Shared Flashcard Set


Copyright Guidelines for Educators
a study session about understanding important copyright guidelines to utilize and design academic materials and resources
Internet/New Media

Additional Internet/New Media Flashcards




What is the first line of defense in preventing irresponsible, illegal, and unethical use of a school or district's technology resources?
Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs)
True or False:
Responsible Use Policies (RUPs) are complex documents that read like legal documents and can be quite confusing.
RUPs are more student-friendly policies that are more positive and instead of stating the "don'ts" and the consequences thereof, they describe the positive benefits of technologies and the types of actions that students are encouraged to do with them.
Choose the correct answer:
Email and other digital communications made on school computers are usually considered the property of the _____ or_____.
A. student and parent,
B. teacher and school.
C. school and district.
D. district and teacher.
The answer is C.
Email and other digital communications made on school computers are usually considered the property of the school or district.
Short Answer Question:
What are 3 ways that schools are able to combat cyberbullying that is done at home, on students' personal devices, and is not related to school activities?
Possible answers:
1. Rules against it are written into the school/district's AUP.
2. The actions are covered under state law.
3. The actions are intended to have an adverse effect on a student's safety while in school.
4. The actions cause an adverse effect on the student's well-being while in school.
Choose the correct answer:
What is one principle that is NOT a good way to engage students with primary resources?
A.Draw on students' prior knowledge of the topic.
B.Give students a topic that they have no interest in.
C.Ask students to closely evaluate the source.
D.Encourage students to think about their personal responses to the source.
The answer is B.
To promote student engagement:
- draw on students' prior knowledge of the topic
- ask students to closely evaluate the source for content that "catches their eye"
- help students see key details that they may not have expected and/or powerful ideas that are interesting to them
- encourage students to think about their personal responses to the source
Yes or No
The Copyright Act of 1976 provides the following rights for the user:
-to reproduce the copyrighted work
-to prepare derivative works
-to distribute copies to the public
-to perform the copyrighted work publicly
-to display the copyrighted work publicly
-to perform the copyrighted work publicly by means of da digital audio transmission
The answer is NO.
The Copyright Act of 1976 provides the mentioned rights for the HOLDER, not the user.
Fill in the blank.
The ________ ______ of _____ is limited to certain organizations, including educational institutions as long as the institution is nonprofit and accredited, and it clarifies what uses of copyright-protected materials are permissible when used for distance education, and this act also outlines the required actions for schools to be compliant.
The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002 (The TEACH Act)
True or False:
Teachers and students can use materials protected by copyright for educational use.
The answer is FALSE.
There is no provision titled "educational use". Teachers must determine whether the material falls within "fair use".
Choose the correct answer:
What is the first line of protection against the inappropriate use of other people's work?
A. Help students understand how to correctly use and cite source material.
B. Install a plagiarism blocker on students' devices.
C. Demonstrate the proper way to copy and paste information from a text.
D. Require students to write their essays.
The answer is A.
The first line of protection against the inappropriate use of other people's work is to help students understand how to correctly use and cite source material.
Name 2 ways to make students' online time more effective and productive.
Possible answers:
1. Identify relevant and worthwhile resources first by creating a classroom list of bookmarks.
2. Create a classroom webpage with links to valuable websites.
3. Use web curation tools such as social bookmarking.
What is the first line of defense in preventing irresponsible, illegal, and unethical use of a school or district's technology resources?
Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs)
True or False:
Responsible Use Policies (RUPs) are complex documents that read like legal documents and can be quite confusing.
RUPs are more student-friendly policies that are more positive and instead of stating the "don'ts" and the consequences thereof, they describe the positive benefits of technologies and the types of actions that students are encouraged to do with them.
Choose the correct answer:
Email and other digital communications made on school computers are usually considered the property of the _____ or_____.
A. student and parent,
B. teacher and school.
C. school and district.
D. district and teacher.
The answer is C.
Email and other digital communications made on school computers are usually considered the property of the school or district.
Short Answer Question:
What are 3 ways that schools are able to combat cyberbullying that is done at home, on students' personal devices, and is not related to school activities?
Possible answers:
1. Rules against it are written into the school/district's AUP.
2. The actions are covered under state law.
3. The actions are intended to have an adverse effect on a student's safety while in school.
4. The actions cause an adverse effect on the student's well-being while in school.
Choose the correct answer:
What is one principle that is NOT a good way to engage students with primary resources?
A.Draw on students' prior knowledge of the topic.
B.Give students a topic that they have no interest in.
C.Ask students to closely evaluate the source.
D.Encourage students to think about their personal responses to the source.
The answer is B.
To promote student engagement:
- draw on students' prior knowledge of the topic
- ask students to closely evaluate the source for content that "catches their eye"
- help students see key details that they may not have expected and/or powerful ideas that are interesting to them
- encourage students to think about their personal responses to the source
Yes or No
The Copyright Act of 1976 provides the following rights for the user:
-to reproduce the copyrighted work
-to prepare derivative works
-to distribute copies to the public
-to perform the copyrighted work publicly
-to display the copyrighted work publicly
-to perform the copyrighted work publicly by means of da digital audio transmission
The answer is NO.
The Copyright Act of 1976 provides the mentioned rights for the HOLDER, not the user.
Fill in the blank.
The ________ ______ of _____ is limited to certain organizations, including educational institutions as long as the institution is nonprofit and accredited, and it clarifies what uses of copyright-protected materials are permissible when used for distance education, and this act also outlines the required actions for schools to be compliant.
The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002 (The TEACH Act)
True or False:
Teachers and students can use materials protected by copyright for educational use.
The answer is FALSE.
There is no provision titled "educational use". Teachers must determine whether the material falls within "fair use".
Choose the correct answer:
What is the first line of protection against the inappropriate use of other people's work?
A. Help students understand how to correctly use and cite source material.
B. Install a plagiarism blocker on students' devices.
C. Demonstrate the proper way to copy and paste information from a text.
D. Require students to write their essays.
The answer is A.
The first line of protection against the inappropriate use of other people's work is to help students understand how to correctly use and cite source material.
Name 2 ways to make students' online time more effective and productive.
Possible answers:
1. Identify relevant and worthwhile resources first by creating a classroom list of bookmarks.
2. Create a classroom webpage with links to valuable websites.
3. Use web curation tools such as social bookmarking.
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