Shared Flashcard Set


Foundations Test 2
Comfort and Pain Q's
Undergraduate 3

Additional Medical Flashcards




What does the statement “nurses are ethically responsible for Managing pain and relieving suffering” mean for you as a nurse?
This answer is subjective
Pain needs to be considered as the FIFTH VITAL SIGN.  Why is this important?
This needs to be assessed b/c sometimes the pt. won’t always tell you.  Reassess pain every 2 hours when they are stable.
The following four neurotransmitters are released at pain sites and contribute to increasing pain:
Substance P, Prostaglandins, Bradykinin, and Serotonin
Briefly define the three types of pain.  Give an example of each; and state the goal for treating each type.

1.  Acute: protective, has an identifiable cause and is of short duration; has limited tissue damage and emotional response; Been in place for under 6 months.
Stress Response
Increase B/P    Cool clammy skin
Increase HR    Increase Resp Rate.


2.  Chronic Benign: not protective and thus serves no purpose; lasts longer than anticipated, does not always have an identifiable cause and leads to great personal suffering; noncancerous, non-life-threatening – arthritis, low back pain, myofascial pain, headache and peripheral neuropathy;  longer than 6 months.

Main Treatments: Pain Meds, Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, Injections, Psychological and behavioral therapies
3.   Chronic Progressive (cancer): pain is sensed at the actual site of the tumor or distant to the site (referred pain); usually due to tumor progression and its related pathological process, invasive procedures, toxicities of treatment, infection, and physical limitations; longer than 6 months.


How does age influence pain in infants?
Have trouble understanding pain and the procedures nurses administer that cause pain; young children who have not developed full vocabularies have difficulty verbally describing and expressing pain to parents and caregivers
How does age influence pain in elderly?
Serious impairment of functional status can occur; has the potential to reduce mobility, activities of daily living, social activities outside the home and activity tolerance; requires aggressive assessment, diagnosis, and management.
 How does culture influence a client’s response to pain?
 Cultural beliefs and values affect how individuals cope with pain. Individuals learn what is expected and accepted by their culture, including how to react to pain Health care providers often mistakenly assume that everyone responds to pain in the same way. There are different meanings and attitudes associated with pain across various cultural groups. An understanding of the culturalmeaning of pain helps you to design culturally sensitive care for people with pain.
Culture affects pain expression. Some cultures believe it is natural to be demonstrative about pain. Others tend to be more introverted. In addition, it is also important to know to what extent a member of a particular culture has assimilated into American society. For example, if several generations of a Hispanic client's family have lived in the United States, the influence of the Spanish culture may be limited, whereas newly immigrated clients still embrace their cultural norms.
As a nurse, explore the impact of cultural differences on the client's pain experience, and make adjustments to the plan of care (Box 43-4). Work with the client and family to facilitate communication about the assessment and management of pain. Find a culturally appropriate assessment tool, and communicate use of that tool to other health care providers.
Systematic assessment and management of pain always require Assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning and implementing interventions and evaluating patient responses (outcomes).  Know the AHCPR guidelines and how they help the nurse in managing pain.

Assess resources for pain management

Preoperative patient assessment

Develop collaborative plan

Preoperative Pain -> Analgesia


No Preoperative pain

Intraoperative anesthesia and analgesia

Initiate preemptive measures for postoperative pain control.

Postoperative management.


Characteristics of Pain


Onset and Duration

Ask questions to determine the onset, duration, and sequence of pain.  When did the pain begin?  How long has it lasted?  Does it occur at the same time each day?  How often does it occur?

Characteristics of Pain



Ask the client to tell or point all areas of discomfort.  DO NOT assume pain will always occur in the same location.  Use anatomical landmarks when describing pain location.

Characteristics of Pain



Subjective and most useful.  Use a pain scale like the VDS (verbal descriptive scale) or the NRS (Numerical rating scale).

Characteristics of Pain



Ask the patient to describe the pain.  They may say something like an elephant is sitting on my chest, or the pain is crushing or throbbing.
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