Shared Flashcard Set


Como Se Dice, Spanish 101
Chapters 1-5
Language - Spanish
Undergraduate 2

Additional Language - Spanish Flashcards




The Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter
La primavera, el verano, el otoño y el invierno.
Subject Pronouns

You (familiar)
You (formal)

You (formal)
They (male)
They (female)
I = yo
You (fam.) = tú
You (for.) = usted (ud.)
He = él
She = ella

We = nosotros
You (for.) = ustedes (uds.)
They (male) = ellos
They (female) = ellas
Present indicative of the verb 'ser'

'Ser' means 'to be'. It is an irregular verb.

I am
You are (fam.)
You are (for.)
He is
She is

I am = soy
You are (fam.) = eres
You are (for.) = es
He is = es
She is = es
Present indicative of the verb 'ser'

'Ser' means 'to be'. It is an irregular verb.

We are
You are (fam.)
You are (for.)
They are (m and f)
We are = somos
You are (fam.) = sois (not used).
You are (for.) = son
They are (m and f) = son
Definite Articles

The definite article 'the' has four forms in Spanish:
Singular masculine: el
Plural masculine: los

Singular feminine: la
Plural feminine: las
The Indefinite Article

'A' and 'an', as well as 'some', are indefinite articles.
Singular masc. = un
Singular fem. = una
(These mean 'a' or 'an').

Plural masc. = unos
Plural fem. = unas
(These mean 'some').

The numbers 31 thru 99 are used with 'y'.

16 through 29 can also be used with 'y', but usually aren't.
31 = treinta y uno
40 = cuarenta
50 = cincuenta
60 = sesenta
70 = setenta
80 = ochenta
90 = noventa
100 = cien (or ciento)
Telling Time

What time is it? "¿Qué hora es?"

1. "Es la..." is used for only 1 a.m. or p.m.

2. "Son las..." is used with all other hours.

3. "Media" means half.

4. The equivalent of 'past' or 'after' is "y".

5. The equivalent of 'to' or 'till' is "menos".
1. It is 1 p.m. = Es la una.

2. It is 5 p.m. = Son las cinco.

3. It is 1:30 = Es la una y media.

4. It is 1:25 = Es la una y venticinco.

5. It is 7:55 = Son las ocho menos cinco.
Telling Time, Cont'd

If it is a.m., say "de la mañana", or 'of the morning'.

If it is p.m., say "de la noche", or 'of the night'.

Afternoon is "tarde".

To indicate an activity at an unspecified time:

In the morning: "por la mañana"

In the evening/night: "por la tarde"

¿Estudiamos por la mañana? (Shall we study in the morning?)

No, por la tarde. (No, in the afternoon.)
Present Indicative of Regular "-ar" Verbs

Verbs conjugate as such: We'll use "hablar", or 'to speak'.

Singular Subject:
I speak (yo) = hablo
You (fam.) speak (tú) = hablas
You (for.) speak (ud.) = habla
He speaks (él) = habla
She speaks (ella) = habla

Plural Subjects:
We speak (nosotros) = hablamos
You (for.) speak (uds.) = hablan
They speak (m and f) (ellos/ellas) = hablan

"I" ends in "-o"
"You" (fam.) ends in "-as"
"You (for.), he and she" end in "-a"

"We" ends in "-amos"
"You" (for.) and they (m and f)" end in "-an"
Other "-ar" Verbs

desear: to want/wish
estudiar: to study
tomar: to drink/take
necesitar: to need
regresar: to return
trabajar: to work

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Possessive Adjectives

mi = my
tu = your (notice the 'u' loses its accent in "your")
su = his, her, its and their
nuestro = our
vuestor = your (fam.)

my = mis
your = tus
his, hers, its or theirs = sus
ours = nuestros(as)
yours (fam.) = vuestros(as)

Necesito mi libro. (I need my book).
Necesito mis libros. (I need my books).

Nosotros necesitamos nuestros libros. (We need our books).
Feminine: Nosotros necesitamos nuestrAS plumAS. (We need our pens).
Agreement of Articles, Nouns and Adjectives

The article, noun and adjectives have to agree on gender and number.

"un muchacho alto" = a tall boy
"las muchachas altas" = the tall girls

When an adj. modifieds two or more nouns, the plural is used.

"la silla y la mesa rojas" = the chair and table are red

If two nouns described together are of different genders, the masculine form is used.

"la chica y el chico mexicanos" = the mexican girl and boy
Present Indicative of Regular "-er" and "-ir" Verbs

Comer = to eat:

I eat = como
You (fam.) eat = comes
You (for.), he or she eats = come
We eat = comemos
You (for.) and they (m and f) eat = comen

Other "-er" Verbs:
aprender: to learn
creer: to believe/think
leer: to read
correr: to run
beber: to drink
vender: to sell
deber: must/should
Vivir = to live:

I live = vivo
You (fam.) live = vives
You (for.), he or she lives = vive
We live = vivimos
You (for.) and they (m and f) live = viven

Other "-ir" Verbs:
asistir: to attend
abrir: to open
recibir: to receive
escribir: to write
decidir: to decide
Present Indicative of Irregular Verbs: Tener and Venir

"Tener" means 'to have'.

I have = tengo
You (fam.) have = tienes
You (for.), he or she has = tiene

We have = tenemos
You (for.) and they (m and f) have = tienen

Also, "tener que" means 'to have to' and is followed by an infinitive. Olga tiene que trabajar hoy. (Olga has to work today). Don't forget to conjugate!
"Venir" means 'to come'.

I come = vengo
You (fam.) come = vienes
You (for.), he and she come = viene

We come = venimos
You (for.) and they (m and f) come = vienen
The Personal 'A'

The personal 'a' has no equivalent in English. It's used in front of direct objects that happen to be people. If the D.O. is not a person, the personal 'a' is not used.

"Yo llamo a mi amiga." (I call my friend).

The verb 'tener' generally doesn't take the personal 'a', even if the D.O. is a person.

"¿Tú llevas a tu novia a la universidad?"
"Yo no tengo novia. Llevo a Jorge y a Luis." (I don't have a girlfriend. I take Jorge and Luis). Notice that the personal 'a' is repeated in front of both boys' names, as they are both D.O.s.

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Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions and Contractions

Mí = me
Ti = you (fam.)

"¿Hablan de mí?" (Are you talking about me?)
"No, no hablamos de ti; hablamos de ella." (No, we're not talking about you; we're talking about her."

'Mí' combines with 'con' to form "conmigo", or 'with me'. 'Ti' combines with 'con' to form "contigo", or 'with you'.

(other side is Contractions)

There are only two contractions in Spanish: 'al' and 'del'.

The preposition 'a' (to/toward) and the personal 'a' followed by the article 'el' contract to form 'al'.

"Llamo [a + el] profesor." = "Llamo al profesor." (I talk to the professor.)

The preposition 'de' (from/where) followed by the article 'el' contracts to 'del'.

"Tiene los libros [de + el] profesor." = "Tiene los libros del profesor." (I have the profesor's books).

[A + el] and [de + el] must always contract to 'al' and 'del'. No other combos (de la, de las, a la, etc.) contract.
Present Indicative of the Irregular Verbs "Ir", "Dar" and "Estar"

"Ir" means 'to go':

I = voy
Tú = vas
Ud., él y ella = va
Nosotros = vamos
Uds., ellos y ellas = van

"Dar" means 'to give':

I = doy
Tú = das
Ud., él y ella = da
Nosotros = damos
Uds., ellos y ellas = dan

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"Estar" means 'to be':

I = estoy
Tú = estás
Ud., él y ella = está
Nosotros = estamos
Uds., ellos y ella = están

"Estar" is used here to indicate current condition and location. "Ser", another English equivalent of 'to be', is used to refer to origin, nationality, characteristics, profession and time.
"Ir a" + Infinitive

This formula is used to indicate future action. It is the English equivalent of 'to be going (to)'.

"Ir" (remember to conjugate!) + a + infinitive =
Voy (I am going) a trabajar (to work).

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Present Indicative of "e:ie" Stem-changing Verbs

Some Spanish verbs undergo a stem change in the present indicative. For these verbs, when 'e' is the last stem vowel and it is stressed, it changes to 'ie'.

"Preferir" means 'to prefer'.

Yo = prefiero
Tú = prefieres
Ud., él y ella = prefiere
Nosotros = preferimos
Uds., ellos y ellas = prefieren

Other Stem-changing Verbs:

cerrar: to close
comenzar: to begin/to start
empezar: to begin/to start
entender: to understand
pensar: to think
pensar + (infinitive) = to plan (to do something)
perer = to lose
querer = to want/to wish/to love
Comparisons of Inequality and Equality, Plus the Superlative

Inequality Formula:
más/menos + adj., adverb or noun + que (than)

más = more
menos = less

"¿Tú eres más alta que Ana?" (Are you taller than Ana?)

Note: 'De' is used instead of 'que' before a numerical expression of quantity or amount.

"Luis tiene más de treinto años." (Luis is over thirty years old).

Equality Formula:
'tan' (as) + adj. or adverb + como

"Luis es tan inteligente como Sergio. (Luis is an intelligent as Sergio).

Note: When comparing nouns, we use 'tanto' instead of 'tan'.

"Tengo tantas amigas como amigos." (I have more femals friends than male friends).

This changes with gender. In the example, 'tantAS' modifies 'amigAS'. Don't forget to conjugate!


The Superlative

This construction is similar to the comparative.
Formula: definite article + (noun) + 'más/menos' + (adjective) + 'de'.

"Juan no es muy inteligente." (Juan is not very smart).
"No, es el menos inteligente de la familia." (No, he is the least intelligent in the family).

Note: 'De' translates to 'in' in the superlative form.
Irregular Comparative Forms and the Present Indicative of "o:ue" Stem-Changing Verbs

bueno = good
malo = bad
grande = big
pequeño = small/little


mejor = better
peor = worse
mayor = older
menor = younger

el/la mejor = best
el/la peor = worst
el/la mayor = oldest
el/la menor = youngest

The Present Indicative of "o:ue" Stem-changing Verbs

"Poder" means 'to be able':

Yo = puedo
Tú = puedes
Ud., el u ella = puede
Nosotros = podemos
Uds., ellos y ellas = pueden

Other "o:ue" Verbs:

almorzar: to have lunch
contar: to tell/to count
costar: to cost
dormir: to sleep
encontrar: to find
llover: (impersonal) to rain
morir: to die
recordar: to remember
volar: to fly
volver: to return
The Present Progressive and Uses of "Ser" and "Estar"

The Present Progressive describes an action that is in progress. It is formed when the present tense of the verb "estar" and the gerundio, which is equivalent to the English present participle (the -ing form of the verb).

hablar = hablando (speaking)
comer = comiendo (eating)
escribir = escribiendo (writing)

Other Irregular Verbs:
pedir: pidiendo
decir: diciendo
servir: sirviendo
dormir: durmiendo
traer: trayendo*
leer: leyendo*

*Note that the 'i' of '-iendo' becomes 'y' between vowels.

In Spanish, the present progressive never indicates future action. It's only used for present action. No future tense! Use present tense to describe future action, not present progressive. Example: "Trabajo mañana." (I'm working tomorrow).
Uses of "Ser" and "Estar"

As a general rule, 'ser' expresses WHO or WHAT the subject is essentially. 'Estar' indicates STATE or CONDITION. 'Ser' and 'estar' are not interchangeable.

- Describes the basic nature or character of a person or thing. It is also used with expressions of age that do not refer to a specific year. "Amanda es hermosa y muy inteligente."
- Used to denote nationality, origin, and profession.
- Used to indicate relationship or possession.
- Used with expression of time and dates.
- Used with events as the equivalent of 'taking place.'
- Describes the material that things are made of.

"Estar": Often implies the possibility of change.
- Indicates place or location.
- Used to indicate condition.
- With personal reactions, it describes what is perceived through the senses: how a person seems, looks, tastes and feels.
- Used in the present progressive tense.
Weather Expressions

The verb "hacer", or 'to make', is followed by a noun.

To ask about the weather, say "¿Qué tiempo hace?" (What's the weather like?).

llover (o:ue) = to rain (Llueve. = It rains).
nevar (e:ie) = to snow (Nieva. = It snows).

"¿Hace frío en Guatemala?" (Is it cold in Guatemala?).

"Hace" = it is
"Hay" = it's

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Vocabulary from Chapters 1-5

¿como? = how?
con = with
¿cuál? = what? which?
de = from/where
¿dónde? = where?
en = in/at
hay = there is/there are
hoy = today
pero = but
¿qué? = what?
y = and

Chapter 2

norteamericano = north american
la biblioteca = library
la calle = street
la hora = time (of day)
el tiempo = time
difícil = difficult
fácil = easy
otro(a) = other/another
primero(a) = first
conmigo = with me
¿cuándo? = when?
para = in order
también = also/too
un poco (de) = a little (of)
Chapter 3

el (la) compañero(a) de cuarto = roommate
el informe = report
la novia = girlfriend
el novio = boyfriend
la solicitud = application
llamer = to call
llenar = to fill out
llevar = to take (someone or something someplace)
alto(a) = tall
bajo(a) = short
moreno(a) = dark/brunette
rubio(a) = blonde
simpático(a) = nice/charming
aquí = here
mientras = while
para = for
por qué = why
porque = because
delgado(a) = thin/slender
gordo(a) = fat
guapo(a) = handsome/good-looking
pelirrojo(a) = red-headed

Chapter 4

el cine = movie/movie theater
la comida = food
la hermana = sister
el hermano = brother
la hija = daughter
el hijo = son
el (la) primo(a) = cousin
la sobrina = niece
el sobrino = nephew
la tía = aunt
el tío = uncle
abrazar = to hug
bailar = to dance
dar = to give
llegar = to arrive
pasar = to spend (time)
preparar = to prepare
cansado(a) = tired
ahora = now
contigo = with You (fam.)
dame = give me
que = that/who
sed = thirsty
ocupado = busy

Chapter 5

el arroz = rice
el biftec = steak
el (la) camarero(a), el mozo = waiter/waitress
la comida = meal
el pedido = order
almorzar (o:ue) = to have lunch
dejar = to leave behind
dormir (o:ue) = to sleep
pedir (e:i) = to order
rico(a), sabroso(a) = tasty
tinto = red (when referring to wine)
el jugo = juice
la leche = milk
el mantel = tablecloth
el tenedor = fork
la cuchara = spoon
el cuchillo = knife
el vaso = glass
el taza = tea cup
la servilleta = napkin
la pimienta = peper
la sal = salt
el plato = plate
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