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G1 B Commissions Rules
G1 B Commissions Rules
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G1B01 -What is the maximum height above ground to which an antenna structure may be erected without requiring notification to the FAA and registration with the FCC, provided it is not at or near a public use airport? A. 50 feet B. 100 feet C. 200 feet D. 300 feet
G1B02 -With which of the following conditions must beacon stations comply? A. A beacon station may not use automatic control B. The frequency must be coordinated with the National Beacon Organization C. The frequency must be posted on the Internet or published in a national periodical D. There must be no more than one beacon signal in the same band from a single location
G1B03 -Which of the following is a purpose of a beacon station as identified in the FCC Rules? A. Observation of propagation and reception B. Automatic identification of repeaters C. Transmission of bulletins of general interest to Amateur Radio licensees D. Identifying net frequencies
G1B04 -Which of the following must be true before amateur stations may provide communications to broadcasters for dissemination to the public? A. The communications must directly relate to the immediate safety of human life or protection of property and there must be no other means of communication reasonably available before or at the time of the event B. The communications must be approved by a local emergency preparedness official and conducted on officially designated frequencies C. The FCC must have declared a state of emergency D. All of these choices are correct
G1B05 -When may music be transmitted by an amateur station? A. At any time, as long as it produces no spurious emissions B. When it is unintentionally transmitted from the background at the transmitter C. When it is transmitted on frequencies above 1215 MHz D. When it is an incidental part of a manned space craft retransmission
G1B06 -When is an amateur station permitted to transmit secret codes? A. During a declared communications emergency B. To control a space station C. Only when the information is of a routine, personal nature D. Only with Special Temporary Authorization from the FCC
G1B07 -What are the restrictions on the use of abbreviations or procedural signals in the Amateur Service? A. Only "Q" codes are permitted B. They may be used if they do not obscure the meaning of a message C. They are not permitted D. Only "10 codes" are permitted
G1B08 -When choosing a transmitting frequency, what should you do to comply with good amateur practice? A. Review FCC Part 97 Rules regarding permitted frequencies and emissions? B. Follow generally accepted band plans agreed to by the Amateur Radio community. C. Before transmitting, listen to avoid interfering with ongoing communication D. All of these choices are correct
G1B09 -When may an amateur station transmit communications in which the licensee or control operator has a pecuniary (monetary) interest? A. When other amateurs are being notified of the sale of apparatus normally used in an amateur station and such activity is not done on a regular basis B. Only when there is no other means of communications readily available C. When other amateurs are being notified of the sale of any item with a monetary value less than $200 and such activity is not done on a regular basis D. Never
G1B10 -What is the power limit for beacon stations? A. 10 watts PEP output B. 20 watts PEP output C. 100 watts PEP output D. 200 watts PEP output
G1B11 -How does the FCC require an amateur station to be operated in all respects not specifically covered by the Part 97 rules? A. In conformance with the rules of the IARU B. In conformance with Amateur Radio custom C. In conformance with good engineering and good amateur practice D. All of these choices are correct
G1B12 -Who or what determines "good engineering and good amateur practice" as applied to the operation of an amateur station in all respects not covered by the Part 97 rules? A. The FCC B. The Control Operator C. The IEEE D. The ITU
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