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Derrick Matthews' Canli et al Vocabulary
Cambridge AICE Psychology 1 AS Level
11th Grade

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as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, the aims of the study was to test whether the amygdala is sensitive to varying degrees of individually experienced emotional intensity, and to test whether the degree of emotional intensity affects the role of the amygdala in enhancing memory for emotional stimuli. the hypothesis of the study was that emotionally intense stimuli will cause greater activation of the amygdala and lead to better recall than less emotionally intense stimuli.
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, the amygdala is almond shaped, in the brain's medial temporal lobe, and is a key role in processing emotions like fear, pleasure, and anger. the activation of the amygdala is what canli was measuring in this study, which he found strong amygdala activation to resulted in improved memorization for the causing stimuli.
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, arousal is primarily controlled by the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain. it is suggested that emotional arousal aids the process of memory consolidation, and therefore emotional experiences are memorized better.
biological process studied
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, the biological approach states that the amygdala communicates closely with the hippocampus, which helps explain why we remember things that are more emotionally important.
correlational coefficient
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, the average correlation coefficients between p's intensity ratings, on one hand, and normative valence and arousal, on the other, were -0.66 and 0.68, respectively. p's ratings of emotional intensity reflected equally well the valence and arousal characteristics of the stimuli.
dependent variables
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, the dependent variables were the level of activation of the amygdala measured by fMRI during the first stage of the experiment when participants were exposed to each of the 96 scenes, and the measure of memory when participants had to recognize the images three weeks after the initial experiment.
ecological validity
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, the ecological validity is low because the study takes place in a laboratory, which is an artificial environment and the participants were inside of an fMRI machine, which is not an everyday activity. this unusual task has low mundane realism which decreases the ecological validity.
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, evolution is the process of natural selection of offspring which have inherited characteristics that make them most likely to survive.
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) is a neuroimaging procedure using MRI technology that measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow. canli placed each individual in a scanner which sends a magnetic field and affects the spinning of the hydrogen molecules in the brain and enables the scan to create a detailed picture of the brain.
it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, during the test, the participants viewed 96 previous scenes in addition to another 48 foils (new scenes) which were selected to match previous scenes in arousal characteristics. participants were asked wether they had seen each scene before. if they answered 'yes,' they had to say with what certainty they remembered the image (remember for more certain, know for less certain).
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, genes are inherited instructions passed on from parents to children that control our development and influence some aspects of our thinking, behavior, and emotions such as personality and intelligence.
independent variable
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, the independent variable was the intensity of emotional arousal to each of the 96 scenes presented to each participant.
intensity rating
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, participants indicated how they experienced emotional intensity in each case by pressing from four buttons with their right hand on a scale of 0-3.
laboratory experiment
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, a laboratory experiment is highly controlled and is an environment in which participants were tested not comparable to everyday situations.
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, women were intentionally only chose for this study because it is thought that they are more likely to report intense emotional experiences and show more physiological reactions to the stimuli than men.
quantitative data
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, quantitative data was used when the researchers recorded the pixel count of the amygdala, and the percentage of the pictures that were forgotten, familiar, or remembered.
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation participants viewed 96 overhead scenes or images displayed with an overhead projector and mirror. the order of the scenes were randomized to reduce order effects and increase validity.
repeated measures
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, repeated measures was used as the experimental design because the control group saw neutral images, while the experimental group saw arousing images.
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, the results found that...

- participant's ratings of emotional intensity reflected the valence and arousal ratings of the images. average correlation coefficient was -0.66 for valence, and +0.68 for arousal.

- amygdala was significantly correlated with varying levels of emotional intensity (amygdala is sensitive to different levels of emotional stimuli).

- subject's ratings of emotional intensity were similarly distributed across all four categories:
0 - 29%
1 - 22%
2 - 24%
3 - 25%

- memory recall was significantly higher for images rated three (more intense) than those rated 0-2 (less intense).

-only the most emotionally intense images were associated with superior memory.
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, the sample chosen by the researchers were ten right-handed healthy females. only women were asked to partake in this study because it was believed that women were more likely to experience intense emotional experiences.
sampling technique
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, volunteer sampling was the sampling technique the researchers used.
as it relates to the canli et al study on emotional intensity and amygdala activation, valence indicates the emotional value (intrinsic attractiveness or aversiveness) to the events, objects, and situations that people experience. there were 96 images in the study ranging from 1.17 (highly negative) to 5.44 (neutral).
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