Shared Flashcard Set


Review for the Final
Undergraduate 1

Additional Philosophy Flashcards




Will to Power

-Says that power justifies why we do things and humans desire to be masters. -It is said that philosophy is nothing but will to power and it is more fundamental than the drive to knowledge.

-We have a drive to power, and a drive to be on top; it is unacceptable to be anything less.

-It is believed that God is dead, and humans control their lives.


Master-Slave Morality


-Master morality is the morality of the strong-willed.

  -Believe that everything good is helpful, and what is bad is harmful.

  -The essence is nobility; with other valued qualities such as courage, truthfulness, trust, and an accurate sense of self-worth.

  -They are the creators of morality, and slaves respond with slave-morality.

-Slave morality is a part of the Judeo-Christian religion.

  -It is a otherworldly (or invisible) judge of moral worth.

  -Prescribes we give up the will to power and excellence and become meek and mild; believing the lie all humans are of equal worth.


-Existentialism are radical views on nature and a reaction to the influence of science and technology on our self-understanding.

-It is a type of philosophy rooted in lived experience, concerned with human freedom and purpose in the middle of the absurdity of life.

-Kierkgaard is considered to be the father.

Existence Precedes Essence

-The question is there a human nature gets asked a lot. It is the idea that we, as people, invent ourselves.

-There is no guide, no god, and no human nature because we choose our life and we are who we make ourselves to be.

-Existence involves existential problems, of which are passionate ones, and passion is considered the way to truth, and the way may be more valuable in the end.

Condemned to be Free

-Sartre states that we are condemned to be free.

-He connects the idea of freedom with the idea that existence precedes essence, especially in the sense when you take away God.

-We must create our essence and we are just born. 


Theory of Evolution


-Created by Charles Darwin, it is a theory that goes directly against Christianity and God.

-It states every living thing came from one common ancestor, a single-celled organism.

-It ties into natural selection, which is said to have helped us to exist, and everything has evolved to fit their individual environment.

-"Survival of the fittest"

Natural Selection

-It is a mechanism by which evolution occurs.

-When living creatures adapt ot better fit their environment which changes, and those that cannot adapt do not survive.

-Also known as survival of the fittest, the strongest, most prepared, and fortunate survive.

-With the right genes, there can be adaption to the environment, with more chances of survival.


-Reality composed of mind and matter

-The theory of dualism:

  -Humans are composed of two substances; mind and body

  -With the mind, you are thinking and aware with limitless abilities, while the body is limited and unthinking.

  -the mind and body both interact in the brain.

Mind-Body Problem

-The relationship of the mind to the body

-It represents both the physical world and ideal world, with physical processes and mental states/processes.

-Asks the question are these two realities different or the same?

-Involves the idea of idealism, which says reality can be explained in terms of mental states, and the idea of dualism, which says reality is composed of both mind and matter.


-Says that all mental states can be explained a physical states and if humans have a mind seperate from matter, then they are not just material beings.

-Humans don't have a mind that is seperate from matter.

-An objection to materialism is qualia, which says that some things cannot be reduced to physical states.


-Written by Tom Nagel who said some things cannot be reduced to physical states.



-Libertarians believe that there is free will.

-Free will is a uncaused event, and therefore because there is free will, uncaused events do exist.

-There are two arguments; the argument from moral responsibility where the intuition of responsibility is at least of strong reasoning and the argument from deliberation which is intuition that we choose.

-An objection is there are consequential fallacies; just because you don't like the consequences, doesn't mean it isn't wrong.


-Determinists believe that although free will is an uncaused event, there is no free will.

-There is universal causation; every event has a cause.

-It says all human actions are events, therefore all human actions have a cause and cannot be free.

-It is said that determinism fails because there is no account for moral responsility and the laws of physics are indeterminate.


-Does not accept that free will is an uncaused event.

-Free will is caused by voluntary actions, or actions that are issued from a person or agent.

-It says that any act is free, so long as it is voluntary, and voluntary is not uncaused, but is rather whatever you will to be the cause.

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