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endocrine deviations
test 4
Undergraduate 1

Additional Nursing Flashcards




what does the thyroid hormone regulate?
what does the parathyroid hormone regulate?
calcium balance
what does insulin regulate?
glucose uptake into cells
what are some differences of type 1 vs type 2 diabetes?
type 1 in ummune mediated and type 2 is not. type 1 is an absolute insulin defiecency type 2 is an insulin resistance.
type 2 diabetes mirrors an increase in what?
When discussing a child's precocious puberty with the parents, the nurse should tell them that:
A. The child is not yet fertile.
B. Heterosexual interest is usually advanced.
C. Dress and activities should be appropriate to chronologic age.
D. Appearance of secondary sexual characteristics does not proceed in the usual order.
c, Because of the early sexual maturation of the child, both family and child require extensive teaching. Included in this is the information that the child should be engaged in activities according to chronologic age.
The nurse is planning care for a child recently diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. The plan should include:
A. Encouraging the child to wear medical identification.
B. Discussing with the child and family ways to limit fluid intake.
C. Teaching the child and family how to do required urine testing.
D. Reassuring the child and family that this is usually not a chronic or life-threatening illness.
A, Diabetes insipidus is both lifelong and life threatening. The medication must be taken, and the effects monitored closely.
The most important nursing consideration related to congenital hypothyroidism is:
A. Early identification of the disorder.
B. Facilitation of parent-infant attachment.
C. Initiating referrals for cognitive impairment.
D. Helping parents deal with future prospects for the child.
A, Early diagnosis is imperative. Because brain growth is complete by 2 to 3 years of age, the deficiency must be detected, and replacement therapy begun as soon as possible
A neonate with a goiter has just been admitted to the newborn nursery. A priority nursing intervention is to:
A. Position the infant on left side.
B. Explain transient paralysis to parents.
C. Have tracheostomy set at bedside.
D. Suction the infant at least every 5 to 10 minutes.
The most common cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism is:
A. Diabetes mellitus.
B. Chronic renal disease.
C. Congenital heart disease.
D. Growth hormone deficiency.
The nurse is caring for a child hospitalized with acute adrenocortical insufficiency. The acute phase seems to be over; then ascending flaccid paralysis occurs. The most appropriate nursing action is to:
A. Reassure the family that this condition is temporary.
B. Reassure the family that flaccid paralysis is not problematic.
C. Prepare the family for impending death.
D. Prepare the family for long-term consequences of paralysis.
A, During the recovery phase paralysis may develop. It is a temporary, quickly reversible clinical manifestation.
Which statement best describes Cushing’s syndrome?
A. It is caused by excessive production of cortisol.
B. The major clinical features are exophthalmia and pigment changes.
C. Treatment involves replacement of cortisol.
D. Diagnosis is suspected with findings of hypotension, hyperkalemia, and polyuria.
A, Cushing’s syndrome is a description of the clinical manifestations caused by too much circulating cortisol.
An infant is born with ambiguous genitalia. Tests are being done to assist in gender assignment. The parents tell the nurse that family and friends are asking what caused the baby to be this way. The nurse's intervention should include:
A. Explaining the disorder so parents can explain it to others.
B. Helping parents understand that no one knows how this occurs.
C. Suggesting that parents avoid family and friends until the gender is assigned.
D. Encouraging parents not to worry while the tests are being done.
A, This is the most therapeutic approach while the parents await the gender assignment of their child.
What is characterized by destruction of pancreatic β-cells, which produce insulin?
A. Type 1 diabetes
B. Type 2 diabetes
C. Impaired glucose tolerance
D. Gestational diabetes
The mother of a child with type 1 diabetes mellitus asks why her child cannot avoid all those "shots" and take pills as an uncle does. The nurse's best reply is:
A. "The pills work with an adult pancreas only."
B. "The drugs affect fat and protein metabolism, not sugar."
C. "Your child needs insulin replaced, and the oral hypoglycemics only add to an existing supply of insulin."
D. "Perhaps when your child is older the pancreas will produce its own insulin, and then your child can take oral hypoglycemics."
C, In type 1 diabetes, the â-cells are destroyed. Without a pancreas â-cell transplant, it is unlikely that insulin would be produced.
A school-age child recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus asks the nurse if he can still play soccer, baseball, and swim. The nurse's response should be based on knowledge that:
A. Exercise is contraindicated.
B. Soccer and baseball are too strenuous, but swimming is acceptable.
C. Exercise is not restricted unless indicated by other health conditions.
D. The level of activity depends on the type of insulin required.
C, Exercise is encouraged for children with diabetes because it lowers blood glucose levels. Insulin and meal requirements require careful monitoring to ensure that the child has sufficient energy for exercise
The nurse should recognize that, when a child develops diabetic ketoacidosis, it is:
A. An expected outcome.
B. A life-threatening situation.
C. Best treated at home.
D. Best treated at practitioner's office/clinic.
B, Diabetic ketoacidosis is the state of complete insulin deficiency. It is a medical emergency that must be diagnosed and treated. The child is usually admitted to an intensive care unit for assessment, insulin administration, and fluid and electrolyte replacement.
During the summer many children are more physically active. What changes in the management of the child with diabetes should be expected as a result of more exercise?
A. Increased food intake
B. Decreased food intake
C. Increased risk of hyperglycemia
D. Decreased risk of insulin shock
A, Food intake should be increased in the summer when the child is more active. Races and other competitions may require more food than other practice times.
A 17-year-old boy with diabetes mellitus tells the school nurse that he has recently started drinking alcohol with his friends on weekends. The nurse should:
A. Tell him not to do this.
B. Ask him why he is drinking alcohol.
C. Teach him about the effects of alcohol on diabetes and how to prevent problems associated with alcohol intake.
D. Recommend counseling so he understands the serious consequences of alcohol consumption.
C, The nurse is taking a proactive approach. The adolescent is provided with information to facilitate the management of his illness.
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