Shared Flashcard Set


Development Bullshit
Test 3
Undergraduate 3

Additional Nursing Flashcards




Which of the following statements best describes the relationship school-age children have with their families?
A. Children desire to spend equal time with family and peers.
B. Children are prepared to reject parental controls.
C. Children need and want restrictions placed on their behaviour by the family.
D. The peer group replaces the family as the primary influence in setting standards of behaviour and rules.
Correct answer: C
Rationale: School-age children need and want restrictions placed on their behavior, and they are not prepared to cope with all the problems of their expanding environment. They feel more secure knowing that an authority figure can implement controls and restrictions. In the middle school years, children prefer peer group activities to family activities and want to spend more time in the company of peers. Although increased independence is the goal of middle childhood, children are not ready to abandon parental control. Family values usually take precedence over peer value systems.
Erikson Stage of Preschool?
Developing a sense of initiative

Feelings of guilt, anxiety, and fear may result from thoughts that differ from expected behavior
Development of superego (conscience)
Learning right from wrong; moral development
Piaget Stage of PReschool?
Preoperational Phase Spans age 2 to 7 years
Preconceptual phase at 2 to 4 years
Intuitive thought phase at 4 to 7 years
Shifts from egocentric thought to social awareness
Able to consider other viewpoints
Egocentricity is still evident
In terms of cognitive development, the 5-year-old child would be expected to do which of the following?
Use magical thinking.
Think abstractly.
Understand conservation of matter.
Comprehend another person’s perspective.
Correct answer: Magical Thinking
Rationale: Magical thinking is believing that thoughts can cause events. An example would be that thinking of the death of a parent might cause it to happen. Abstract thought does not develop until the school-age years. The concept of conservation is the cognitive task of children age 5 to 7 years. A 5-year-old cannot understand another person’s perspective.
Erikson stage of toddler?
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Piaget stage of toddler?
sensorimotor and preconceptual phase
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