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Fahrenheit 451 presentation
Description of how montag changes throughout the book and how it makes him a better man.
11th Grade

Additional English Flashcards




What is change? Change is defined as to cause or to become different, alter, transform or convert. Today we are going to talk to you about Ray Bradbury's works in his novel Fahrenheit 451. In Fahrenheit 451 the main character montag changes throughout the course of the book. These changes that Montag faces help him to grow as a person and as a firemen
Introduction continued
Montag can no longer face the challenges of being a firemen and ends up changing himself. Montag goes from a man that was shy, cocky and dedicated to his job to a man of questioning, compassion and loves books.
First point
At the very beginning of the book, before Montag had met Clarisse he was very shy. He wouldn't talk with those around him. Clarisse helped Montag to be opened and that is what caused him to change.
Second point
Montag was very confident in himself. He wasn't afraid of what he was or what he did for a living. He was proud of it and would do anything to keep his job. He didn't care that he was burning all these books and peoples houses. None of that mattered to him all he cared about was doing his job no matter the risk. Later on in the book he changes his mind. He becomes more caring and loving and starts to hate his job. One day when they burnt down that lady died with her books he knew that they must have been important or very wonderful because she killed herself for them. He felt bad and actually wanted to read one and finds them interesting and he kept reading. He was changing and he liked change
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