Shared Flashcard Set


Death & Dying
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We listed, on a separate sheet, 12 suggestions to help one deal with grief. Please list six of these that you might share with ones left behind.
1. plant a tree
2. write a journal
3. make a memory box
4. tell a story
5. light a candle
6. sing a song.
A clinical environment as in an ICU or emergency room, presents challenges to a meaningful engagement between a family and their dying member. What could you, as a Naturopath and coach, do to make this as effective as possible?
Encourage the family to say what they need to say (meaningful conversations), Give remedies to the loved ones and their family to make the transition easier. Hold the space for the family and allow them to talk and grieve the way they need to. Be the bridge between the staff and the family to communicate, being an advocate and spokesperson if intervention or procedure are truly necessary. Take charge of the situation this will allow the family to grieve properly.
In approximately the last two weeks of one's life, there are specific stages through which one will pass. One is a period of processing and contemplation. There are seven additional stages or signs of impending death. List 5 of these.
Heart rate increase
respiration changes
skin color changes
temperature changes
pick at clothing because body becomes to heavy
You are a naturopath coaching a family and loved one who is dying in a hospice milieu. What will you teach them?
Teach them to make the room inviting for the their loved one and their family members, making their area feel like a home. Teach them the importance of keeping a vigor to tell stories. Say your good long good bye.. wash them up people worry they won't be able to die with dignity. Wait for the lucid moments and take advantage to talk with them.
Often, one's view of death and practice of bereavement are hardly unique but rather, a conforming to cultural expections. How does this hinder the dying and grieving process?
Culture specific system can also be counter-productive when it stifles creativity and solifico such an iron clad, formalized tradition which ancotheris the bu-cared and represses genuine grief.
It also hinders the individual because everyone is different and have their own emotions and experiences, but if they feel things should go a certain way according to what they were taught then they may fell like they are doing it wrong and that may prevent them from moving on.
What are the six seasons a terminally ill person might experience.
1. disbelief
2. sadness
3. bargaining
4. guilt
5. anger
6. surrender
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