Shared Flashcard Set


EDSP 357 Final
Not Applicable

Additional Education Flashcards





Section 1: Overview

Section 3: Screening and Supportive Educational Assistance

The intent regarding this content is to have you describe a due process that must be implemented as a school works towards the identification of a student with possible Emotional-Behavioral Disorder.

(Looking for 4 Key terms here)




 I – I (identification of the problem)

A- Am (Analysis of the problem)            

 V- very (validation of the problems)

 D- distraught (design, implementation, and evaluation or appropriate interventions)



Due Process (I)

Identification of the problem

            (3 parts)



  1. Which school-related behaviors are of primary concern to the student, parents and/ or teacher(s). Behaviors should be “significantly discrepant” from norms. Also, the behavior should target should interfere with satisfactory relationships with peers or adult and/or that impair the student’s ability to profit from instruction.
  2. Procedures to be implemented include the following:

  3. T. describes the concern in observable measurable terms.

  4. T. decides desired skill level.

  5. T. identifies the discrepancy between desired behavior and the observed behavior.

* Clear identification of the student’s problem is essential for successful intervention.




Due Process (A)

Analysis of the problem(s)

(Three parts)




  1. Review school record to identify contributing factors of the problems as well as areas of strengths and resources that can be used to assist students.

  2. Identification of current instructional practices- help identify effective/ uneffective procedures. (instructional group-small, one on one, modifications, feedback, instructional materials, curriculum)

  3. Determination of possible causes of the problems- Antecedents, Consequences.



Due Process (V)

Validation of the problem(s)



Problem validation refers to insuring that the problems occur with sufficient frequency and severity to be recognized.

      Can verify by: reviewing school records, interviews with students, teachers, etc., work samples, behavioral observations, behavioral rating scales.



Due Process (D)

Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating an Intervention


(3 parts )



Interventions take place in student’s regular ed program. Several strategies could be implemented: changing student’s location- seat, adapting materials-simplifying tasks, abbreviating tasks, using alternate instructional materials, or adapting instruction- small group instruction, providing direct instruction, or increasing structure- clarifying expectations, setting rules or limits.

  1. Modifying the student’s regular program

  2. Referral for Ancillary services- counseling, specialists, etc.

  3. Evaluation and Adjustment of Interventions- Evaluate effectiveness of intervention based on behavioral objective criteria.


    SHOULD BE APPLIED FOR 30-40 SCHOOL DAYS. After than, the teacher evaluates if the student has phased out of the intervention,  continue, or refer the student for formal evaluation.


  1. If intervention is not affective, placement should be considered.

  2. Parental consent must be given before formal evaluation can take place on the students.

  3. Results of the formal evaluation will be analyzed and placement will be granted if evaluation shows evident discrepancies exist within special education requirements.





  1. Reasons for needing Personal-Social Skills or Social Competence Skills (refer to class notes and EBD technical Manual)




Personal-social skills need to be taught because socially isolated, socially incompetent children are more likely to: develop juvenile delinquency, drop out of school, and experience mental health problems as adults. Also, because high social status in childhood has been related to superior academic achievement and adequate interpersonal adjustment in their life. Many students with emotional-behavioral disabilities and those who are at risk, fail to learn, or are not taught these skills at home and/ or in school.


What is Social Competence?


Personal-social skills are responses that allow one to initiate and maintain positive relations, contribute to peer acceptance and to successful classroom adjustment. They also allow one to cope effectively and adaptively with the social environment. Personal-Social skills also help one to develop a sense of self-worth and confidence, and help one become aware of feelings, values and potentials. (Pulled straight from power point). Students who have been socially isolated and are socially incompetent often experience school failure, delinquency, drop out of school, and experience mental health problems as adults as stated in the emotional and behavioral disorder technical assistance manual.




  1. How do some curriculum materials operationalize this broad curriculum area into more specific skills?





Some curriculum materials operationalize the broad curriculum areas of social competence into more specific skills by creating broad skill areas such as interpersonal behaviors with are in return narrowed down into subskill/ competences. After the more narrow division of skill areas, the subskill/competences are then narrowed down additionally to address specific skills to bring focus to one skill rather than a broad range skills.




  1. What are instructional methods and strategies (specially designed instruction) for teaching Social Competence skills?




Instructional methods and strategies for teaching social competence skills can be modeling, strategic placement (placing student in situations with other students who display prosocial behaviors), instruction, correspondence training(students are positively reinforced for accurate reports regarding their behavior), rehearsal and practice (structured practice of specific prosocial behavior), positive reinforcement or shaping (providing students with additional stimuli/prompts which elicit the prosocial behavior), positive practice (a consequence strategy where the student repeatedly practices correct behavior), multi-method training packages ( multicomponent instructional package which incorporates several behavioral techniques.


How do behavior objectives include structured tasks?



    They include structured tasks by describing the setting in which the objective will be taught, as well as the duration of the activity ( if applicable). The conditions of the behavioral objective ( settings, circumstances- small group, one on one?) allow for structured tasks


    Also, in the annual goals, competencies are addressed to be taught to the students, however in behavioral objectives more specific structured tasks are expected to be retained by the student which focus on the sub competencies of the broad annual goal.


Why do behavior objectives include structured tasks?

Behavioral objectives include structured tasks to ensure the typical settings and circumstances where the unwanted behaviors occur is also the same environment in which instruction will take place. For example, if Albert is acting aggressive towards others inside the resource room, instruction will first need to be implemented in the resource room for the acquisition stage while also being addressed in the behavioral objective with specificity.




What are the common elements found in them?






They are composed of the condition, the subject, the behavior, the criteria and the evaluation procedures.
Example of social competency BO


Example: During a conversation with peers in a small group, given a two minute role playing activity with a script provided by the teacher, Jean will answer at least 8 out of 10 questions as observed and recorded by the resource teacher on 9 out of 10 consecutive days in the special education classroom.


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