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Counseling and religion
counseling and religion

Additional Education Flashcards




Religion section:
Hindu religion
-Hinduism is the coming togheter of many religions
-Originated in India and 3rd largest religion in the world
-Polytheistic: Shiva, Vishnu, and Devi (3 major)

Basic Hindu Beliefs:
-revere Brahmans
-cows: don't eat meat
-Marry within caste system(jati);produce male heirs
-Believe in 4 Yogas(paths)
-Jnana Yoga=path of knowledge
-Bhakt Yoga=path of love for God
-Karma yoga=path of work: god through work
-Raja yoga=scientific mind that reveal true nature

4 stages in life:
-student studies scripture
-marry, job, kids,
-perform rituals for ancestors
-pass on; achieve liberation

Karma-cause and effect for soul development

Reincarnation-continue to be born until they release from fears and attachments. "uncover perfection"

Caste system: people divided based on economic status

Sacred text: Bhagavad Gita

rituals: hindu temple, chant Vedas, worship, shrines, pilgrimages

*vital religion in the United states that is transforming.
Things to know about the individual Hindi person
-Religion is individually unique; find out how they practice
-Indian: well educated, mid/high SES, studious, value education,
-rarely go to counseling; difficult to ask for help, resolve issues at home
-Be Patient: may test the counselor before coming out with problem

***Family is always present in mind and most important
-understand the hold of family and use them if needed
-Marriage arranged
-domestic violence and incest is common in the family
-if woman leaves, will not receive support and will be leaving whole life behind(use caution!)
Treatment aproaches
-have an understanding of the family systems approach
-Cognitive behavioral framework: intellectual and rational people
-may be direct and demand guidance so no person centered

Use Karma:
-Hindu believe in choosing parents and life; so they will claim responsibility
-will not see life as "unfair"
-Working on life now will improve for the next life
-no accidents in life
Judaism Basics
-originated in Palestine
-Latin name is Judaeus meaning resident of Judea.
-Monothesic:God is Yahweh
-God's chosen people to receive the divine law and be a model
-HOld a contractual agreement between people and god to carry on commandments

Sacred texts: Tanach, includes Torah

Religious practices:
-no unclean animals: pics, fish without scales or fins
-Good animals have split hooves and chew cud
-Kosher:slaughtered correctly and blood drained
-pray and feast on the Sabbath

-Passover:beginning of harvest and exodus from egypt
-Shabuoth: Yahweh's gift of the Torah on Mt. Sinai
-Rosh Hashanah: Jewish new year
-Yom Kippur: day of Atonement(fasting, prayer)
-Hanukkah(minor holiday) victory of the Maccabees over Antiochus IV
-Purim: deliverance of persian ancestor by Esther and Mordecai
Jewish counseling Implications
-Jews do not hesitate to seek help
-no problem with meds to alleviate
-analytic reasoning is understood
-want a therapist to respect customs and beliefs
-most want a therapist of the same sex
-Most anxiety stems from not following the faith at the standard expected

-Explore every option before undermining religious belief
-Rabi may be used with permission of client but can not influence therapy

**most do not want a jewish therapist; just want a sensitive non jewish therapist to reflect secular viewpoints
***still must respect beliefs and lifestyle
Issue of Forgiveness for clients
-spiritual issue for many; giving or receiving forgiveness

-willingness to give up one's right to resentment, negative judgment, and indifferent behavior towards otehrs
-Most religions have a form of forgiveness model in their faith. (A God models it)

-As a counselor:need to understand how the client sees forgiveness
-promoting forgiv. gives a more positive effect, improved mental health, freedom to grow, personal power, reconciliation

Process of forgiveness:
-shock and denial
-awareness of hurt/abuse
-acknowledgement of the grief and chance to express
-validation of feelings
-justice and restitution
-prevention of further offenses
-forgiveness and moving on

4 choices about forgiveness:
-forgive and reconcile
-forgive and not reconcile
-not forgive and interact
-not forgive and not reconcile

Educate about holding on to anger and options about dealing with it
-consider benefits and liabilities
-considering forgiveness means no revenge
-teach empathy skills and mindset of the offender
-might be deeper issues if choose not to forgive
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