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general knowledge

Additional Cosmetology Flashcards





072) Showing no signs or symptoms of infection: 

A) Septic

B) Aseptic

C) Symptomatic

D) Asymtomatic



means that they show no symptoms or signs of infection. Bloodborne pathogens are more difficult to kill than germs that live outside the body.


073) Showing signs or symptoms of infection:

A) Septic

B) Aseptic

C) Symptomatic

D) Asymtomatic



Showing signs or symptoms of infection


076) Conditions, results, or outcomes that can be seen (obvious) are said to be:

 A) Objectionable

B) Subjective

C) Non-quantifiable

D) Objective


077) Conditions, results, or outcomes that cannot be seen are said to be: 

 A) Objectionable

B) Subjective

C) Non-quantifiable

D) Objective


113) Congenital hypo-pigmentation, or absence of melanin pigment in the body; including the hair, skin, and eyes:

A) Vitiligo

B) Leukoderma

C) Lentigines

D) Albinism



Albinism (AL-bi-niz-em) is congenital hypopigmentation, or absence of melanin pigment in the body, including the skin, hair, and eyes. Hair is silky white. The skin is pinkish white and will not tan. The eyes are pink, and the skin is sensitive to light and ages early.


187) Another term for "Alkaline" on the 

PH Scale is: 

A) Base

B) Acid

C) Alkali

D) A and C



A pH scale is a measure of the acidity and alkalinity of a substance. It has a range of 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is a neutral solution, a pH below 7 indicates an acidic solution, and a pH above 7 indicates an alkaline solution 

All alkalis (AL-kuh-lyz), also known as bases, owe their chemical reactivity to the hydroxide ion. Alkalis are compounds that react with acids to form salts. Alkalis have a pH above 7.0. They feel slippery and soapy on the skin. Alkalis soften and swell hair, skin, the cuticle on the nail plate, and calloused skin.

Sodium hydroxide, commonly known as lye, is a very strong alkali used in chemical hair relaxers, callous softeners, and drain cleaners. These products must be used according to manufacturer’s instructions, and it is very important that you do not let the products touch or sit on the skin as they may cause injury to or a burning sensation on the skin. Sodium hydroxide products may be especially dangerous if they get into the eyes, so always wear safety glasses to avoid eye contact.

All acids owe their chemical reactivity to the hydrogen ion. Acids have a pH below 7.0. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) (al-FAH HY-drok-see AS-udz), derived from plants (mostly fruit), are examples of acids often used in salons to exfoliate the skin and to help adjust the pH of a lotion or cream. Acids contract and harden hair. One such acid is thioglycolic acid (thy-oh-GLY-kuh-lik AS-ud), a colorless liquid or white crystals with a strong unpleasant odor that is used in permanent waving solutions




230) Which of the following is an objective condition:

A) Bright Red Hair

B) Beautiful Red Hair

C) Red Hair

D) Dark Red Hair





231) Which is a subjective condition: 

A) Pityriasis

B) A headache

C) a Veruca

D) A Carbuncle





257) The 3 Primary or Pure colors are: 

A) Red, White and Blue

B) Orange, Green, and Violet /  purple

C) Red, Yellow, and Green

D) Red, Blue, Yellow




Primary colors are Pure or fundamental colors (red, Yellow, and blue) that cannot be created by combining other colors. All colors are created from these three primaries. Colors with a predominance of blue are cool colors, where as colors with a predominance of red and/or yellow are warm colors Blue is the strongest of the primary colors and is the only cool primary color. In addition to coolness, blue can also bring depth or darkness to and color. Red is the medium primary color. Adding red to blue-based colors will make them appear lighter; adding red to yellow colors will cause them to appear darker. Yellow is the weakest of the primary colors. When you add yellow to other colors, the resulting color will look lighter and brighter. When all three primary colors are present in equal proportions, the resulting color is brown. it is helpful to think of hair color in terms of different combinations of primary colors. Natural brown, for example, has the primary colors in the following proportions: blue-B, red-RR, and yellow-yyy. Black and white can’t be made by mixing colors together. They get excluded from basic color theory. White  can be used to lighten a color. Black can be used to deepen a color. 




258) The 3 secondary colors are: 

A) Red, White and Blue

B) Orange, Green, and Violet /  purple

C) Red, Yellow, and Green

D) Red, Blue, Yellow




A secondary color is a color obtained be mixing equal parts of two primary colors. The secondary colors are green, orange, and violet. Green is an equal combination of blue and yellow. Orange is an equal combination of red and yellow. Violet is an equal combination of blue and red


259) Term used to mean the color pigment of the skin, eyes, and hair: 

A) Melanocytes

B) Eumelanin

C) Pheomelanin

D) Melanin




The color of the skin—whether fair, medium, or dark—depends primarily on melanin (MEL-ah-nin), the tiny grains of pigment (coloring matter) that are produced by melanocytes and then deposited into cells in the stratum germinativum layer of the epidermis and the papillary layers of the dermis. The color of the skin is a hereditary trait and varies among races and Nationalities. Genes determine the amount and type of pigment produced in an individual. The body produces two types of melanin: 

pheomelanin (fee-oh-MEL-uh-nin), which is red to yellow in color, and eumelanin (yoo-MEL-uh-nin), which is dark brown to black. People with light-colored skin mostly produce pheomelanin, while those with dark-colored skin mostly produce eumelanin. The size of melanin granules varies from one individual to another. Melanin helps protect sensitive cells from the sun’s UV light, but it does not provide enough protection to prevent skin damage. Daily use of a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher can help the melanin protect the skin from burning, skin cancer, and premature aging 




260) Dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin would indicate the presence of: 

A) Melanocytes

B) Eumelanin

C) Pheomelanin

D) Melanin




pheomelanin (fee-oh-MEL-uh-nin), which is red to yellow in color, and eumelanin (yoo-MEL-uh-nin), which is dark brown to black. People with light-colored skin mostly produce pheomelanin, while those with dark-colored skin mostly produce eumelanin. The size of melanin granules varies from one individual to another. 


267) Which will kill bacteria and bacterial spores on a non-porous surface:

A) Sterilization

B) Disinfection

C) Sanitation

D) None of the above



From the highest to lowest, the levels of Decontamination are:



Sterilization is the process that completely destroys all microbial life, including spores. The most effective methods of sterilization use high-pressure steam equipment called autoclaves. Simply exposing instruments to steam is not enough. To be effective against disease-causing pathogens, the steam must be pressurized in an autoclave so that the steam penetrates the spore coats of the spore-forming bacteria. Dry heat forms of sterilization are less efficient and require longer times at higher temperatures. Dry heat sterilization is not recommended for use in salons


also known as sanitizing; a chemical process of reducing the number of disease-causing germs on cleaned surfaces to a safe level

1. To eliminate contamination in. 

2. To make safe by eliminating poisonous or otherwise harmful substances, such as noxious chemicals or radioactive material.


is the process that eliminates most, but not necessarily all, microorganisms on nonliving surfaces. This process is not effective against bacterial spores. In the salon setting, disinfection is extremely effective in controlling microorganisms on surfaces such as shears, nippers, and other multiuse tools and equipment


Decontamination Method 1 has two steps: cleaning and disinfecting. Remember that when you clean, you must remove all visible dirt and debris from tools, implements, and equipment by washing with liquid soap and warm water and by using a clean and disinfected nail brush to scrub any grooved or hinged portions of the item. A surface is properly cleaned when the number of contaminants on the surface is greatly reduced. In turn, this reduces the risk of infection. The vast majority of contaminants and pathogens can be removed from the surfaces of tools and implements through proper cleaning. This is why cleaning is an important part of disinfecting tools and equipment. A surface must be properly cleaned before it can be properly disinfected. Using a disinfectant without cleaning first is like using mouthwash without brushing your teeth—it just does not work properly! Cleaned surfaces can still harbor small amounts of pathogens, but the presence of fewer pathogens means infections are less likely to be spread. Putting antiseptics on your skin or washing your hands with soap and water will drastically lower the number of pathogens on your hands. However, it does not clean them properly. The proper cleaning of the hands requires rubbing hands together and using liquid soap, warm running water, a nail brush, and a clean towel. Do not underestimate the importance of proper cleaning and hand washing. They are the most powerful and important ways to prevent the spread of infection.

There are three ways to clean your tools or implements:

• Washing with soap and warm water, then scrubbing them with  a clean and properly disinfected nail brush. 

• Using an ultrasonic unit.

• Using a cleaning solvent (e.g., on metal bits for electric files).

The second step of Decontamination Method 1 is disinfection. Remember that disinfection is the process that eliminates most, but not necessarily all, microorganisms on nonliving surfaces. This process is not effective against bacterial spores. In the salon setting, disinfection is extremely effective in controlling microorganisms on surfaces such as shears, nippers, and other multiuse tools and equipment. Remember that disinfectants are products that destroy all bacteria, fungi, and viruses (but not spores) on surfaces. Disinfectants are not for use on human skin, hair, or nails. All disinfectants clearly state on the label that you should avoid skin contact. This means avoid contact with your skin as well as the client’s. Do not put your fingers directly into any disinfecting solution.  If you mix a disinfectant in a container that is not labeled by the manufacturer, the container must be properly labeled with the contents and the date it was mixed. All concentrated disinfectants must be diluted exactly as instructed by the manufacturer on the container’s label. 

Decontamination Method 2 also has two steps: cleaning and sterilizing. The word sterilize is often used incorrectly. Sterilization is the Process that completely destroys all microbial life, including spores. The most effective methods of sterilization use high-pressure steam equipment called autoclaves. Simply exposing instruments to steam is not enough. To be effective against disease-causing pathogens, the steam must be pressurized in an autoclave so that the steam penetrates the spore coats of the spore-forming bacteria. Dry heat forms of sterilization are less efficient and require longer times at higher temperatures. Dry heat sterilization is not recommended for use in salons. Most people without medical training do not understand how to use an autoclave. For example, dirty implements cannot be properly sterilized without first being properly 









268) The opposite of yellow, used to neutralize or cancel yellow: 

A) Violet

B) Blue

C) Green

D) Orange




Complementary colors are Primary and secondary colors positioned directly opposite each other on the color wheel. Complementary colors include blue and orange, red and green, and yellow and violet. Complementary colors neutralize each other. When formulating haircolor, you will find that it is often your goal to emphasize or distract from skin tones or eye color. You may also want to neutralize or refine unwanted tones in the hair. Understanding complementary colors will help you choose the correct tone to accomplish these goals. Here is an easy reference guide for color correction:

• When hair is green…use red to balance.

• When hair is red…use green to balance.

• When hair is blue…use orange to balance.

• When hair is orange…use blue to balance.

• When hair is yellow…use violet to balance.

• When hair is violet…use yellow to balance.




270) Which color can be used to diffuse an orange cast in the hair:

A) Violet

B) Blue

C) Green

D) Orange




Complementary colors are Primary and secondary colors positioned directly opposite each other on the color wheel. Complementary colors include blue and orange, red and green, and yellow and violet. Complementary colors neutralize each other. When formulating haircolor, you will find that it is often your goal to emphasize or distract from skin tones or eye color. You may also want to neutralize or refine unwanted tones in the hair. Understanding complementary colors will help you choose the correct tone to accomplish these goals. Here is an easy reference guide for color correction:

• When hair is green…use red to balance.

• When hair is red…use green to balance.

• When hair is blue…use orange to balance.

• When hair is orange…use blue to balance.

• When hair is yellow…use violet to balance.

• When hair is violet…use yellow to balance.




282) Leucocytes refer to:

A) Dark spots Milasma

B) Whites spots on the skin

C) White blood Cells

D) White spots on the nail/s



LEUCOCYTES White blood cells, also known as white corpuscles (WHyT _ KOR-pus-uls) or leukocytes (LOO-koh-syts) perform the function of destroying disease-causing toxins and bacteria.


290) Lite hair, lite eyes, and fair skin would indicate the presence of:

A) Melanocytes

B) Eumelanin

C) Pheomelanin

D) Melanin



The body produces two types of melanin:

pheomelanin (fee-oh-MEL-uh-nin), which is red to yellow in color, and

eumelanin (yoo-MEL-uh-nin), which is dark brown to black. People with light-colored skin mostly produce pheomelanin, while those with dark-colored skin mostly produce eumelanin. The size of melanin granules varies from one individual to another. 


299) How many tissues are found in the human body:

A) 4

B) 5

C) 7

D) 3



Tissue (TISH-oo) is a collection of similar cells that perform a particular function. Each kind of tissue has a specific function and can be recognized by its characteristic appearance. Body tissues are composed of large amounts of water, along with various other substances. There are four types of tissue in the body:

Connective tissue is fibrous tissue that binds together, protects, and supports the various parts of the body. Examples of connective tissue are bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, blood, lymph, and adipose tissue (ADD-ih-pohz TISH-oo), a technical term for fat. Adipose tissue gives smoothness and contour to the body. 

  Epithelial tissue (ep-ih-THEE-lee-ul _ TISH-oo) is a protective covering on body surfaces, such as skin, mucous membranes, the  tissue inside the mouth, the lining of the heart, digestive and respiratory organs, and the glands.

 Muscle tissue contracts and moves various parts of the body.

Nerve tissue carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions. Nerve tissue is composed of special cells known as neUrons that make up the nerves, brain, and spinal cord.




357) Elasticity Test is also know as:

A) Patch Test

B) Pull Test

C) Match Test

D) Strand Test




Perform an analysis of the client’s hair and scalp. Test the hair for elasticity and porosity on several areas of the head. If the hair has poor elasticity, do not perform a relaxer service. Hair elasticity is the ability of the hair to stretch and return to its original length without breaking. Hair elasticity is an indication of the strength of the side bonds that hold the hair’s individual fibers in place. Wet hair with normal elasticity will stretch up to 50 percent of its original length and return to that same length without breaking. Dry hair stretches about 20 percent of its length. Hair with low elasticity is brittle and breaks easily. It may not be able to hold the curl from wet setting, thermal styling, or permanent waving. Hair with low elasticity is the result of weak side bonds that usually are a result of overprocessing. Chemical services performed on hair with low elasticity require a milder solution with a lower pH to minimize further damage and prevent additional overprocessing. Check elasticity on wet hair by taking an individual strand from four different areas of the head (front hairline, temple, crown, and nape). Hold a single strand of wet hair securely and try to pull it apart. If the hair stretches and returns to its original length without breaking, it has normal elasticity. If the hair breaks easily or fails to return to its original length, it has low elasticity




381) Which of the following contains the most nerve ending:

A) Fingernail

B) Eyelids

C) Palms of the hands

D) Fingertips



TThe papillary layer of the dermis houses the nerve endings that provide the body with the sense of touch, pain, heat, cold, and pressure. Nerve endings are most abundant in the fingertips. Complex sensations, such as vibrations, seem to depend on the sensitivity of a combination of these nerve endings.


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