Shared Flashcard Set


BYU ENGL 047 200
10th Grade

Additional English Flashcards






5 vs. 3 vs. 1


5: The writer is sincere, individual, honest, and cares deeply about his or her topic. The writer cares about his or her ideas. The paper shows originality, liveliness, and suspense. 3: The writer puts his or her ideas across but does not get very involved. The reader can guess what will come next. The writer repeats ideas or phrases he or she has heard. 1: The writer doesn’t care about his or her topic and doesn’t take it seriously. The writer doesn’t understand the topic. The writer is not writing for anyone in particular. The paper is flat, lifeless, and has no feeling. Sentences are difficult to read aloud.

Comma usage

1. Use commas with but, or, nor, and, for, yet, so, etc. 2. Use commas to separate items in a series. 3. Use commas to separate adjectives that equally modify the same noun. 4. Use commas to set off an explanatory word or phrase. 5. Use a comma to separate the independent clause when it comes last. 6. There is no comma when the dependent clause comes last. 7. Use commas to set apart items in an address or a date. 8. Use commas at end of dialogue. 9. Use commas to set off the name of a person that is being spoken to directly. 10. Use a comma to separate an interjection. 11. Use commas to separate a word that interrupts a sentence. 12. Use commas to separate numbers. 13. Sometimes you need to use a comma for clarity or emphasis, but it won't fit any of the traditional comma rules. 


Word Choice

5 vs. 3 vs. 1


5: Words are accurate, strong, and specific. The writer experiments with words in new and interesting ways. The writer uses colorful expressions, figurative language, and well-developed imagery. Words are fresh, original, and fun to read.  3: Words are general. The writer may use new words incorrectly. The writer may use slang or cliché expressions. 1: Words are vague and flat. No new words are attempted. Words are vague; images are not clear.

Quotation marks

1. Use quotation marks to signify titles of songs, poems, short stories, lectures, episodes of radio or television programs, chapters of books, unpublished works, and articles. 2. Use quotation marks to: Distinguish a word that is being discussed. Signify a slang word. Point out that a word is being used in a special way 3. Quotation marks are used to show material that is directly quoted from someone. 6. Semicolons and colons are always placed outside the quotation marks.


Sentence Fluency

5 vs. 3 vs. 1


5: The writing sounds natural, not forced or choppy. Sentence structure is varied and adds interest. Sentence structure is correct. The writing is not wordy. 3: The reader may have to reread to follow the meaning. Many sentences start the same way. Simple sentences are used well, but the writer has trouble with longer sentences. The writing may be wordy. 1: The writer does not understand where one idea stops and another begins. Sentences are awkward, rambling, and confusing. Sentences are short and choppy. Sentences are difficult to read aloud.

Using Parentheses

1. to enclose extra information. 2. if parentheses within parentheses, use brackets on the inside. 3. avoid over use by using commas instead.

Using Brackets

1. when changing something in a quote. 2. use around "sic" when original author made a mistake.


Writing Conventions

5 vs. 3 vs. 1


5: Punctuation is correct and aids understanding. Spelling is accurate. There are no major errors in grammar. Paragraphs start and stop in the right place. 3: Punctuation errors show careless editing. Spelling errors make the reader stop to figure out what is meant. Paragraphing is questionable. 1: Parts are impossible to understand. Capitalization and punctuation are not used or are incorrect. Spelling and/or grammar errors are very common. Paper is only one paragraph long, or every sentence is a paragraph.

Apostrophe usage

1. to show that one or more letters have been left out of a word to form a contraction. 2. to make letters, numbers, or words plural. 3a. to indicate possession of singular nouns. 3b. When a singular noun ends with an s or z sound, the possessive may be formed by adding an apostrophe at the end. 4. at the end of plural nouns to make them possessive. 5. If possession is shared by more than one noun, use the possessive form on the last noun.

Using Italics

1. to indicate titles of magazines, newspapers, books, pamphlets, plays, films, radio and TV stations, book-length poems, ballets, operas, lenghty musical compositions, record albums, CDs, legal cases, names of ships and aircrafts.

2. When one title appears in another, italize the one inside.

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