Shared Flashcard Set


Global Awareness
Global Awareness Speech
8th Grade

Additional Debate/Speech Flashcards




The importance of being globally aware is so that we can as one unity solve international crises, by using our century’s technology. Homelessness, Aids/HIV, and Cancer are just a few of them. To be globally aware you have to help these problems. It is important to be aware so we can solve the crises to make better lives for our children.
The thought of being homeless has been a nightmare to never come true. That has changed, in 2005 there were 100 million homeless people worldwide. As the economy goes down, money goes away. Every night hundreds of thousands of people try to cram into a small shelter with only enough food to feed a few.
Every night people are outside in the cold, hot, rainy, or snowing. These innocent people die in their sleep. Sickness, being a veteran, a drug addict, and a criminal are huge causes of being homeless.
Being diagnosed with Aids or HIV is an epidemic sweeping the globe. The patient needs to pay for insurance which won’t cover medicine needed. People need to pay for pills with the money they need for food. People lose jobs, and becoming sick. Aids/HIV is usually sexually transmitted, or pasted down through genes.
Cures have still to not be made; this is one of the causes of homelessness as well. Next time you think you will be sexually active, find out if you partner has the illness. This will help the stop of the disease.
Cancer, the word that gives a shiver on the spine. In 2007, Florida had over one hundred thousand cancer cases. Cancer sucks money out of people’s wallets, and health out of people’s bodies. The treatment of Chemo Therapy is still to be too expensive, with a true cure not developed.
All nations have the disease, and are working on cures. In 2006, it was expected that more than 1,500 people would die every day. It is putting governments in debt, as well as the patient’s families, from not being able to pay the hospital.
To be globally aware is to help the world, with the world helping you. By giving donations for research, and helping the earth are ways you can make a better future for all. To start carpooling, putting money in a secure account, and being healthy can help prevent these big epidemics from getting any worse than they are. Be aware and dare to save lives.
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