acts as a cushion. However, one area that we worry about are the lungs and external tissue such as the ear drum. The effects on the lungs can lead to a massive pulmonary bleed due to alveolar destruction. 

In the case of scuba diving, we can compress gasses, but not liquid. As you dive, the gasses get squeezed into your blood, which is why you have to come up very slowly. If you go up too fast, the bubbles effervese and the gasses shoot right out. These bubbles don't squish through the capillaries and actually act to block them... leading to major tissue anoxia. 

Caisson disease

What effects do ionizing radiation have on cellular DNA?
Ionizing radiation causes the removal of electrons from molecules, which therefore creates free radicals that float around in our body. These radicals are highly reactive, and we worry about if they disrupt enzyme production. Specifically, we worry about it messing up the part of the DNA that deals with replication. We are most worried about our rapidly dividing cells. Radiation can actually cause the DNA to unwind.
What are free radicals?
Free radicals are atoms that have lost electrons, therefore making them highly reactive ions that can interfere with DNA.
What are the mechanisms of mechanical trauma and what are some examples?
A mechanical factor causing cell injury is one that interrupts the blood supply. This injury will result in inflammation, which can lead to injury and interrupt blood supply (the increased pressure by the inflammation can cut off blood supply). An example of this can be a gunshot or a stab.
What are the events of hydropic degeneration?
One of the results of cellular injury are accumulations of water in the form of cellular swelling. The cell is no longer able to pump ions normally. When the ions can no longer pump ions out normally, more ions remain in the cells. An osmotic gradiant forms, leading to more water being pulled into the cell and therefore cause swelling to occur. Once this H2O starts to fill the cells, the swelling then gets in the way of the functional components of the cell. This process is called hydropic degeneration, which is technically the increase of water in organelles, and the formation of vacules, which are big fluid filled areas in the cytoplasm. Hydropic degeneration is reversible at this point.
What is the mechanism of lipid accumulations in the cytoplasm and the clinical effects?
Lipid accumulation occurs after cellular injury and further disrupts cellular activity by the congealing of the fat and interefereance with biochemical pathways (the fat gets in the way).
What are the causes of lipid changes?

1. Starvation- when you're body needs energy, it breaks down fat first. However since you're malnourished, your body doesn't have the enzymes to break down fats. So, these fats begin to accumulate, leading to enlargement of whatever tissue it is. One that we specifically talked about was the enlargment of the liver, which is where you break down fat.

2. Genetic Disease- there are a variety of genetic diseases that can lead to an abnormal storage of lipids.

3. Toxins- ethyl alcohol...

Explain fatty liver
Since the liver is where your body breaks down fats, the inability/lack of enzymes to break down fat leads to the accumulation of lipids in the liver. Ethyl alcohol, specifically, can lead to steatosis... which is a fatty liver due to alcohol. Alcohol serves to stimulate the release of more fat from  peripheral stores and inhibits the degradation enzymes that would break down the fat while also stimulating the utilization of internal fat. It also inhibits protein synthesis and the export of fat from the liver in the form of lipoproteins.
What is the mechanism behind calcification?
When the cell is injured and no longer able to pump ions properly out of the cell, there is a specific accumulation of calcium (one of the ions that's supposed to be pumped out). The accumulation of these calcium ions leads to the precipitation of calcium crystals in the cell in our extracellular fluid. Usually, our ESF is on the verge of precipitation... and calcium homeostasis is a very thin guideline. We can either get demineralization of precipitation.
What are the two types of calcification?

1. Dystrophic calcification- the calcium of dead or dying cells is released and allowed to accumulate.  (atherosclerosis?) This types of calcification is patchy and diffuse.

2. Medistatic Calcificaiton- this is the calcification that takes place everywhere, or widespread calcification. This means there is greater than the therapeutic level of calcium in the blood, most of the time due to a hormonal irregularity/imbalance. 

What are hyaline changes and how do they occur?
Hyaline changes are the accumulations that take place in the cells that lead to a glassy, semi-opaque accumulation of glassy translucent crystals. Hyaline changes occur when proteins are denatures. These proteins denature because organic products start to break down, giving off H+ ions which create an acidic environment and cause the proteins to denature.
What is the difference between an infarct and necrosis?
Necrosis is the considered to be a localized dead part or the body due to cell death. An infarct means to plug or stuff, which can lead to necrosis... an example of this is a myocardial infarction.
What is autolysis?
Autolysis is essentially self-digestion and occurs when lysosomes breakdown and release digestive enzymes, turning the inside of the cells to mush.
What are three nuclear changes that occur in cell death?

Besides the tissue changes (autolysis and immune response, there are three different nuclear changes that can take place. (Immune responses occur when the body can't recognize the tissue due to the cell death that's occurred. The body tries to respond by trying to remove the dead cells). 

1. Presence of pyknotic nuclei- the cell begins to appear dense due to nuclear clumping. With the increased dumping, there is increased acid... a process called "Pyknosis". 

2. Nuclear Membrane falls apart- karolysis, the nuclear membrane begins to dissolve because of the increased acid created during pyknosis.

3. The organelles disappear and begin to dissolve- this may happen because of pyknosis and karyolysis. The cell begins to look more like a prokaryote and is uniformly granular inside is a process called karyorrhexis. 

What are the four types of cell necrosis? What are their mechanisms?

1. Coagulative Necrosis- the proteins are denatured, but maintain the structure/architecture of that organ. So, even though the proteins shrivel, we can still tell what the tissue is. An example of this is in the necrosis that follows a myocardial infarction. 

2. Liquifactive Necrosis- this type of necrosis happens where there are areas with a lot of hydrolytic enzymes... which are released during the cell death and cause the lead to a rapid dissolution/liquifaction. A capsule forms around this area of injury, causing it to become encapsulated. An example of this is with glial scars in the brain or sebaceous cysts which can result from a bacterial invasion

3. Caseous Necrosis- this type of necrosis deals with the "chunking" and liquifaction. The chunks are a mixture of necrotic material. An example of this is what's found in the lungs with a tuberculosis infection

4. Fat Necrosis- necrosis that is represented by white granular stuff (soap) in the abdominal cavity. An example of this is with pancreatic cancer, which secretes the digestive enzyme, lipase. In the presense of the base, NaHCO3, the lipases cleave off and form sodium salts in the process of saponification

Review saponification
What is the pathophysiology of gangrene?
Gangrene deals with tissue death and coagulation. The dead tissue is invaded with saprophytic bacteria/organisms (which only live on dead tissue). These organisms create a black pigment, with leads to a black appearance of the tissue. Some types of saprophytic bacteria emit a gas, leading to gas gangrene (crepitus-a cracking ound you hear under the skin). The skin appears to be mummified. External limbs, small digits. Dry desicrated tissue turned black by saprophytic bacteria that only eats dead tissue.
What is apoptosis and how does it develop?
Apoptosis (-ptosis= drooping) is the programmed cell death in either normal or diseased state cells (occurs in both normal and diseases cells). These cells die of no apparant reason (not just because they're diseased..because they can be perfectly normal). It occurs when there is nuclear/cytoplasmic condensation, which leads to fragmentation due to the clumping of proteins an subsequent phagocytosis. This is different because there is no injurious agent, which means there is no cellular swelling (leading to organelles being imposed upon and unable to function). Also, this can occur at a single cell level and may be scattered throughout the cell. Since apoptosis can occur in the deases state, it can be hard to determine if its the cause/result of disease or just apoptosis.
What is the difference between somatic death and necrosis?
Necrosis is localized whereas somatic is whole body death. The changes in somatic death occur everywhere in the body and are therefore diffuse. There is no inflammation/inflammatory component. This matters in determining the cause of death, because if there is no swelling, then it was a somatic death. You can also determine by looking for WBC and an immuse/inflammatory response
What are the four stages of cellular change accompanying somatic death?

1. Algor Mortis- (algor=cold) is the decrease in body temperatures that occur after death. In the standard sense, it's how long it takes your body to come down to ambient (room) temperature. This usually takes 24 hours (depends case to case). It is usually tested with a meat thermometer to the liver.

2. Livor Mortis- (black and blue spots) is bruising, but not in the typical sense. It's the settling of blood into the dependent (areas of highest gravity) areas... so it all depends on the position. This occurs because the usually elastic arteries begin to relax after somatic death and the blood begins to settle in the veins. This can occur within an hour.

3. Rigor Mortis- (stiffness of death) has to do with muscle contraction due to the neuron causing depolarization across the muscle, effecting the permeability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and stimulating the release of calcium without the release of  ATP (which is not produced in death).  the membranes disintigrate, which is why the sarcoplasmic reticulum are so permeable, and also causes them to leak calcium. Because of this, the myosin cross bridges attach with the actin and there is a change in the configuration, caused by the pull on the actin. However, because ATP is not produced, the actin will never be released and the muscles will never relax. It takes rigot mortis about 12 hours to complete and occurs in the smallest muscles first. 

4. Postmortem Autolysis- dissolution of the cells caused by lysosomal enzymes, which digest the cells. The return of the body to faccidity, usually about 24 hours (after rigor mortis)

What are the differences in fluid distribution between intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid?

Intracellular fluid contributes to about 40% of a persons body weight and is only the fluid found within the cell. 

Extracellular fluid takes up two different compartments, the interstitial fluid (ISF), which is fluid around tissues and surrrounds our cells, contributing to about 15% of our body weight) The second compartment of ECF is the intravascular fluid (IVF), which is fluid inside the vessels and makes up about 5% of our body weight (plasma fluid..pure water, but not the other parts).

What are all the fluid compartments and their relative volumes in the body?

Intracellular Fluid- 40% body weight

Extracellular- 20% total- 15% in interstitial fluids, 5% in intravascular fluids.

That means that about 60% of our body weight is water. We do store other water in lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial, ocular, and bile compartments.

What is the normal fluid distribution of newborns versus humans?
In newborns, there is an increased amount body weight that is water. Instead of being 60% body weight of water, theres is 75%. Newborns will have a 5% loss of weight during the postpartum period. This is because they were in an environment where they were surrounded by and filled with fluid.
What effects do fat have on water distribution in the body?
Fat has very little water, whereas CHO attract water. The more fat you have, the less water you have. So, the greater the proportion of you body weight that's fat, the less water contributes to your body weight. This can be a problem, especially with drugs, because those with high fat composition will have the drugs stored in their fat (which leads to a slow release rather than rapid as when it's dispersed in water). They usually need to have more drugs given...
What is the significance of fluid compartments to applications in the clinical setting?
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