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2 powerpoint
12th Grade

Additional Microbiology Flashcards




what the fuck is the point of gram positive and gram nagative bacteria
• Gram positive and Gram negative true
bacteria, Eubacteria
• Two general types of bacteria
that is the difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria?
Gram positive and gram nagative bacteria have simmilar internal but very differant external structures
Describe gram positive bacteria´s external structure
Surrounding the cytoplasmic membrane, gram positive bacteria have a thick multilayer of peptidolycan. The peptidoglycan has tiny pores that allow movemant of molecules to the cytoplasmic membrane. During infection the peptidoglycan can interfere with phagocytosis. The body responds to this by having white bloodcells divide and by starting a fever.
What is lysozome?
Lysozome is a enzyme in human tears and mucus.It degrades the glycone backbone in the pepdidoglycan and without the peptidoglycan the bacteria can not handle the large osmotic preassure differences across the cytoplasmic membrane and they break down.
Describe gram negativé bacteria´s external structure
The external structure of gram nagative bacteria is more complicated that the one of gram positive bacteria both structurally and chemically. Gram negative cell walls are maid up of two layers external to the cytoplasmic mambrane. A very thin layer of peptidoglycan surrounds the cytoplasmic membrane. then there is an outer mambane. In between these layers there is something called the periplasmic space. The periplasmic space is actually a compartment containing a variety of hydrolytic enzymes which are important to the cell for the breakdown of large macromolecules for the metabolism. In the case of pathogenic Gram negative species, many of the disease promoting
factors are in the periplasmic space. The outer membrane maintains the bacterial structure, prevents unwanted molecules from entering and works as a protection from the digestive systen of the host. The outer membrane also contains an important molecule called LPS. LPSis also called endotoxin and it is a powerful stimulator of the immune system. LPS or endotoxin causes fever and can cause chock.
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