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Gross embryo final

Additional Medical Flashcards





10.  In the adult, the remains of the notocord are represented in the:
A) annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc
B) anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments
C) bodies of the vertebrae
D) central gray of the spinal cord
E) nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc

A) annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc
B) anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments
C) bodies of the vertebrae
D) central gray of the spinal cord
E) nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc

11.  Spina bifida occulta results from the failure of the vertebral arch to form above the developing nueral tube.  This is the result of a deficit in the development of the:
B) Epimere
C) Myotome
D) Notocord
E) Sclerotome

B) Epimere
C) Myotome
D) Notocord
E)  Sclerotome


12.  Which of the following is a true statement about the development of the limbs?
A) Extensor muscles of the upper limb are innervated by nerves that arise from the anterior divisions of the brachial plexus

B) The apical ectoderam ridge (AER) imposes a proximo-distal gradient in limb development

C) The epimere contributes to the development of the posterior muscles of the limbs

D) The upper limb undergoes 90 degrees of medial rotation

E) All of the above


A) Extensor muscles of the upper limb are innervated by nerves that arise from the anterior divisions of the brachial plexus
B) The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) imposes a proximo-distal gradient in limb development
C) The epimere contributes to the development of the posterior muscles of the limbs
D) The upper limb undergoes 90 degrees of medial rotation
E) All of the above


13.  Syndactyly is the result of which of the following during limb development:
A) division of the apical ectodermal ridge into more than 5 parts

B) failure of apoptosis to occur in the tissue between adjacent ridges

C) failure of mesenchyme to condense in the region of the 3rd metacarpal
D) failure of the apical ectodermal ridge to divide into 5 parts


A) division of the apical ectodermal ridge into more than 5 parts
B) failure of apoptosis to occur in the tissue between adjacent digits
C) failure of mesenchyme to condense in the region of the 3rd metacarpal
D) failure of the apical ectodermal ridge to divide into 5 parts

11.  The tissue that forms the lingings of the body cavities and coverings of the thoracic and abdominal viscera is formed from which of the following embryonic layers?

a) lateral plate mesoderm
b) neural crest
c) somatic ectoderm
d) somites
e) splanchnic endoderm

a) lateral plate mesoderm
b) neural crest
c) somatic ectoderm
d) somites
e) splanchnic endoderm

12.  The right and left crura of the diaphragm are specifically derived from the:

a) mesentary of the esophagus
b) myoblasts form the body wall
c) pleuropericardial folds
d) septum transvrsum

a) mesentery of the esophagus
b) myoblasts form the body wall
c) pleuropericardial folds
d) septum transvrsum

13. Failure of the pleuroperitoneal membranes to develop may result n which of the following?

a) congenital diaphragmatic hernia
b) ectocardia (heart not in pericardial sac)
c) pneumorthorax
d) tetralogy of Fallot

a) congenital diaphragmatic hernia
b) ectocardia (heart not in pericardial sac)
c) pneumorthorax
d) tetralogy of Fallot


14.  Which of the following structures, located in the pleuropericardial folds of the embryo, come to be located between the pericardial sac and the mediastinal  pleura following completion of development of the thoracic cavity?
a) azygous and hemiazygous veins
b) greater splanchnic nerves


c) phrenic nerves

d) sympathetic trunks

e) vagus nerves


a) azygous and hemiazygous veins
b) greater splanchnic nerves
c) phrenic nerves
d) sympathetic trunks
e) vagus nerves

29.  The superior vena cava is derived from the:

a) common cardiac vein
b) first aortic arch
c) left umbilical vein
d) vitelline vein system

a) common cardiac vein
b) first aortic arch
c) left umbilical vein
d) vitelline vein system

30.  the angiogenic cell clusters that give rise to the early blood cells and the endocardial tubes arise in which of the following?
a) endoderm of the yolk sac
b) extraembryonic mesoderm
c) neuroal crest
d) somatic mesoderm

e) splanchnic mesoderm

a) endoderm of the yolk sac
b) extraembryonic mesoderm
c) neuroal crest 
d) somatic mesoderm
e) splanchnic mesoderm

31.  Failure of the septum primum to fues with the endocardial cushious is likely to result in which of the following?

a) interatrial septal defect
b) interventricular septal defects
c) papent ductus arteriosus
d) patent ductus venosus

a) interatrial septal defect
b) interventricular septal defects
c) papent ductus arteriosus
d) patent ductus venosus

32.  A newborn infanct is seen to be very cyanotic.  An ultrasound of the chest reveals the presence of an overriding aorta interventricular septal defect and right ventricular hypertrophy.  Which of the following other abnormalities would also be observed?
a) interatrial septal defect
b) left verntircal hypertrophy
c) patent ductus arteriosus
d) patent foramen ovale

e) pulmonary artery stenosis

a) interatrial septal defect
b) left verntircal hypertrophy
c) patent ductus arteriosus
d) patent foramen ovale
e) pulmonary artery stenosis

22.  Gastroschisis is a condition in which:
a) Bowel that has herniated into the umbilical cord fails to reenter the body during the 10th week of development

b) loops of bowel pass through a defect in the anterior abdominal wall and are exposed to abdominal fluid
c) the stomach fails to recanalize in the 9th week of development
d) there is duplication of the duodenum

a) Bowel that has herniated into the umbilical cord fails to reenter the body during the 10th week of development
b) loops of bowel pass through a defect in the anterior abdominal wall and are exposed to abdominal fluid
c) the stomach fails to recanalize in the 9th week of development
d) there is duplication of the duodenum

23.  Which of the following is a derivative of the dorsal mesogastrium?
a) falciform ligament

b) gastrocolic ligament
c) hepatoduodenal ligament
d) hepatogastric ligament
e) mesentery of the transverse colon

a) falciform ligament
b) gastrocolic ligament
c) hepatoduodenal ligament
d) hepatogastric ligament
e) mesentery of the transverse colon

24.  Which of the following is/are true of development of the liver?
a) the bare area of the liver is formed where the liver contacts the septum transversum
b) the parenchyma of theliver is derived from endoderm of the foregut
c) the umbilical vein reaches the fetal liver in the caudal edge of the falciform ligament
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

a) the bare area of the liver is formed where the liver contacts the septum transversum
b) the parenchyma of theliver is derived from endoderm of the foregut
c) the umbilical vein reaches the fetal liver in the caudal edge of the falciform ligament
d) all of the above

e) none of the above

25.  A neonate is brought to the ED because it has not passed any feces and it’s abdomen is distended.  A lower GI study reveals a normal appearing distal sigmoid colon, while the descending colon and proximal part of the sigmoid colon appear dilated (megacolon).  A biopsy of the dilated part of the colon would likely reveal which of the following?
a) absence of a myenteric plexus
b) absence of a submucosal plexus
c) excessive numbers of cholinergic nere terminals if stained to reveal acetylcholinesterase

d) normal histology

a) absence of a myenteric plexus
b) absence of a submucosal plexus
c) excessive numbers of cholinergic nere terminals if stained to reveal acetylcholinesterase
d) normal histology

42.  During the 8th week of development, all of the following could be found in the umbilical cord EXCEPT:
a) allantois
b) left umbilical artery
c) loops of small intestine

d) right umbilical vein
e) yolk sac

a) allantois
b) left umbilical artery
c) loops of small intestine
d) right umbilical vein
e) yolk sac

9.  An infant is born with a bicornuate (double) uterus.  What other structure may have a congenital defect that is derived from the same embryonic structures as those that from the uterus?
a) labia minora
b) round ligament

c) superior part of the vagina
d) trigone of the bladder
e) urethra

a) labia minora
b) round ligament
c) superior part of the vagina
d) trigone of the bladder
e) urethra

17.  Primordial germ cells that seed the developing gonads are derived from:
a) endoderm of the allantois

b) endoderm of the yolk sac
c) mesoderm of the genital ridge
d) mesoderm of the posterior body wall
e) mesoderm of the pronephros

a) endoderm of the allantois
b) endoderm of the yolk sac
c) mesoderm of the genital ridge
d) mesoderm of the posterior body wall
e) mesoderm of the pronephros

18.  A female patient is discovered to have a cyst located within the folds of the broad ligament, along the lateral wall of the uterus.  The cyst is called a Gartner’s cyst.  They commonly develop within remnants of which of the following ducts that normally disappear during development of the female but which may persist on occasion?
a) allantois

b) mesonephric duct
c) paramesonephric duct
d) urogenital sinus

a) allantois
b) mesonephric duct
c) paramesonephric duct
d) urogenital sinus

19.  The prostate gland develops primarily from endodermal outgrowths of the:
a) mesonephric duct
b) seminal vesicle

c) urethra
d) urogenital sinus

a) mesonephric duct
b) seminal vesicle
c) urethra
d) urogenital sinus

20.  Testis-determing factor (TDF) produced by a gene on the Y-chromosome of male embryos has its most direct effect on the:
a) genital tubercle

b) gonadal cords of the gonadal ridge
c) mesonephric ducts
d) paramesonephric ducts 

a) genital tubercle
b)gonadal cords of the gonadal ridge
c) mesonephric ducts
d) paramesonephric ducts 

21.  In female embryos, the presence of placental and maternal estrogen guide the pevelopment of the urogenital folds into the:
a) clitoris
b) labia majora

c) labia minora
d) urethra
d) vagina

a) clitoris
b) labia majora
c) labia minora
d) urethra
d) vagina

35.  the metanephric mass of intermediate mesoderm (metanephric blastema) gives rise to all of the following parts of the kidney EXCEPT:

a) collecting duct (of Bellini)
b) distal convoluted tubule
c) loop of Henle
d) renal corpuscles

a) collecting ducts (of Bellini)
b) distal convoluted tubule
c) loop of Henle
d) renal corpuscles
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