Shared Flashcard Set


Domestic Violence Statistics
1234 Domestic Violence Statistics
Not Applicable

Additional Psychology Flashcards




How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

1. 1 in 6 women and 1 in 16 men have experienced physical or sexual violence from a current or previous cohabiting partner since the age of 15
How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

1. 1 in __ wo__ and 1 in __ m__ have experienced ph______ or se______ vi______ from a c______ or p______s co______ pa______
How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

2. 1 women is killed every 9 days and 1 man is killed every 29 days by a partner
How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

2. 1 w_____ is killed every _ days and 1 m_____ is killed every __ days by a partner
How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

3. 25% of women and 5% of men have experience emotional abuse from a current or previous cohabiting partner since the age of 15
How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

3. __% of women and _% of men have experience em_____ abuse from a current or previous co_____ par_____
How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

4. 17 adults were hospitalised everyday in 2016/17 due to an assault by a partner or other family member
How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

4. __ adults were hos_____ ev_____ in 2016/17 due to an as_____ by a pa_____ or other f_____ member
How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

1. 1 in 5 women and 1 in 20 men have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15
How common is family, domestic and sexual violence?

1. 1 in _ women and 1 in __ men have experienced s_____ v_____ since the age of 15
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

1. Children - In 2017–18, 22% (26,500) clients seeking specialist homelessness services as a result of family or domestic violence were aged 0–9.

2. Young women - In 2017, young women aged 15–34 accounted for more than half (53%, or 11,000) of all police-recorded female sexual assault
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

1. Ch_____ -

2. Y_____ w_____ -
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

3. Older people - In 2017–18, more than 10,900 calls were made to elder abuse helplines across Australia.

4. People with disability - People with disability were 1.8 times as likely to have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from a partner in the previous year, compared with people without disability.
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

3. O_____ pe_____ -

4. Pe_____e with di_____ -
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

5. People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds - Between March 2013 and June 2016, the Australian Federal Police received 116 case referrals for forced marriage involving young females.

6. LGBTIQ + people - In the last 5 years, workplace sexual harassment was higher among those identifying with diverse sexual orientation (52%) than among those identifying as straight or heterosexual (31%).
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

5. People from cu_____ and lin_____
di_____ bac_____ -

6. LG_____ + p_____ -
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

7. People in rural and remote Australia - People in Remote and Very remote Australia are more than 24 times as likely to be hospitalised for domestic violence as are people in Major cities.

8. People from socioeconomically disadvantaged areas - People living in the most disadvantaged areas of Australia are 1.5 times as likely to experience partner violence as those living in areas of least disadvantage.
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

7. People in r_____ and r_____ Au_____ -

8. People from soc_____ dis_____ ar_____ -
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

9. Indigenous Australians - Indigenous adults are 32 times as likely to be hospitalised for family violence as non-Indigenous adults.
Groups more vulnerable to family, domestic and sexual violence

9. In_____ Aus_____ -
Responses to family, domestic and sexual violence

Responses to family, domestic and sexual violence can be provided informally in the community, and/or formally through health and welfare services. However, many people do not seek advice or support after incidents of family, domestic and sexual violence.

For those who had experienced physical and/or sexual violence from a current cohabiting partner. 1 in 2 (46%, or 127,000) women never sought advice or support.

For those who did seek support following violence from a previous partner, 65% (560,000) women and 54% (87,500) men sought advice or support from a friend or other family member (ABS 2017).

Most people did not contact the police following violence from a partner—8 in 10 (82% or 226,000) women and 9 in 10 (97% or 146,000) men who experienced physical and/or sexual violence from a current partner never contacted the police (ABS 2017).
Responses to family, domestic and sexual violence

Responses to family, domestic and sexual violence can be provided in_____ in the community, and/or fo_____ through health and welfare services. However, many people do n___ seek advice or support after incidents of family, domestic and sexual violence.

For those who had experienced physical and/or sexual violence from a current cohabiting partner. 1 in 2 (46%, or 127,000) women never sought advice or support.

For those who did seek support following violence from a pre_____ partner, 65% (560,000) women and 54% (87,500) men sought advice or support from a fr_____ or other fa_____ me_____ (ABS 2017).

Most people did n___ contact the police following violence from a partner — _ in 10 (82% or 226,000) women and _ in 10 (97% or 146,000) men who experienced ph_____ and/or se_____ vi_____ from a current partner n_____ contacted the police (ABS 2017).
Responses to family, domestic and sexual violence

1. Stable rates of partner violence contrast with falling rates of overall violence
2. The number of sexual assault victims continues to rise
3. More women are being hospitalised due to family and domestic violence
4. More people are accessing specialist homelessness services due to family and domestic violence
Responses to family, domestic and sexual violence

1. S_____ ra_____ of partner violence contrast with fa_____ rates of over_____ violence
2. The number of se_____ as_____ victims continues to r_____
3. M_____ women are being hosp_____ due to family and domestic violence
4. More people are accessing specialist homelessness services due to family and domestic violence
Impacts of family, domestic and sexual violence

1. Mental illness contributes the most to disease burden due to domestic violence - with depressive disorders making up the greatest proportion (43%), followed by anxiety disorders (30%) and suicide and self-inflicted injuries (19%).

2. 1 woman is killed every 9 days and 1 man is killed every 29 days by a partner
Impacts of family, domestic and sexual violence

1. Men_____ illness contributes the m_____ to disease burden due to do_____ vi_____ - with depressive disorders making up the greatest proportion (43%), followed by anxiety disorders (30%) and suicide and self-inflicted injuries (19%).

2. 1 woman is killed every __ days and 1 man is killed every __ days by a partner
Attitudes and behaviours relating to family, domestic and sexual violence

1. More people are recognising non-physical behaviours as violence

2. 1 in 3 people are sexually harassed at work, but few report it

3. Women are 3 times as likely as men to be the victim of stalking
Attitudes and behaviours relating to family, domestic and sexual violence

1. More people are rec_____ non-physical beh_____ as violence

2. 1 in _ people are sexually harassed at work, but few report it

3. Women are _ times as likely as men to be the victim of sta_____
1. 8.5% of Australians experience physical and/or sexual violence,

2. 14% of Australians experience emotional abuse from their partners.
highlight the prevalence of domestic violence in Australia,
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