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Electrical Activity of the Heart
VCU PHIS 501 October 5 & 6, 2010

Additional Physiology Flashcards




Basic electrophysiologic characteristics of cardiac muscle

1) myogenic- electrical activity originates with in the heart itself

2) electrical syncitium- the entire heart behaves as if it were one cell

3) Electrically coupled by low resistance gap junctions located at the intercalated disc at the ends of the cells and the nexus points on the sides.  Gap junctions are formed by conexins

4) APD are much longer in cardiac muscle (up to 400ms)

Electrical Anatomy of the heart

1) SA node: located in the R atrium near the SVC, spontaneous AP spread over the atria in all directions at a rate of ≈1m/s (atrial specialized conduction system)

2) AV node: electrical link between atria and ventricle, located at the endocardial floow of the R atrium, Conduction is very slow (0.01-0.05 m/sec) so AV delay- allows time for filling before the ventricle contracts

3) Ventricular Conducting system: Bundle of HIS, bundle branches, and then Purkinje fibers to the ventricular muscle.  Conductio  velocity in the HIS purkine system is the fastest in the heart (2-4m/sec)- this allows contraction to proceed from the apex to base


4) Conductio  in the ventricular muscle proceeds at 1m/s

Resting potential

In the atria, ventricle, and PKJ Em is normally constant during phase 4.  This is determined by the K gradient.  Changes in serum K alter Em.


Decreased K the cell hyperpolarizes except if you decrease below 2-2.5 PKJ depolarize.


Increased serum K causes depolarization.   Nodes are insensitive until >20mM

AP characteristics vary in different parts of the heart

1) Em is -85 everywhere except the nodes where it is -60

2) APD ranges from 150ms-500ms


3) Upstroke is rapid except in the nodes (100fold faster)

4) Nodes do not have a phase 1 and phase 2/3 run together

Discuss magnitude of a current

Iion=gion (Em-Eion)


g=conductance= how easy is it for ion to cross

driving force=how far are you from where you want to be, you must use the nernst equation to determine

Eion=61/z (logi/o) answer in mV


positive I are outward, negative I are inward

Summary of phases of the ventricular action potential

Phase 4: inward and outward currents are equal, gK1 is high and keeps Em close to EK and therefore repolarized

Phase 0: depolarization causes Na channels to open and because the driving force is so high large influx of Na causes rapid depolarization high INa. This is regenerative and Em approaches ENa.  By the end INa decreases because driving force decreases and inactivation of Na channels so decrease in gNa.

Phase 1: IK1 slightly increased, ITO increased in ventricle and PKJ

Phase 2: activation then deactivation of gCa L type channels and slow activation of gK. responsible for plateau

Phase 3: everything resets, gk1 rapidly increases and gK slowly turns off- repolarization

Action potential differnces in the nodes

ICa is responsible for phase 0 depolarization.  Amplitude is smaller and rate of depolarization is smaller.  T type channels present in SAN


If=pacemaker current, slowly turned on by hyperpolarization in phase 4- slowly depolarizes cell to TP and then another AP can be elicited (responsible for automaticity)- in absence of a sinus beat also present in PKJ

Why is there a plateau in the heart but not in the nerve?

1) ICa provides balancing inward current

2) decrease in gK1 upon depolarization limits outward current and makes it easier to maintain plateau

Normal automaticity

intrinsic ability to spontaneously depolarize in phase 4


1) SAN 2) AVN 3)bundle of HIS 4) Bundle branches 5)PKJ


pacemaker rates decrease as you go further down the conduction


everything after the SAN are considered latent pacemakers because they are normally under overdrive suppression (suppressed by HR faster than they would choose to go)  also called ectopic pacemakers (originated outside SAN)

What controls automaticity?



1) Threshold potential: usually moves in the same direction as Em more positive harder to fire AP, more negative easier to fire AP

Refractory periods

related to Na/Ca channels

Absolute Refractory Perdiod: stimulation is NOT possible

Relative Refractory Period: stimulation is possible at a higher threshold- begining will not conduct, end will conduct

Effective Refractory Period: longer than ARP, conducted AP can not be elicited

Supranormal Period: TP returns to normal just before repolarization is complete


Recovery of excitability depends on Na/Ca channels.  Na channels require repolarization to go back to the closed state so excitability closely follows repolarization.  Excitability return is slower in the nodes due to Ca.

Impulse Conduction

Conduction velocity is not effected by APD.


1) larger amplitude of current=faster CV'

2) Increased gap resistance (Ri) causes electrical uncoupling and slows CV

3) increased excitability speeds CV- think responsiveness relationship

Responsiveness Relationship

-Maximum rate of rise (dV/dt or Vmax) depends on resting Em

-dV/dt is a rough measure of amplitude of inward current

-The more negative the resting potential the more ion channels are in the closed state and therefore able to elicit an AP upon depolarization- more channels means more influx/higher amplitude


-So, dV/dt is proportional to excitability and CV

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