Shared Flashcard Set


English 10-2
Short Story Notes
10th Grade

Additional English Flashcards




Characteristics of a Short Story ( Eight parts)
1. Short. 2. Seeks to teach a lesson. 3. Concentrates on one incident or one character. 4. Few scenes and few characters. 5. Takes place over a short period of time. 6.Fictional narrative written in everday language. 7. Centers around one major theme. 8. Makes an emotional impact.
Key Elements of the Short Story (4 points)
1. Setting-time and place 2. Theme- the main idea the author wishes to teach 3. Characters-developing many traits of characters involved, both physical and personality traits. 4. Plot-storyline of events
Types of Characters
1. Protagonist- main character who has a goal to achieve 2. Antagonist- opposing force to the protagonist that tries to stop them from reaching their goal 3. Static- character doesn't start from the beginning of the story to the end. 4. Dynamic- character undergoes personal growth or change throughout the story 5. Flat- character is not well-developed, we don't know much about him/her 6. Round- character is well developed, we know a lot about his/her personal characteristics 7.Stock- stereotypical characters like the damsel in distress, the hero, the villian.
Parts of the Plot
1. Complication or initial incident- first problem in the story 2. Atmosphere- prevailing mood of the story 3. Foreshadowing- hint of the final outcome of the story 4. Crisis- intense moment of conflict 5. Dilemma-two choices and neither is good 6. Rising Action- events before the climax 7. Climax- highest point of interest 8. Resolution- all the problems are fixed or resolved 9. Anticlimax- a twist or surprise after the climax 10. Denouement-The falling action of the story
Types of Conflict (Confict occurs when a protagonists desire to achieve his goal meets obstacles that try to stop him.)
1. Person vs. Person- physical struggle 2. Person vs. Themselves- mental/emotional struggle 3. Person vs Nature- struggle against outside forces of nature, society, or the supernatural 4.Internal Struggle- occurs in heart or mind of protagonist 5. External Struggle- occurs between protagonist and an external force.
Point of View
1. First Person- know the thoughts and feelings of one character; told using personal pronouns like I and we 2. Third Person Limited- know the thoughts and feelings of one character; uses pronouns like he/she, him/her 3. Third Person Omniscient- know the thoughts and feelings of all characters; also uses pronouns like he/she, him/her
Characteristics of a Poem
1. Short 2. Often rhymes 3. Made up of stanzas 4. Can be put to music 5. Uses figurative language
Figurative Language
1. Allusion- references to other famous people, places, stories, etc 2. Hyperbole- exaggeration 3. Simile- Comparison between two unlike things using like or as 4. Metaphor- Comparison between two unlike things 5. Personification- Giving inanimate objects qualities of a person 6. Alliteration- repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words
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