Shared Flashcard Set


Drug Cards
Diuretics and More
Undergraduate 1

Additional Nursing Flashcards




Trade name: Diamox
Mechanism: Promotes renal excretion of sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and water.
Indication: Edema, glaucoma, prevent high-altitude sickness, adjunct for epilepsy
Contraindications: drug allergy, hyponatremia, hypokalemia,severe renal or liver dysfunction, cirrhosis
Adverse Effects: metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia, photosensitivity, hematuria, melena (blood in stool)
Interaction: digoxin, amphetamines, anticholinergics, beta blockers, alpha blockers, phenytoin.
Teachings: take with food, avoid prolonged sun exposure, weigh patient daily, monitor fluid intake and output,
Trade name: Midamor
Mechanism: Inhibits sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion
Indication: edema, heart failure, hypokalemia, hypertension
Contraindication: drug allergy, hyperkalemia, sever renal failure, anuria
Adverse Effects: fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, hyperkalemia, dizziness
Interactions: lithium, ACE inhibitors, potassium-sparing, NSAIDS, digoxin
Teaching: take with food, rise slowly, monitor potassium levels, avoid eating potassium rich foods,
Trade Name: Lasix
Mechanism: Inhibits sodium and chloride reabsorption
Indication: acute pulmonary edema, hypertension
Contraindication: drug allergy, sulfonamides, hepatic cirrhosis,
Adverse Effects: vertigo, hypotension, paresthesia, tinnitus, transient deafness, blurred vision, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia
Interactions: NSAIDS, phenyotin, lithium, hypokalemia, anti-diabetics
Teachings: monitor weight, BP, and pulse rate, can cause severe diuresis, monitor fluid input and output, take in the morning, don't move or get up suddenly
Trade name: Microzide, Oretic
Mechanism: Increases water and sodium excretion by inhibiting sodium and chloride reabsorption
Indication: edema and hypertension
Contraindicatins: anuria, drug allergy, severe renal disease, impaired hepatic function
Adverse Effects: renal failure, pancreatitis, orthostatic hypotension, thrombocytopenia
Interactions: Barbituates, opioids, anti diabetic drugs, corticosteroids, digoxin, lithium, NSAIDs
Teaching: Take with food, monitor fluid intake and output, watch for hypokalemia, may be used with Potassium-sparing drugs, take in the morning, don't make movements too quickly, use sunblock
Trade name: Osmitrol
Mechanism: Increase osmotic pressure of glomerular filtrate, inhibiting tubular reabsorption of water and electrolytes
Indication: renal failure, reduce intracranial pressure, treat cerebral edema
Contraindication: drug allergy, severe renal disease, pulmonary edema, active intracranial bleeding
Adverse Effect: convulsions, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary congestion, chest pains, tachycardia, blurred vision
Interaction: lithium
Teaching: monitor vitals and fluid intake and output, check weight and renal function, only drink amount of fluid ordered, give frequent mouth care, don't give electrolyte-free solutions with blood
Trade name: Zaroxolyn
Mechanism: Increase sodium and water excretion by inhibiting sodium reabsorption
Indication: edema, heart failure, renal disease, hypertension
Contraindication: drug allergy, hepatic coma, anuria, severe renal failure
Adverse Effects: impotence, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, photosensitivity, diarrhea, blurred vision
Interactions: corticosteroids, digoxin, NSAIDs, lithium, anti diabetic drugs
Teaching: take in the morning, no sudden movements, use sunblock, monitor fluid intake and output, watch of hypokalemia, eat potassium-rich foods, monitor BP, can be used with furosemide, monitor uric acid levels
Trade name: Aldactone
Mechanism: Antagonizes aldosterone, increasing sodium and water excretion
Indications: edema, heart failure, hypertension, ascites, manage hyperaldosteronism
Contraindications: drug allergy, hyperkalemia, severe renal failure, anuria
Adverse Effects: gynecomastia, amenorrhea, irregular menses, postmenopausal bleeding, gastric bleeding, hyperkalemia
Interactions: lithium, ACE inhibitors, potassium supplements, NSAIDs, anticoagulants
Teachings: monitor electrolyte levels, can interfere with lab test, adjunct to diuretics therapy, watch for hypochloremic metabolic acidosis, take in the morning,
Trade name: Dyrenium
Mechanism: inhibit reabsorption of sodium in exchange for potassium and hydrogen
Indication: edema, heart failure, hypertension, ascites
Contraindication: drug allergy, hyperkalemia, severe renal failure, liver failure, anuria
Adverse Effects: urinary frequency, hyperkalemia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps
Interaction: lithium, ACE inhibitors, potassium supplements, NSAIDs, barbituates, opioids, laxitives
Teaching: uncorrected hypokalemia can be fatal, monitor potassium levels, monitor for infection, if potassium is greater than 6.5 consider IV, acute gout, no salt substitutes, containing potassium, avoid taking at night time, sun exposure, signs and symptoms of electrolyte and fluid imbalance
Trade name: Propecia, Proscar
Mechanism: inhibits conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, primarily responsible for the initial development and subsequent enlargement of the prostate gland
Indication: hormone replacement therapy, benign prostatic hyperplasia
Contraindication: drug allergy, increase risk of high-grade prostate cancer, liver dysfunction
Adverse Effects: loss of libido, erection, ejaculatory dysfunction, gynecomastia, and sever myopathy
Interaction: St,John's Wart, alpha blockers, androgens
Teaching: evaluate for BPH, monitor those with large residual urine volume or severely diminished urine flow, taken with or without meals, women not to handle crushed pills
Trade name: Viagra
Mechanism: increase effect of nitric oxide by inhibiting PDE5
Indication: erectile dysfunction
Contraindication: drug allergy, 65 and older, vision loss
Adverse Effects: seizures, MI, sudden cardiac death, ventricular arrhythmia's, prolonged erection, hypotension
Interaction: alpha blockers, beta blockers, loop and potassium-sparing diuretics, alcohol
Teaching: decrease in supine BP and cardiac output, not used with nitrates, cardiac risk of sexual activity
Trade name: Hytrin
Mechanism: improve urine flow in patients with BPH by blocking alpha-adrenergic receptors
Indication: hypertension, symptomatic BPH
Contraindications: drug allergy
Adverse Effects: tachycardia, edema, anxiety, depression, incontinence, dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
Interaction: antihypertensives, alcohol
Teaching: monitor BP frequently, don't stop drug suddenly, avoid hazardous activities that require mental alertness
Trade name: Cardura
Mechanism: aplpha blocker that acts on peripheral vasculature to reduce peripheral vascular resistance and produce vasodilation
Indication: hypertension, BPH, ureteral stones
Contraindication: drug allergy, impaired hepatic function, hypertension
Adverse Effects: arrhythmias, diarrhea, constipation, neutropenua, edema, hypotension, erectile dysfunction
Interaction: antihypersensitives, diuretics, midodrine, PDE5 inhibitors, butcher's broom,
Teaching: monitor BP closely, if syncope occurs, place in recumbent position, extended-release dose is 4mg, take drug as how prescribed, rise slowly, avoid driving,
Trade name: Flomax
Mechanism: selectively blocks alpha receptors to improve urine flow and reduce symptoms of BPH
Indication: BPH, adjunctive treatment of ureteral stones
Contraindication: drug allergy, sulfa allergy, intraoperative floppy iris
Averse Effects: insomnia, syncope, vertigo, diarrhea, orthostatic hypotension
Interaction: alpha blockers, cimetidine, warfarin
Teaching: monitor for decrease BP, don't crush chew or open capsules, rise slowly, no driving, take 30 mins after meal
Trade name: Uroxatral
Mechanism: block alpha 1 receptors to improve urine flow and reduce symptoms of BPH
Indication: BPH
Contraindication: moderate to severe hepatic impairment, drug allergy, peripheral vascular disease, hepatic and renal disease, coronary artery disease, peptic ulcer, sepsis
Adverse Effects: fatigue, pharyngitis, constipation, erectile dysfunction
Interaction: alpha-adrenergic antagonist, beta blockers, alcohol, erectile dysfunction drugs, epinephrine
Teaching: don't use to treat hypertension, asymptomatic orthostatic hypotension may develop anger pectoris develops or worsens stop drug, take after the same meal each day
Trade name: Rapaflo
Mechanism: cause relaxation of smooth muscle, improving urine flow and reduce signs and symptoms of BPH
Indication: to improve symptoms of BPH
Contraindication: drug allergy, orthostatic hypotension, severe renal or hepatic impairment
Adverse Effects: orthostatic hypotension, diarrhea, nasal congestion, nasopharyngitis
Interaction: alpha blockers, antihypertensives, saw palmetto, St.John's wart
Teaching: monitor for orthostatic hypotension, don't use for hypertension, take with the same meal everyday, sprinkle contents in applesauce if can't swallow capsules, no driving
Trade name: Bactrim
Mechanism: inhibits formation of dihydrofolic acid from PABA and dihydrofolate reductase formation
Indication: ear infections, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, traveler's diarrhea, shigellosis, and Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
Contraindication: drug allergy, pregnant women
Adverse Effects: seizures, pancreatitis, pseudomembranous colitis, anuria, Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Interaction: digoxin, wafarin, phenytoin, sun exposure, dong quai, St.John's wart
Teaching: double check dosage, monitor renal function test, watch for superinfection, take as prescribed, drink plenty of fluids
Trade name: Septra
Mechanism: inhibits formation of dihydrofolic acid from PABA and dihydrofolate reductase formation
Indication: ear infections, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, traveler's diarrhea, shigellosis, and Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
Contraindication: drug allergy, pregnant women
Adverse Effects: seizures, pancreatitis, pseudomembranous colitis, anuria, Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Interaction: digoxin, wafarin, phenytoin, sun exposure, dong quai, St.John's wart
Teaching: double check dosage, monitor renal function test, watch for superinfection, take as prescribed, drink plenty of fluids
Trade name: Cipro
Mechanism: inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis, by blocking DNA gyrase
Indication: UTI, lower respiratory tract infection, bone and joint infection, complicated intra-abdominal infection
Contraindication: drug allergy
Adverse Effects: siezures, thrombocytopenia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis
Interaction: antacids, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, NSAIDs, steroids, St.John's wart, caffeine, sun exposure
Teaching: monitor fluid intake and output, tendon rupture, perphial nueropathy, drink plenty of fluids, take as prescribed
Trade name: Oxytrol Ditropan
Mechanism: relaxing smooth muscle of bladder relieving symptoms of overactive bladder
Indication: overactive bladder, spina bifida,
Contraindication: drug allergy, glaucoma, acute asthma, other respiratory distress, myasthenia graves, acute cardiovascular instability, GI or GU obstruction
Adverse Effects: increased heart rate, dysrhythmias, sedation, confusion, dilated pupils, urinary retention, decreased sweating, decreased salivation, gastric secretions, and motility
Interaction: anticholinergic, beta blockers, CNS depressants, alcohol, exercise, hot weather
Teaching: UTI treat with antibiotics, rule out partial intestinal obstruction, monitor patient for residual urine, avoid hazardous activities, may cause heat stroke, swallow extended-release whole
Trade name: Detrol
Mechanism: relaxing smooth muscle of bladder relieving symptoms of overactive bladder
Indication: overactive bladder
Contraindication: drug allergy, glaucoma, acute asthma, other respiratory distress, myasthenia graves, acute cardiovascular instability, GI or GU obstruction
Adverse Effects: increased heart rate, dysrhythmias, sedation, confusion, dilated pupils, urinary retention, decreased sweating, decreased salivation, gastric secretions, and motility
Interaction: anticholinergic, antifungals, fluoxetine
Teaching: assess baseline bladder function, monitor residual urine, avoid driving, hard candy and sugarless gum can relive dry mouth, women stop breast feeding, take capsules whole
Trade name: Furadantin
Mechanism: interfere with bacterial enzyme systems and bacterial cell-wall function
Indication: UTIs caused by E.coli, long-term suppression therapy
Contraindication: drug allergy, renal impairment, asthma, anemia, diabetes, electrolyte abnormalities,
Adverse Effects: ruptured tendons, tendonitis, nausea, constipation, insomnia, diarrhea, convulsions
Interaction:antacids, any food
Teaching: may cause asthma attack, monitor fluid intake and output, monitor CBC renal function and pulmonary status, store in amber container, take as prescribed, take with food or milk, may turn urine dark, don't store in metals other than stainless steel or aluminum
Trade name: Macrobid
Mechanism: may interfere with bacterial enzyme system and bacterial cell-wall formation
Indication: UTIs caused by E.coli, long-term suppression therapy
Contraindication: drug allergy, renal impairment, asthma, anemia, diabetes, electrolyte abnormalities,
Adverse Effects: ruptured tendons, tendonitis, nausea, constipation, insomnia, diarrhea, convulsions
Interaction:antacids, any food
Teaching: may cause asthma attack, monitor fluid intake and output, monitor CBC renal function and pulmonary status, store in amber container, take as prescribed, take with food or milk, may turn urine dark, don't store in metals other than stainless steel or aluminum
Trade name: Macrodantin
Mechanism: may interfere with bacterial enzyme system and bacterial cell-wall formation
Indication: UTIs caused by E.coli, long-term suppression therapy
Contraindication: drug allergy, renal impairment, asthma, anemia, diabetes, electrolyte abnormalities,
Adverse Effects: ruptured tendons, tendonitis, nausea, constipation, insomnia, diarrhea, convulsions
Interaction:antacids, any food
Teaching: may cause asthma attack, monitor fluid intake and output, monitor CBC renal function and pulmonary status, store in amber container, take as prescribed, take with food or milk, may turn urine dark, don't store in metals other than stainless steel or aluminum
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