Shared Flashcard Set


Day 4 VBS Skit
Day 4 VBS Skit

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Leader: Ian! Is that your invention? Come on



up here and show us!




Leader: (Rushing to help Ian) Ian! Are you ok?




Leader: (Relieved) Good. I’m so glad you’re


alright (Pats Ian on the back. Ian screams




and falls to the ground)



Leader: Oh, I barely touched you! Get up!




Leader: (Noticing Ian’s bag) Uh oh...




Leader: Your invention. You dropped it when you fell. Do



you think it broke?




Leader: It’s OK, Ian. I’ll bet we can fix it.



Leader: Ian, even though you messed up, your mom will



still love you. That reminds me a little of our Bible Point

today. We’re discovering that God will always


love you. (Wow, God!)




Leader: We all mess up—being mean, leaving people out,



bragging, or…well, being a stinker.


Leader: (Peers into bag) Oh, I think your invention can be


fixed! I know you can do it, Ian. (To kids) Maybe Ian needs


a little encouragement from us. What do you think? (Leads




kids in calling out encouragement and support to Ian)




Leader: See you later, Ian. Remember to tie…



(Ian trips and falls as he leaves the stage.)


Leader: …your shoe.



(Ian enters, excitedly running and carrying the bag.)





Ian: I did it! I did it! I did it!





(Ian runs towards the stage. As he steps on


the stage, he trips and his invention falls to


the ground.)



Ian: (Stands up) I’m fine, I have an incredibly



high threshold for pain.



Ian: (Stands up) I’m fine, I have an incredibly



high threshold for pain.





Ian: (To kids) Did you guys hear someone scream?

Because I didn’t. Even if you did hear a scream, it wasn’tme because I would never scream.


Ian: What?









Ian: What? No way! (Picks up the bag and shakes it) I



built this thing to be indestructible. I mean just look at…

(Looks in the bag) OH NO! IT’S BROKEN!





Ian: No, it’s hopeless. (Throws hands up in the air) I give



up! I just wanted to make my mom something amazing.


I’ve been telling her all about how cool it’s gonna be and

how much she’ll love it. (Slumps) She’s going to be so



disappointed and sad.





Ian: I don’t know…I mess up a lot! I mean, I’m good at a


lot of sports and things, but (looks around, as if to see if




anyone is listening, then moves closer to the leader to keep

his voice down) sometimes I’m not the nicest person. I can



be kind of a stinker.





Ian: And God still loves us? Wow! That’s pretty awesome!


(Looks sadly at his bag of broken items) I know my mom will



still love me…but I just wanted to make something nice for


her. She’s the best!





Ian: (Perking up) If you guys say so! OK, I’m off to make my


invention even better than before! (Waves to kids) Thanks,



builder buddies!




(Ian trips and falls as he leaves the stage.)



Ian: I’m OK!




(Ian exits.)


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